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of September 8, 2020 No. 407

About measures for further enhancement of system of public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

According to the subitem 5) article 44 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of upgrade and increase in system effectiveness of public administration of POSTANOVLYAYU:

1. Form:

1) Agency on strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan with transfer to it of functions and powers of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in spheres of strategic planning and state statistical activities with investment with its functions and powers on:

to development of approaches to implementation of reforms, projects of the regulatory legal acts necessary for implementation of reforms, and also on monitoring and assessment of the course of their realization;

coordination of activities of state bodies and subjects of the quasi-public sector by preparation of documents of system of state planning, and also in coordination, monitoring and assessment of the course of their realization;

to coordination of offers of the state bodies directed to enhancement of system of public administration;

to strategic foresight and carrying out analysis of development of the country and international situation;

coordination of work in the sphere of departmental statistics;

coordination of works on carrying out annual efficiency evaluation of activities of the central state and local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value, capital;

2) Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to transfer to it of functions and powers of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of protection of the competition and restriction of monopolistic activities in the corresponding goods markets, control and regulation of the activities referred to the sphere of the state monopoly.

2. To provide to the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) in coordination with Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan redistribution of the number of staff of state bodies and the organizations subordinated to them;

2) transfer of Committee according to the statistics the Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the corresponding number of staff in maintaining the Agency on strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan with its subsequent transformation to Bureau of national statistics;

3) acceptance of other measures for implementation of this Decree.

3. Determine Agency on strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan by legal successors of the rights and obligations of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the transferred functions and powers.

4. Bring in the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 11, 2008 No. 552 "About approval of the Regulations on Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2008, Art. No. 12-13, 116) the following amendment:

in the List of state bodies, directly subordinate and accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the above-named Decree:

add with lines of the following content:

"Agency on strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

"Agency on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

5. Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a month:

To submit 1) for consideration to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

together with chairmen of the educated agencies on strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on protection and development of the competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan projects of regulations on the educated agencies and their structures;

together with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan offers on redistribution of the number of staff from the reorganized state bodies in the educated agencies, and also on wages system of their workers;

2) to take other measures for implementation of this Decree.

6. To impose control of execution of this Decree on Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Tokayev


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