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It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan 

 On June 5, 2018 No. 153 "b"

It is approved

Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan




Karimzoda H. A.

Approved by the Resolution of Board of National Bank of Tajikistan of March 15, 2018 No. 30

The instruction No. 234 "About procedure for import to the Republic of Tajikistan and export from the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values"

(as amended of the Resolution of Board of National Bank of Tajikistan of 23.05.2019 No. 55)

The instruction 234 "About procedure for import to the Republic of Tajikistan and export from the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values" is developed according to article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About currency control and currency exchange control" and establishes procedure for import to the Republic of Tajikistan and export and transfer from the Republic of Tajikistan by physical persons (residents and nonresidents) and authorized banks of cash national currency, cash foreign currency, current assets to bearer and the securities expressed in documentary form in national and foreign currencies.

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. In this Instruction the following basic concepts are used:

- cash national currency - somoni in the form of banknotes and metal coins of National Bank of Tajikistan;

- cash foreign currency - national currency of foreign states in the form of banknotes (bank notes of the Central (national) Bank) of foreign state) and metal coins;

- currency values - foreign currency, securities and payment documents expressed in foreign currency and also the national currencies, securities and payment documents expressed in national currency only when implementing of transactions by them between residents and nonresidents or between nonresidents;

- payment system - set of the organizations interacting by rules of payment system for the purpose of implementation of money transfer;

- authorized bank - the credit institution making transactions with foreign currency based on the license of National Bank of Tajikistan;

- import of currency values - import through customs border of the Republic of Tajikistan to the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan of cash foreign currency, cash national currency, the securities and means of payment expressed in documentary form in national and foreign currencies; 

- export of currency values - export through customs border of the Republic of Tajikistan from the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan of cash foreign currency, the cash national currency expressed in documentary form of securities and means of payment in national and foreign currencies;

- transfer (delivery) of currency values - transfer from the Republic of Tajikistan or import to the Republic of Tajikistan, acceptance, transportation (delivery), delivery (transfer) of cash foreign currency, cash national currency by means of services of the organizations of the state mail service;

- the translation of currency values - transfer of money and foreign currency through money transfer system and authorized banks;

- the securities in national and foreign currencies expressed in documentary form - payment documents (checks, promissory notes, bills of exchange, letters of credit, payment orders, statements and other orders on payment implementation, etc.), share values (shares, bills of exchange, bonds, certificates on the conclusion of currency transactions "future" and "option", etc.), and also other debt obligations (deposit and savings certificates, guaranty letters, etc.); 

- the main (predicate) crimes - the crimes provided in the Criminal code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the previous legalizations (washing) of income gained in the criminal way, crimes as a result of which making income is gained.

Chapter 2. Import to the Republic of Tajikistan and export from the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values physical persons (residents and nonresidents)

2. Export of cash currency values by physical persons (residents and nonresidents) from the Republic of Tajikistan is performed in the following procedure: 

- physical resident persons and nonresidents can freely, without obligatory written declaring and without presentation of the currency values of the documents which are the basis for export of currency values confirming source of origin from the Republic of Tajikistan one-timely to export currency values in the amount of equivalent 3000 (three thousand) US dollars;

- export from the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values in equivalent from 3001 (three thousand one) US dollars to the amount of equivalent 10000 (ten thousand) US dollars is performed by physical resident persons on condition of obligatory written declaring, without submission of the documents confirming their source origins which are the basis for export of currency values from the Republic of Tajikistan;

- export from the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values of 10000 (ten thousand) US dollars exceeding in equivalent - is performed by physical resident persons on condition of obligatory written declaring and representation of the currency values of the documents which are the basis for export of currency values from the Republic of Tajikistan confirming source of origin;

- export from the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values in equivalent of the exceeding 3000 (three thousand) US dollars by physical nonresident persons is performed on condition of obligatory written declaring and representation of the currency values of the documents which are the basis for export of cash foreign currency from the Republic of Tajikistan confirming source of origin.

3. Import of currency values by physical persons (residents and nonresidents) to the Republic of Tajikistan is performed without restrictions with observance of requirements of the customs legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan. 

4. Physical persons (residents and nonresidents) can also voluntarily declare and perform through customs border of the Republic of Tajikistan export of currency values in the amount equivalent to 3 000 (three thousand) US dollars.

5. Export and import of currency values through customs border of the Republic of Tajikistan by couriers, mailings, load carrying transport and/or other types of transport is subject to declaring with observance of requirements of Items 2 - the 4th this Instruction.

6. The supporting documents of source of origin of currency values which are the basis for export from the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values are:

- the customs declaration which is drawn up by customs authorities and confirming the fact of import by physical person (residents and nonresidents) to the Republic of Tajikistan of currency values;

- the document confirming making of exchange and/or conversion transactions with foreign currency issued to physical persons (residents and nonresidents) by authorized banks (their branches) or their structural divisions in case of sale of cash foreign currency to them;


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