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of June 19, 2020 No. PP-4755

About additional measures for development of the sphere of tourism in case of strict observance of requirements of the strengthened mode of sanitary and epidemiologic safety

(as amended on 17-01-2024)

For the purpose of the accelerated recovery and forming of the new directions of development of the sphere of tourism after stabilization of sanitary and epidemiologic situation in the country, and also according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 28, 2020 No. UP-6002 "About Urgent Measures of Support of the Sphere of Tourism for Decrease in Negative Impact of Koronavirusny Pandemic":

1. Determine that:

a) ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 30.10.2021 No. PP-5270

b) unauthorized use of mark of conformity (star) means of placement, including at international venues of booking, is the basis for suspension of action of the certificate on rendering hotel services before violation elimination in accordance with the established procedure;

c) since August 1, 2020:

at the international airports "Andijan", "Bukhara" and "Urgench" according to rules of international law the Open Sky regime providing cancellation of restrictions on the number of flights and the directions, and also provision to foreign airlines of the fifth degree "freedom of air" is introduced;

foreign airlines can perform regular flights in the international airports at which the Open Sky regime, irrespective of availability of intergovernmental agreements about air traffic, on condition of their compliance to international standards of International Civil Aviation Organization (IKAO) on safety of flights and aviation safety by results of verification of the relevant documents of airline is introduced;

for a period of three years rates and charges at the level of established for airlines - residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied to the foreign airlines which are carrying out flights in the international airports of the country with the Open Sky mode;

costs of the business entities included in the Register of safe objects of system "in Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED" ("Uzbekistan. Safe travel of GARANTIROVANO"), till December 31, 2020 on carrying out by the organizations of sanitary and epidemiologic service of the antiepidemiological preventive actions directed to disinfection, disinsection, deratization, and also the prevention of origin and decrease in level of infectious diseases in buildings and constructions of objects of the tourist and accompanying infrastructure are compensated for the account of the funds allocated from the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

master plans of the cities and areas in the course of their development and approval are surely approved with Committee on tourism regarding development of tourist infrastructure;

services of the guide (guide-interpreter), the guide and instructors-conductors are included in the list of types of activity (works, services) in which self-employed persons can be engaged;

d) from July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023 rates of the income tax, property, the land tax and the receipts tax on core activity of the non-state (private) museums, art galleries and centers of workmanship decrease by 50 percent from the established rates.

2. Agree with offers of the State committee on tourism development, the Ministries of Health, the Ministries of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and subjects of the sphere of tourism about:

implementation for tourists of system of sanitary and epidemiologic safety "Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED";

creation of Fund of safe tourism with implementation of payment mechanisms of compensating payments in the amount of 3 thousand US dollars in case of infection of foreign tourists with koronavirusny infection (COVID-19) during the travel on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized by tour operator - resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan with observance of requirements of system "Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED".

3. Establish procedure according to which rendering services by tour operators to foreign tourists during quarantine is performed only in objects of the tourist and accompanying infrastructure, safe objects of system included in the Register "by Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED".

Determine that:

The fund of safe tourism is created at the expense of the initial contribution of Anti-recessionary fund under the Ministry of Finance in the amount of 20 billion sum, and also payments for passing of the voluntary certification implemented within system "by Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED", in the amount of two basic settlement sizes;

the residual amount of the funds allocated from Anti-recessionary fund in Fund of safe tourism till January 1, 2022 is listed in off-budget fund of support of tourism and sport under the Ministry of tourism and sport and goes to the purposes determined according to the procedure of use of fund of support of tourism and sport;

system "Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED" without fail takes root in objects of servicing of foreign tourists;

officials of the organizations guilty of violation of conditions and requirements of system "Uzbekistan. Safe travel GUARANTEED" in the course of servicing of foreign tourists, are made responsible according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

4. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two-month time to make offers on further liberalization of visa regime for foreign citizens since January 1, 2021 and implementation of the immigration program "Uzbekistan-my second home" ("Uzbekistan - my second house") providing involvement to permanent residence in the Republic of Uzbekistan of the persons having the considerable capital, high academic knowledge or having the special skills demanded for the accelerated social and economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5. Determine that:

a) The committee on tourism is authorized state body in the field of development and the organization of activities of the tourist and recreational zones (further - tourist zones) created according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About special economic zones" and performs the following additional tasks:

organization of effective management of tourist zones;

creation in the territory of tourist zones of necessary investment conditions for construction of facilities of tourist infrastructure and their successful functioning;

carrying out marketing work on promotion of potential of tourist zones among target category of tourists;

b) The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan heads administrative board of tourist zones;


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