Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 2, 2020 No. ZRU-626

About geodetic and cartographic activities

(as amended on 03-11-2022)

Accepted by Legislative house on February 18, 2020

Approved by the Senate on June 19, 2020

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of geodetic and cartographic activities.

Article 2. Legislation on geodetic and cartographic activities

The legislation on geodetic and cartographic activities consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about geodetic and cartographic activities then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

geographical information system - the automated system intended for collection, processing, the analysis, storage, modeling and display of data on geographical objects and also for the solution of information and calculation tasks of nation-wide or industry value with use of cartographic information;

geodesy - area of the relations arising in the course of scientific, educational, productive and other activity by determination of figure, external gravitational field of Earth, coordinates of points of the land surface and their changes in time;

geodetic and cartographic activities - the scientific, productive and management activity directed to determination of parameters of figure, external gravitational field of Earth, coordinates of points of the land surface and their changes in time, creation, development and preserving in working order state geodetic, gravimetric and leveling networks, network of permanent stations of satellite observation, creation and updating of topographic, thematic maps, plans and cartographic basis for the state inventories, banks (bases) of geospatial data and geographic information systems;

geodetic and cartographic materials (this) - all resulting and intermediate effects of geodetic, leveling, gravimetric measurements, space and cartographic images received when implementing geodetic and cartographic activities irrespective of type and method of fixing of information;

gravimetric network - system of geodetic Items on the land surface with the known values of gravity;

remote sensing of Earth - obtaining process by not contact methods of information on the Earth's surface, objects on it or in its subsoil;

cartography - area of the relations arising in the course of scientific, educational, productive and other activity on studying, creation, use, transformation and display of space (geospatial) data, including with use of information (geoinformation) systems;

cartographic monitoring - system of continuous observation of the land surface for the purpose of cartographic studying of condition of the area;

thematic map, the plan, the atlas - cartographic materials which main contents are determined by specific subject, plot, the natural or public phenomena or their combination;

the topographic map - the detailed cartographic image of the area in certain scale allowing to determine both planned, and high-rise provision of points on the land surface;

survey - complex of the works performed for the purpose of receipt of the film-making original of the topographic map or the plan;

the topographical plan - cartographic display to the planes in orthogonal projection in large scale of the limited site of the area within which curvature of the equalized surface is not considered;

infrastructure of space data - system of basic and specialized space data, metadata, standards and regulations, information hubs, geoservices for access and exchange of geographical information resources;

National infrastructure of space data - the system including organizational structure, scientific and technical policy, technical and software, basic and profile space data, metadata and bases of metadata, services of space data, regulatory legal acts, and also regulating documents in the field of technical regulation concerning production, updating, processing, storage, provision, integration and use of space data which are available in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

space (geospatial) data - the information containing data on location of objects of the area, provided in certain form and systems of coordinates;


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