Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 20, 2020 No. ZR-129

About material reserve

(as amended on 28-11-2023)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on March 4, 2020

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the Law

This Law governs the relations connected with forming, placement, storage, use, replenishment and updating of material reserve.

Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Armenia on material reserve

1. The relations in the sphere of material reserve are governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, this Law, other laws and legal acts of the Republic of Armenia.

2. If the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Armenia provide other regulations, than are provided by this Law, then regulations of international treaties are applied.

Article 3. The basic concepts used in the Law

1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) material reserve - the reserve of material values of special function consisting of reserves of the state, mobilization and strategic inventories;

2) the state reserve - reserve of material values of special function which is property of the Republic of Armenia and includes raw material stocks, the materials and goods necessary for needs of Armed forces and other troops, life support and health cares of the population of the Republic of Armenia which are held for use according to the procedure, established by this Law;

3) quick response inventory - the group of material values which is component of the state reserve which is provided for material logistics of rescue operations in extraordinary situations or in case of their threat, the urgent humanitarian assistance to the population which was affected by catastrophic crash and includes inventories of instant foodstuff, dry rations, individual protection equipment and other goods;

4) mobilization reserve - reserve of the material values of special function provided for satisfaction of mobilization needs of the country including for production and repair of the military and manufactured goods necessary for expansion of Armed forces and other troops, ensuring smooth operation of economy during warlike situation. It is created by the organizations having mobilization task and neubyvayemy raw material stocks, the materials and goods necessary for accomplishment of their mobilization tasks enter it;

5) reserve of strategic inventories - the reserve of material values of special function accumulated by the import organizations and constantly protected having strategic appointment;

6) authorized body – authorized body of public administration in the sphere of internal affairs;

7) management of system of material reserve - management of the Government of the processes connected with forming, storage and servicing of inventories of material reserve for the purpose of effective activities of system of material reserve;

8) neubyvayemy inventories of material reserve - constantly stored minimum inviolable amount of material values of material reserve;

9) delivery of material values of material reserve - purchase and (or) unloading (transportation) of material values in the organizations provided for their storage for forming of material reserve;

10) leave of material values from material reserve - realization or voluntary conveyance of material values of the state, mobilization or strategic reserves to certain receiver (consumer) or their realization in the market;

11) storage of material values of material reserve - storage of material values of material reserve in the organizations performing it without right to use provision by these values before acceptance in accordance with the established procedure decisions on their leave from material reserve;

12) updating of inventories of material reserve - leave of material values from material reserve because of damage of container or packaging, spoil or quality degradation of the kept material values (owing to certain circumstances), and also the expirations of fixed term of their storage on condition of simultaneous warehousing of similar material values in equal quantity;

13) replacement of material values of material reserve - the leave of material values from material reserve provided by mobilization task or connected with change of standards and manufacturing techniques of products on condition of simultaneous warehousing of material values of the same appointment in the same quantity;

14) borrowing of material values of material reserve - leave of material values from material reserve under certain conditions, on condition of further return or recovery of similar material values in the same quantity;

15) razbronirovaniye of material values of material reserve - permission to leave or use of the material values accepted according to the procedure, established by this Law, without condition of further return or recovery;

16) unauthorized use of material values of material reserve - use or alienation of material values of material reserve with violation of the procedure established by this Law;

17) the organization having mobilization task - the organization to which the Government charges the state order in the procedure established by the legislation.

Article 4. Purpose of material reserve

1. The material reserve is provided to be used in the following purposes:

1) to provide mobilization needs of the Republic of Armenia;

2) in case of prevention of emergency situations or their origin to provide implementation of actions for decrease and elimination of possible consequences, to rescue and urgent emergency recovery operations and civil defense;

3) in case of not proportionality between the demand and supply in the domestic market during temporary interruptions of delivery of food, raw and fuel and energy inventories, and also other necessities to render assistance to different industries of economy, the organizations, local government bodies;

4) to provide the humanitarian assistance;

5) in case of food crisis as regards reserves of the state inventories to exert the regulating impact on the market.

Article 5. Single republican system of material reserve

1. Forming, storage and servicing of inventories of material reserve are provided by means of the authorized body and the organizations performing forming, storage and servicing of material reserve which constitute single republican system of material reserve (further - system of material reserve).

2. The structure of system of material reserve and procedure for management of material reserve are established by the Government.

Article 6. Nomenclature of material values of material reserve and regulation, amounts and terms of their accumulating

1. The nomenclature, amount, regulations of accumulating and terms of warehousing of material values of material reserve, and also procedure for development and accounting of the nomenclature and regulations are established by the Government.

2. The annual amount of accumulating of material values in the state reserve is planned as a part of public procurements within the means provided for this purpose by the government budget the current year.


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