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of May 17, 2019 No. 1587-VQ

About standardization

According to Item 24 of part 1 of article 94 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic this Law determines the purposes and the principles of standardization, the legal basis of process of development, acceptance and application of regulating documents in the field of standardization, sources of financing of activities for standardization, questions of international cooperation in the field of standardization and activities of subjects of standardization in this area.

Chapter I. Basic provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

1.0. For the purposes of this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1.0.1. standardization - the activities consisting of process of development, acceptance and application of the regulating documents directed to increase in safety and quality of the subjects of standardization intended for mass and reuse;

1.0.2. the standard - the regulating document intended for reuse and general use which determines regulations, rules and recommendations about goods (works, services), the related processes (including management system) and to production methods which application is voluntary;

1.0.3. the international standard - the standard accepted by International Organizations for Standardization;

1.0.4. the regional standard - the standard accepted by regional standardization organizations;

1.0.5. state standard - the standard accepted by national authority on standardization;

1.0.6. preliminary state standard - the regulating document on standardization which application is temporary, intended for receipt of necessary experience in case of its use;

1.0.7. interstate standards - the standards accepted by mutual consent of two or more states and used in the corresponding relations with each other;

1.0.8. the banished standard - the standard developed for the purpose of accomplishment of the main requirements established by the technical regulation and applications of the technical regulation;

1.0.9. technical committee - the consultative body created with participation of concerned parties for the purpose of development of regulating documents on standardization;

1.0.10. concerned parties - state bodies (organizations), legal entities and physical persons applying regulating documents on standardization or interested in development of these documents;

1.0.11. specifications - the regulating document which application is to the voluntary, determining technical requirements to goods (works, services), related processes (including management systems) and to production methods;

1.0.12. the state fund of standardization - the information resource created in interaction with the relevant state bodies (organizations), the relevant international, regional organizations and the organizations of foreign countries, and also the local organizations and consisting of set of documents in the field of standardization and managed by national authority on standardization;

1.0.13. official publication - publication of regulating documents on standardization on paper and electronic media national authority on standardization based on the state fund of standardization;

1.0.14. official distribution - representation or sale of the official publication by national authority on standardization based on the corresponding requests of the organizations, physical persons or legal entities with copyright protection;

1.0.15. subject of standardization - goods (work, service), the connected process (including management system), production method;

1.0.16. updating of standards - process of modification of copies of regulating documents on standardization according to established procedure and (or) term of their action, replacement or cancellation for the purpose of their content in urgent condition;

1.0.17. adaptation - the activities reflecting the latest developments of science and technology and providing use and application for national interests of the international, regional, interstate and foreign standards determining modern quality requirements and goods competitiveness (works, services), the related processes (including management systems), production method;

1.0.18. the national authority on standardization - the body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority of the Azerbaijan Republic which carries out the work following from state policy in the field of standardization provides coordination of work on standardization and represents the interests of the Azerbaijan Republic in the international and regional standardization organizations;

1.0.19. consensus - the consensus reached as a result of the procedure which is characterized by lack of strong objections of most of concerned parties on important issues and directed to accounting of opinions of all parties and coordination of various opinions;

1.0.20. examination of regulating documents in the field of standardization - verification of regulating documents on standardization for the purpose of determination of need of their improvement or cancellation;

1.0.21. business entity - producer, the importer and the sales representative (agent);

1.0.22. management system - set of the procedures and processes providing achievement of specific purpose;

1.0.23. assessment of conformity - process of determination of compliance of goods (work, service), the connected process (including management system), production method to the requirements specified in standards;

1.0.24. objects of assessment of conformity - goods (works, services), the related processes (including management systems), production methods.

Article 2. Scope of the law

2.1. This Law governs the relations arising in the field of standardization and extends to all state bodies (organizations), physical persons and legal entities operating in this area.

2.2. Provisions of this Law do not extend to determination of mandatory requirements to safety of goods (works, services), the related processes (including management systems), the production method, regulatory legal acts determining the specified mandatory requirements and also to obligatory assessment of conformity on these regulatory legal acts.

2.3. This Law does not extend to the standards concerning education, national financial accounting, state security and defense.

2.4. The relations arising in the field of standardization in the Alatsky free economic zone are regulated according to requirements of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About the Alatsky free economic zone".

Article 3. Legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on standardization

The legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic on standardization consists of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, this Law, other regulatory legal acts and international treaties which participant is the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 4. Purposes and principles of standardization

4.1. The purposes of standardization are:

4.1.1. creation of conditions for free movement of goods (services, works), related processes (including management systems), production method and elimination of unnecessary technical barriers to international trade;


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