Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since   July 1, 2020 in connection with expiration


of March 17, 2020 No. 149

About introduction of temporary ban on export of separate types of goods from the Republic of Belarus

(as amended on 28-05-2020)

According to articles 29 and 47 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014, subitem 1.5 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 5, 2016 "About state regulation of foreign trade activity" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 124

1. Establish temporary ban on export:

out of limits of the Republic of Belarus in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - EEU) goods according to the list according to appendix regardless of the country of their origin;

out of limits of customs area of EEU in the Republic of Belarus to the states which are not members of EEU, the goods according to the list according to appendix regardless of the country of their origin placed (placed) in the Republic of Belarus under customs procedures of export, temporary export, outward processing and re-export (further - customs procedures).

The temporary ban specified in paragraph three of part one of this Item also extends to the goods placed under customs procedures in the Republic of Belarus before entry into force of this resolution and which actual export out of limits of customs area of EEU in the Republic of Belarus according to customs procedures is performed after entry into force of this resolution.

2. Action of Item 1 of this resolution does not extend to commodity exportation, including in case of their room under customs procedures:

for rendering the international humanitarian assistance to foreign states based on decisions of the Government of the Republic of Belarus;

physical persons for private use;

moved within the international transit carriages which are beginning and coming to an end outside customs area of EEU;

being the goods of EEU moved between the territories of state members of EEU of others than the Republic of Belarus, through the territory of the states which are not members of EEU.

3. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with the established procedure:

notify the Eurasian economic commission on introduction of the temporary ban specified in Item 1 of this resolution;

submit for consideration of the Eurasian economic commission the offer on application by other state members of EEU of the measure similar established in Item 1 of this resolution.

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication, except for Item 3, of this resolution which is becoming effective from the date of acceptance, and is effective till July 1, 2020.

Operation of this resolution extends to the relations which arose since March 16, 2020.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Rumas


to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 17, 2020 No. 149

The inventory concerning which the temporary ban on export from the Republic of Belarus is imposed

Description of goods

Code of the CN FEA EEU

Respirator for work with goggles, 3rd degree of protection, FFP3, to 50 maximum allowable concentrations

from the 6307th 90,
from  9020 00 000 0

Respirator antiaerosol FFP3

from the 6307th 90,
from  9020 00 000 0

Goggles hermetic

from 9004 90

Full-front mask for use with antiaerosol FFP3 filters

from the 6307th 90,
from  9020 00 000 0

Filters for full-front mask antiaerosol FFP3

from  8421 39 200 9,
from  8421 39 600 0,
from  8421 39 800 7,
from  8421 99 000 8

One-time coveralls of chemical protection

from  3926 20 000 0,
from 5603,
from 5903,
from 5906,
from  5907 00 000 0,
from 6210

One-time suits of chemical protection

from  3926 20 000 0,
from 5603,
from 5903,
from 5906,
from  5907 00 000 0,
from 6210

Protivochumny suit I of type reusable

from 6211

Boot covers are especially strong

from 3926

It is excluded


Gloves are surgical sterile, unsterile, from natural or synthetic latex, rubber, one-time and for repeated application, protective

from  4015 11 000 0

Gloves are medical diagnostic, viewing, sterile, unsterile, from natural or synthetic latex, rubber, one-time and for repeated application, protective

from  4015 19 000 0

Masks are medical, one-time and for repeated application

from 6307 90 *, **

Surgical scrubs one-time and for reusable use

from 6207,

from 6208,

from 6210 10 920 0 **

Sets medical one-time of nonwoven fabrics, sterile and unsterile, set of clothes of the doctor, protective, set individual medical civil protection for rendering primary medical and sanitary and first aid, set of linen and clothes sterile for operating rooms, coveralls and surgical scrubs

from 6203,

from 6204 **


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