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of March 26, 2020 No. UP-5975

About measures for cardinal updating of state policy in the sphere of development of economy and reducing poverty

(as amended on 25-12-2023)

At new stage of the reforms based on the principles of liberalization of economy and widespread introduction of market mechanisms, increase in effectiveness of the next works on decrease in role of the state and to expansion of participation of private sector in economy requires development of the specific and transparent controling mechanism economy directed to result.

At the same time tasks on improvement of level and quality of life of the population in regions, in particular to reducing poverty, in many respects are directly connected with the organization of new and stable workplaces due to creation of fundamental conditions for increase in competitiveness of all industries and spheres of economy and development of entrepreneurship.

It in turn requires ensuring coordination in activities of the ministries and departments involved in structural transformations and development of economy, implementation of the modern and inclusive institutional system based on operational identification and elimination of the following problems and obstacles:

the first, process of ensuring compliance between macroeconomic stability, the purposes of economic growth and structural transformations, implementations of effective system and the mechanisms based on the modern forecasting models of management of economic cycles which are formed under the influence of external and internal factors is late;

the second, on absence reason of complete system, the coordinating body, regulatory framework, technique of assessment and the criteria of development and implementation of measures directed to reducing poverty, and also specifically designated tasks of the social support and attraction to entrepreneurship in this direction, overall performance which is carried out in the corresponding national groups remains at a low level;

third, specific approaches and the principles of social and economic development of regions are not completely created, the interrelation between regional and industry development of economy is not provided, the available potential and criteria of "relative benefit" in development of regions are irrationally used, the human capital and demographic factors in placement of production forces are not considered;

the fourth, shortcomings of determination of specific approaches to development of small and medium business, systematization of the activities directed to target financial and non-financial support of entrepreneurship in the country, especially training of the population in entrepreneurship and professions including the organizations of assessment works of efficiency of the funds allocated at the expense of all programs are observed;

the fifth, the single industrial policy and strategy based on performance improvement of work in the industries which are fundamental drivers of development of the industry of the country, specific mechanisms and instruments of strengthening of competitiveness of industry in these processes are not developed the due attention was not paid to questions of updating and effective use of technical regulations proceeding from requirements of time.

For the purpose of implementation in the country of system of realization of optimum state policy of reducing poverty by means of maintaining effective macroeconomic policy, and also ensuring stable rates of economic growth and improvement of the entrepreneurial circle:

1. Transform the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Ministry), having determined it the main objectives:

a) in the field of development, coordination and maintaining macroeconomic policy:

implementation of market mechanisms of management of economy on the basis of the analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic indicators, forming of the strategy of development for primary branches of the economy connected with condition of real production sector, environment of the internal and external markets, and tendencies of global and regional economic development;

implementation of system of development and effective use of indicators of provisional estimate of condition of real production sector;

development of human capital and performance improvement of work, effective distribution of production and financial resources, development and ensuring realization of the conceptual directions and tasks of the economic development based on forming of necessary infrastructure;

realization together with the Central bank, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other departments of the coordinated policy on ensuring macroeconomic stability, including decrease in the rate of inflation and achievement of effective objectives;

active participation in process of forming of policy of support of export, and also policy of tariff and non-tariff regulation in export and import, developed by the Ministry of investments and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

impact assessment of the actions and reforms provided in the strategy of development of agricultural industry on work performance improvement, growth in volumes of production and conversion of products, creation of workplaces, and also development of relevant proposals;

b) in the field of reducing poverty:

ensuring inclusivity of economic growth, development, realization and coordination of strategy and programs of reducing poverty in cooperation with state bodies, non-state non-profit organizations, public organizations, the international financial institutions and the foreign government financial organizations;

development of specific tools and mechanisms of reducing poverty, development and deployment of criteria of determination of level of poverty and technique of its assessment, the minimum standards and normative bases of social security taking into account foreign experience;

implementation of measures for achievement of the national purposes and tasks in the sphere of sustainable development, carrying out system work on development of methodology of calculation of subsistence minimum and the minimum consumer goods basket and to studying of differentiation of the income of the population with ensuring their coordination with the state target programs;

carrying out together with the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan of mutually agreed works on high-quality market development of work and its structure, to the analysis and enhancement of processes of labor migration, distribution of manpower;

development and realization together with the Ministry of preschool and school education, the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of youth policy and sport, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan of development programs of human capital;

c) in the field of social and economic development of regions:

determination and realization of the factors and directions giving impetus to development of regions, considering their natural and raw and manpower, and also "relative benefits";


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