of November 22, 1996 No. 48-I
About fire safety
Ensuring fire safety is integral part of the state activities for protection of life and human health, property, national wealth and the environment.
This Law governs legal relations of state bodies, physical persons and legal entities in the field of ensuring fire safety in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) object with mass stay of people - buildings, constructions and premises of trade enterprises, public catering, consumer services, the sports and improving, sports, cultural and educational and spectacular organizations, institutions dedicated to religion, entertaining institutions, stations of all modes of transport expected simultaneous stay of hundred and more people, and also buildings and constructions of the organizations of health care, education, hotels expected simultaneous stay of twenty five and more people;
2) accreditation - official recognition by authorized body in the field of fire safety of competences of the legal entity to perform works on carrying out independent risks assessment in the field of fire safety;
3) the certificate of accreditation - the document issued by authorized body in the field of fire safety, certifying the right of the legal entity to perform works on carrying out independent risks assessment in the field of fire safety;
4) the voluntary firefighter - the citizen who is directly participating on voluntary basis in activities for the prevention and (or) suppression of the fires, registered in the register of voluntary firefighters;
5) the selitebny territory - part of the territory of the settlement which is intended for placement of housing stock, public buildings and constructions, and also separate utility and industrial facilities;
6) object - the property of physical persons or legal entities, state-owned property, including buildings, constructions, structures, technological installations, the equipment, aggregates and other property to which are established or shall be established requirements of fire safety for prevention of the fire and protection of people in case of the fire;
7) the fire - the uncontrollable burning causing material damage, harm of life and to human health, interests of society and state;
8) voluntary fire-proof forming - the public associations created for implementation of actions for prevention and suppression of the steppe fires, and also the fires in the organizations, settlements in which bodies of the public fire service are not created;
9) fire service - set created according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, governing bodies, forces and means of bodies of the public fire service in areas, the city of republican value, the capital, the cities of regional value, areas, and also the non-state fire services intended for the organization of the prevention of the fires and their suppression, carrying out the first-priority wrecking connected with suppression of the fires;
10) fire safety - condition of security of people, property, society and state from the fires;
11) requirements of fire safety - the special conditions of technical and (or) social nature established for the purpose of ensuring fire safety with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
12) independent risks assessment in the field of fire safety - business activity on establishment of compliance or discrepancy of objects to requirements of fire safety;
13) the state control in the field of fire safety activities of authorized body within its competence, aimed at ensuring compliance with requirements of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan by physical persons and legal entities, presidential decrees of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the orders of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of fire safety;
14) authorized body in the field of fire safety (further - authorized body) - the state body performing management in the field of fire safety;
15) measures of fire safety - action for fulfillment of requirements of fire safety;
16) the first-priority wrecking connected with suppression of the fires - actions for rescuing and evacuation of people, property, rendering the first pre-medical aid by the victim in case of the fires;
17) fire and technical products - the special technical, scientific and technical and intellectual products intended for ensuring fire safety including the fire fighting equipment and the equipment, fire equipment, fire-fighting and fireproof substances, means of special communication and management, the program for electronic computers and the database, and also other warning facilities and suppressions of the fires;
18) the expert organization - the organization accredited in accordance with the established procedure on implementation of activities for independent risks assessment in the field of fire safety;
19) critical infrastructure - the organizations of health care, telecommunications, bonds, gazo-, power - warm, water supply and water disposal, the termination (suspension) of operation of which involves business disruption of social and engineering infrastructures of settlements and the territories.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 26, 2013 according to article 109 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 11, 2014 No. 188-V ZRK