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The document ceased to be valid since March 22, 2020 according to the Resolution of the Chief state health officer of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 22, 2020 No. 26-PGVR


of March 16, 2020 No. 25 PGVR

About measures for safety of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About introduction of emergency state in RK"

For the purpose of the prevention of spread of koronavirusny infection (further - KVI) among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan POSTANOVLYAYU:

І. Restrictive actions on entry into the country

1. To inspection department of quality and safety of goods and services on transport, territorial departments of Committee of quality control and safety of goods and services, to structural divisions of bodies of state revenues at automobile check points through Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide:

1) carrying out sanitary and quarantine control with obligatory thermometry and questioning of all persons (passengers, carriers, members of crews, stewards and others) at all check points through Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) data processing by system of recognition of questionnaires with their transfer to the Web application of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan within two hours after flight arrival;

3) completion of specialists of sanitary and quarantine Items at check points on frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan individual protection equipment (respirators, goggles, protective (antiplague) I-II suits - types or one-time protective (antiplague) suits) and disinfectants taking into account the round-the-clock operating mode;

4) carrying out sanitary and educational and explanatory work on posts of transport control among carriers and passengers on prevention and the prevention of distribution of KVI;

5) the organization of placement of evident propaganda for the prevention of distribution of KVI and also to inform passengers on loud-speaking communication concerning prevention of KVI;

6) distribution of instruction sheets to all leaving citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Kazakhstan and to all citizens coming from abroad concerning prevention of KVI in the conditions of threat of its delivery and distribution in the world;

7) carrying out sanitary and educational work among the population with use of mass media concerning prevention of KVI;

8) review and placement of algorithms of the notification in the revealed suspicious cases of SARS to higher and local executive bodies;

9) instructing of staff of control facilities on Frontier on measures of prevention and the prevention of distribution of KVI.

ІІ. Restrictive actions in the territory of the republic

2. To akims, heads of managements of health care of areas, cities of Almaty, Nour-Sultan, Shymkent to provide:

1) quarantine for 14 days with isolation in the rooms determined by local executive bodies, persons which arrived from the countries of category 1a) according to appendix 1 to this resolution from the moment of which last visit there passed less than 14 days, except for government delegations, and also owners of diplomatic passports, pilots of airlines and members of locomotive crews, the faces tied with transportation activities on rail transport;

2) isolation at home (house quarantine) within 14 days from the date of crossing of border of the Republic of Kazakhstan of persons which arrived from the countries of category 1b) according to appendix 1 to this resolution, except for government delegations, and also owners of diplomatic passports, pilots of airlines and members of locomotive crews, the faces tied with transportation activities on rail transport. In case of lack of conditions for isolation hospitalization is recommended at home.

Board the conductors of airlines which arrived from the countries of category 1a) are subject to isolation at home (house quarantine) as persons which arrived from the countries of category 1b);

3) observation by the health worker of PHC in the place of residence (stay) by call-down within 14 days from the date of crossing of border of RK of persons which arrived from the countries of category 2 according to appendix 1 to this resolution.

Members of government delegations, and also the owners of diplomatic passports, pilots of airlines and members of locomotive crews, faces tied with transportation activities on rail transport, which arrived from the countries of category 1a) and 1b) are subject to medical observation in the place of residence (stay) by call-down as persons which arrived from the countries of category 2;

3. To the central state bodies, akims of areas, cities of Almaty, Nour-Sultan, Shymkent to provide introduction and control of execution:

1) prohibition on carrying out audio, photo and video filming in the organizations of health care, in the rooms determined by local executive bodies for quarantine and also in case of delivery of health care at home health workers;

2) prohibition on holding mass actions (festive, sports and mass, spectacular cultural events, holding of conferences, seminars, exhibitions, etc.);

3) suspensions of operations of movie theaters, night clubs, fitness, gyms (centers), children's playgrounds under shopping malls, the organizations of out-of-school additional education (the centers of development, education, mug, open classrooms, etc.), computer clubs of sports complexes (circles, sections, etc.), except for the sports bases accredited in National Olympic Committee only during their use for training of the national teams of teams for the Olympic and Paraolimpiysky Games, Tokyo-2020;

4) departure prohibition on the international sporting, cultural, tourist events to the countries, unsuccessful on KVI, except for departure on medical indications. Permission of departure to citizens on treatment abroad accompanied by no more than two people, in the presence of the following documents:

- the conclusion of the medical and consulting commission of the territorial out-patient and polyclinic organization for confirmation of the diagnosis and urgency of treatment, according to the form 035-1/y approved by the order of the acting minister of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 23, 2010 No. 907 "About approval of forms of primary medical documentation of the organizations of health care";

- the letter invitation from the foreign medical organization on treatment, with notarially attested transfer;

5) prohibition on use of hookahs in public catering objects;

6) absolute quarantine (prohibition of visits) and the strengthened sanitary and disinfection mode in the medical organizations, medico-social objects for elderly and persons with limited opportunities, children's homes, orphanages, the centers of social resettlement, educational institutions for children of disabled people, residential type;

7) the strengthened sanitary and disinfection mode (installation of sanitayzer for processing of hands, processing of surfaces at least two times a day, wet cleaning using disinfectants, airing) on subjects to mass stay and life support (shopping centers, the markets, religious appointment, TsONy, municipal services, bath, the food industry, public catering, stations, the airports, service industries (beauty shops, studio and others), hotels, etc.), health cares (including drugstores) and educations;

8) processings using washing and disinfectants of public transport after each flight, public transport stops (at least two times a day), places of general use (sidewalks, parks, squares, the areas, etc.);

9) sales of products of food in the packed-up type, except for vegetables and fruit;

10) rendering services to the population on objects of trade, public catering in the one-time gloves which are subject to replacement at least two times in change and in case of integrity violation (the sellers, cooks, waiters, cashiers and other employees having direct contact with food);

11) observance of distance between tables at least 2 meters in the food courts located in the territory of large shopping facilities;

12) active epidemiological surveillance, identification and isolation of patients (and persons with suspicion) with the displays of viral infection similar in clinical signs to KVI;

13) uses of masks or respirators of high degree of protection by health workers and personnel which actions are connected with survey, transportation, work in the center, hospitalization, treatment and servicing of patients with suspicion on KVI;

14) the organizations and holding seminars for specialists of territorial subdivisions of Committee of quality control and safety of goods and services, the organizations of health care for epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics of KVI, the organization and holding actions for sanitary protection of borders of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of threat of delivery and distribution of KVI;

15) briefings with complete scope of all staff of the medical organizations of the region for holding anti-epidemic actions under KVI with demonstration of protective suits I-II of types and individual protection equipment;

16) briefing and explanatory work among organizers of tours (specialists of travel companies) and travelers (medical, private and business tourism) on prevention and the prevention of distribution of KVI;

17) regular informing the population concerning prevention of KVI, taking measures to the prevention of panic among the population.

4. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with akimats of areas, cities of Almaty, Nour-Sultan, Shymkent to provide:

1) exit to vacation of the organizations of secondary education from March 16 to April 5, 2020;

2) transfer into distance training of the organizations of education (to provide the maximum transfer if technically possible), including carrying out all types of assessment of knowledge;

3) observance of the sanitary and disinfection mode in the organizations of education and education (airing, wet cleaning at least three times in change, disinfection);

4) cancellation of room training system;

5) quartz treatment of rooms of groups in preschool institutions;

6) carrying out the morning filter (survey in case of acceptance of children in group) in preschool institutions;

7) prohibition of excursions of pupils during vacation and effective period of emergency state.

5. To provide to the ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan restriction of the international passenger traffics with the countries 1a, 1b, 2 categories.

6. To provide to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) protection of places of karantinization and provisional hospitalization contact on KVI;

2) taking measures to search and the placement on quarantine contact on KVI.

7. To the ministry of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with akimats of areas, cities of Almaty, Nour-Sultan, Shymkent to speed up information and explanatory work on prevention of distribution of KVI among the population.

ІІІ. Organization and holding anti-epidemic actions for localization of the centers of infection

8. Approve the Algorithm of data processing of passengers, for the purpose of monitoring and conducting investigation in case of registration of KVI according to appendix 2 to this order.

9. Approve procedure for purpose of type of quarantine for persons which had the increased risk of infection of KVI according to appendix 3 to this resolution.

10. To akims of areas, cities of Almaty, Nour-Sultan, Shymkent to provide:


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