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of January 28, 2019 No. UP-5644

About first-priority measures for increase in responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan for efficiency of realization of strategic tasks of social and economic development of the country

For the expired two years the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan realizes complex measures for accomplishment of the tasks determined by the Strategy of actions by five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017 - 2021. Radical reforming of system of bodies of the public and economic board, increase in their responsibility for deepening of reforms, preserving macroeconomic stability, execution of the key social and economic parameters and the Government budget are provided.

Number of the comprehensive programs directed to reducing presence of the state at economy, development of the principles of public-private partnership, activization of investment policy, expansion of the export potential and foreign economic relations, removal of bureaucratic barriers on the way of development of free entrepreneurship is implemented.

In the center of attention there are transformations in the social sphere. Execution of the made decisions on improvement of domestic conditions of the population, especially in rural and the remote areas is provided, to development of complex infrastructure, implementation of modern information and communication technologies. The taken measures to some extent promoted increase in material wealth, level and quality of life of various categories of the population of the republic.

At the same time, the further accelerated development of the country causes need of review of the operating approaches and methods of work of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, implementation of qualitatively new and innovative methods of the organization of its activities, increase in independence of heads of departments for realization of state policy and achievement of specific results in the fixed spheres.

It is required to review cardinally organizational and regular structure of the Government, it is essential to simplify procedures of examination of documents, to provide mobility and efficiency of decision making, to implement the system of assessment of the activities of heads of the ministries, state committees and departments based on achievement of specific indicators and target indicators which is widely applied abroad.

For the purpose of radical enhancement of the organization of work of the Government, forming of qualitatively new system of executive bodies meeting the modern requirements, providing timely and in full realization of the tasks determined in the President's letter of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 28, 2018 and also according to the Concept of administrative reform in the Republic of Uzbekistan:

1. Draw the personal attention of cabinet ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of bodies of the public and economic board, and also the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas, the cities and areas to need of resolute elimination of the available shortcomings, and also timely, accurate and in full realization of the fundamental principle "Not the people shall serve state bodies, and state bodies shall serve the people".

2. Determine the main directions of radical enhancement of activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Office the Ministers/government):

increase in personal role and responsibility of members of the government, heads of other executive bodies, hokim of all levels for effective and productive fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to them;

strengthening of independence of the ministries, the state committees and departments in effective and high-quality realization of state policy in the fixed sphere, including in questions of management of financial resources, way of implementation of accurate system of coordination and control of activities of the subordinated organizations;

implementation of essentially new system of assessment of the activities of executive bodies of all levels and their heads based on achievement of specific indicators and target indicators, quality assurance and efficiency of program implementation of strategic development of industries of economy and the social sphere on the next, medium-term and long-term prospects;

ensuring the coordinated work of state bodies and executive power at the local level on effective solution of perspective tasks of development of the territories, first of all, which are lagging behind in economic and social development of rural districts and cities, enhancement of system and efficient control of execution of orders and acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers;

further reducing administrative influence on industries of economy and expansion of market mechanisms of management by means of accurate regulation of procedure and extent of participation of the state in economic activity, realization of complex measures for the prevention, decrease and system counteraction to "shadow economy";

enhancement and optimization of structure of complexes, deputy prime ministers and the office of the Cabinet of Ministers, first of all, its main link - information analysis departments. Improvement of quality of economic, financial and legal examination of regulatory legal acts, increase in level of performing discipline, termination of practice of numerous meetings, excessive correspondence and inefficient business trips;

decrease in excessive administrative regulation by means of transfer of separate state functions to private subjects for the purpose of reorientation of activities of executive bodies to elimination of the reasons and conditions of the available problems, development and realization of complex measures for implementation of modern methods of the organization of work;

enhancement of mechanisms of vertical management system and interaction of executive bodies by means of decentralization of public administration, expansion of financial opportunities, role and responsibility of local executive bodies, optimization of number of managerial personnel of the central and average link.

3. Implement procedure since April 1, 2019:

approvals by Legislative house of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of candidates for positions of deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ministers and chairmen of the state committees;

estimates of the activities of executive bodies of all levels and their heads based on achievement of specific indicators and target indicators, quality and efficiency of program implementation of strategic development of industries of economy social and other spheres on the next, medium-term and long-term prospects;

carrying out on system basis of thematic field (open) meetings of the Government in regions with participation of heads of local executive bodies, territorial authorities of public administration, representatives of public organizations for the purpose of studying of the course of realization of the performed reforms in specific spheres and the directions.

Determine that since April 1, 2019:


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