of January 24, 2020 No. UP-5924
About measures for further enhancement and promoting of physical culture and sport in the Republic of Uzbekistan
In the republic consecutive measures for promoting of physical culture and sport, promotion of healthy lifestyle among the population, to creation of necessary conditions for physical rehabilitation of persons physically challenged and to providing worthy performance of the country on the international sports scene are performed in recent years.
At the same time there is need of implementation in practice of the specific programs in the field of physical culture and sport promoting strengthening of health of the population, broad involvement of youth in sport and selection among it talented athletes, forming of the national teams of teams by the athletes masters providing good results on sports and creation of additional terms for trainers.
For the purpose of determination of the priority directions directed to advanced training and knowledge of the population in the field of physical culture and sport for forming in the country of comprehensively developed and physically healthy personality having high culture and also implementations of innovative forms and methods in selection process (selections) of talented athletes:
1. Determine the main directions of reforming of system of physical culture and sport till 2025:
increase in total number of the population which is regularly playing physical culture and sport up to 30 percent, and the youth which is engaged in the sports organizations and organizations to 20 percent;
step-by-step increase in high-quality list of trainers and specialists in the public sports educational institutions, in particular, finishing number of persons employed with the higher education to 80 percent;
development and deployment on places of effective and transparent four-stage system of selection (selection) of talented athletes among youth - the organization - the area (city) - the region - the republic;
identification of talented athletes and creation of reserve for youth teams of teams by holding "Children's sports" among pupils of sports schools of system of the Ministry of Sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also involvement of students to regular trainings by sport by means of the organization of "Student's sports" among students of the highest educational institutions;
system development step-by-step (the area/city, the region, the republic) holding the Sport of Comprehensive Schools festival, review competition "Organization with the developed physical training" and organization of the nomination on rank of the best comprehensive school, professional and highest educational institution with the developed level of physical training for the purpose of promoting of physical training among the general population including studying comprehensive schools, pupils and students of professional and highest educational institutions, identification among them talented;
development of sports tourism by means of system carrying out since 2020 the international marathon of "Tashkent Marathon", the international ecological marathon of "Save Aral", sports autorally and cross-country race competitions;
implementation of carrying out among all segments of the population of competitions "The level of physical training";
creation of complex scientific laboratories for athletes of national teams on sports, implementation of the advanced innovative technologies in process of preparation and establishing effective medical and pharmacological support in the field of sport;
implementation of the mechanism of carrying out on regular basis of profound medical examination of members of regional national teams on sports up to 18 years in teenage departments of the regional children's multi-profile medical centers, members of territorial national teams of more advanced age - in district (city) multi-profile central clinics;
implementation step by step, since February 1, 2020, system of sampling of doping tests at republican sports Olympic sports competitions;
creation of infrastructure of winter Olympic sports, adjustment of system of training of professional athletes by promoting of these sports;
the organization of the Center of the Olympic preparation for system training of sports delegations of Uzbekistan for prestigious sports competitions in Bostanlyksky district of the Tashkent region;
establishing "services of hospitalita" and implementation of the additional (not electronic) entrance visa "Sport Visa" for the purpose of broad involvement of foreign athletes and fans, and also effective use of sports infrastructure;
acceptance of necessary measures for increase in participation of private sector in the field of sport, including on decrease in the state share in the sports organizations;
expansion of system of additional financing of sport by the organization of sports lotteries;
establishing activities of the optional occupations and circles on sports included in the program of "Army games" for pupils and students of educational institutions of system of law enforcement agencies and Armed Forces, including "Temurbeklar in maktab";
widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies in management system sports and improving, sports constructions and organizations, including ensuring connection of sports constructions to telecommunication networks through the information system "Sport.uz";
implementation of system measures for development and increase in promoting of national sports, to their inclusion in programs of the Asian and Olympic Games.
2. Approve:
The concept of development of physical culture and sport in the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2025 (further - the Concept) according to appendix No. 1;
Target indicators of the Concept of development of physical culture and sport in the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2025 according to appendix No. 2;
"Road map" on realization in 2020 of the Concept of development of physical culture and sport in the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2025 according to appendix No. 3;
the list of specialization of areas (cities) of the republic in the priority, perspective, developing sports according to appendix No. 4.
Determine that the target indicators and the main directions provided by the Concept will be performed step by step by means of the "Road map" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of yearly reasonable settlements of the Ministry of Sport and also within the budgetary funds allocated for financing of these actions.
3. Establish procedure according to which:
annually till November 1 on the basis of representations of federations (associations) on sports by the Ministry of Sport creates and introduced for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan the republican schedule sports and physical cultural events (further - the republican schedule) the forthcoming year;
as a part of the expenses established by the republican schedule the expenses connected with activities of National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan, federations (associations) for sports and also expenses on insurance of athletes are provided;
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent and areas (cities) annually on the basis of the approved republican schedule till December 1 regional and district (city) schedules sports and physical cultural events affirm respectively;
for the purpose of selection of young athletes and selection of talented athletes for big-time sports, adjustment of system of forming of sports reserve, achievement of good results in promoting of sport among youth comprehensive schools and the highest educational institutions will specialize at least in one priority, perspective, developing sport, including national sports, proceeding from specifics of regions, interests and wishes of the population;
assistants are determined by protection of public order (senior) inspectors of prevention of law-enforcement bodies responsible for attraction of the population, especially youth, to physical culture and sport in the fixed territories, including in descents of citizens of makhally.
4. Determine that the chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and the city of Tashkent, areas (cities) are responsible for:
support of organizations of physical culture and sport and development of infrastructure of their constructions;
the direction of funds for additional financing regional sports and physical cultural events at the expense of the exceeded part from the forecast of budget receipts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the local budget of areas and the city of Tashkent, budgets of areas (cities);
specialization of the highest educational institutions in sports together with republican sports federations (associations), creation of necessary conditions for occupations physical culture and sport, holding competitions "The level of physical training", quarterly discussion of efficiency of the carried-out works among the population and youth in this direction;
development of the sphere of physical culture and sport in the corresponding territory, and also elimination of the available problems in the sports and improving and sports organizations.
5. To create to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent, the ministries, departments and the organizations conditions for free occupation the population run, walking and types of physical exercises on the subordinated or located in the corresponding territory open sporting venues (stadiums, soccer fields and other sporting venues) and in parks of rest (except for the objects belonging to subjects of private entrepreneurship).
6. Approve offers of the Ministry of physical culture and sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
about creation in structure of central office based on Management of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sport of Management of internal audit and financial control;
about establishment of the amount of collection for registration and issue of the sports passport in the amount of 50 percent from the basic settlement size operating on the date of making payment;
about provision in use to subjects of entrepreneurship in time of sports constructions of educational institutions, free from studies, with adoption of investment obligations on their reconstruction, capital repairs and equipment in coordination with the Ministry of national education, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
about determination in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan additional source of forming of means of the off-budget special settlement account "Sport" to 10 percent from income gained from the organization of sports lotteries and carrying out sports lotteries by legal entities.
7. To allocate to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020 for the off-budget special settlement account "Sport" of the Ministry of physical culture and sport 50 billion sum at the expense of additional sources of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for strengthening of material and technical resources of district and city departments of the Ministry of physical culture and sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also equipment of educational classes, laboratories and hostels of subordinated sports schools and colleges.
8. To the ministry of tourism and sport, the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also JSC National Bank to raise borrowing facilities of the international financial institutions and foreign banks (further - borrowing facilities) in the amount of 200 million euros, including in 2020 - 50 million euros, for financing of projects on construction of sports and improving and sports constructions.
9. Determine that:
the part of the credits exceeding the main rate of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, but no more than on 8 percent points in national currency with the interest rate which is not exceeding 1, the 5-fold size of the main rate and which amount does not exceed 10 billion sum allocated by commercial banks for construction of sports and improving and sports constructions in 2020-2021 becomes covered to initiators of projects at the expense of means of the State fund of support of business activity.
To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to allocate funds, necessary for these privileges, to the State fund of support of business activity in accordance with the established procedure;
borrowing facilities are allocated for implementation of the standard projects providing construction of the sports and improving and sports constructions based on innovative technologies with use available, the energy saving and quickly constructed designs and materials.
To the ministry of physical culture and sport and the Ministry of construction together with the Ministry of national education, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other interested departments till September 1, 2020 with involvement of the project organizations to develop and provide approval in accordance with the established procedure of standard projects of the sports constructions built on each sport proceeding from the best practices of foreign countries, to capacity of educational institutions and other objects, and also requirements specified in this Item.
10. Approve summary indicators of perspective projects on construction in 2020 in regions of the republic of sports and improving and sports constructions at the expense of the credits of the international financial institutions and foreign banks according to appendix No. 5.
11. To the ministry of physical culture and sport together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan in three-months time to introduce the draft of the Government decision providing to the Cabinet of Ministers:
introduction of positions of the sports nutritionist, sports psychologist, sports pharmacologist, massage therapist and selection coach, and also position of the Chief trainer-selector on each sport at republican schools of the highest sports skill within established posts of sports educational institutions as a part of the Ministry of physical culture and sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
payment within the means provided by expense budget of sports facilities, one-time remuneration in the amount of the monthly salary to the trainer who prepared the pupil athlete having sports training in case of improvement of its sports results and transfer in sports educational institution of higher level;
procedure for review and determination of the status of sports schools proceeding from the results achieved by them.
12. Agree with the offers of the Ministry of physical culture and sport, the Ministry of national education, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan providing since February 1, 2020 procedure for worthy stimulation of achievements in the field of sport:
a) ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 22.06.2021 No. PP-5157
b) by results of republican stage of "Children's sports" on team game sports:
provision to winners (the 1st place the) of the certificate, valid within three years, granting the right to the maximum point in subject of specialization of the sphere at admission examinations in the highest educational institutions;
rewarding of the physical education teachers who prepared winners and prize-winners (1 - 3rd places) one-time cash bonuses in the amount of the 6-fold minimum wage for the 1st place, 4-fold - for the 2nd place and 3-fold - for the 3rd place at the expense of the means provided by the republican schedule;
c) assignment directly to the physical education teachers of comprehensive schools and coaches of sports educational institutions who prepared winners and prize-winners (1 - 3rd places) the subject Olympic Games on physical culture held among pupils of comprehensive schools without attraction them to qualification certification:
the second qualification category - for training of winners and prize-winners (1 - 3rd places) district (city) stage;
the first qualification category - for training of winners and prize-winners (1 - 3rd places) regional stage;
the highest qualification category - for training of winners and prize-winners (1 - 3rd places) republican and international competitions;
d) assignment directly the next academic statuses (the associate professor, professor) to the teachers of departments of the direction of physical culture and sport who prepared students of the highest educational institutions which became winners republican (the 1st place) and the international competitions (1 - 3rd places at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Asian and Paraasian games, the World Cups and Asia) on the Olympic sports.
13. Approve offers of the Ministry of Sport and the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
about establishment of base wage rate of coaches-teachers of sports schools for 24 class periods of direct educational and training works a week due to reducing hours of studies in training programs of data of schools;
about step-by-step implementation of service of centralized accounts department in district (city) departments of physical culture and sport at the expense of positions of chief accountants of sports schools of the area (city) and assignment of accounting of the funds for it allocated for financing of district (city) schedules sports and physical cultural events.
14. Within the total extreme number of managerial personnel of system of the Ministry of physical culture and sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan to enter into structure of territorial administrations in addition 28 established posts of managerial personnel.
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