of February 12, 2020 No. 126
About installation, operation and about upgrade in communication network of the telecom operator of technical means of counteraction to threats of stability, safety and integrity of functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation the Internet and public communication network
2. Item 5 of the Regulations on radio-frequency service approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2014 No. 434 "About radio-frequency service" (The Russian Federation Code, 2014, No. 20, Art. 2542; No. 47, Art. 6554; 2018, No. 22, Art. 3171; No. 40, Art. 6142; 2019, No. 8, Art. 776; No. 36, of the Art. 5045) to add with subitems "e" and "yu" of the following content:
"aa) implementation of installation, operation and upgrade of technical means of counteraction to threats of stability, safety and integrity of functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation the Internet and public communication network according to the procedure, established by the Rules of installation, operation and upgrade in communication network of the telecom operator of technical means of counteraction to threats of stability, safety and integrity of functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation the Internet and public communication network approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 2020 No. 126 "About installation, operation and about upgrade in communication network of the telecom operator of technical means of counteraction to stability threats safety and integrity of functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation Internet and public communication network";
bb) check of compliance of ship radio stations to requirements of international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of communication and execution of the conclusions about their compliance to these requirements.".
3. This resolution is effective till September 1, 2025.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 2020 No. 126
1. These rules regulate the procedure of installation, operation and upgrade in communication network of the telecom operator rendering services in provision of access to the Internet and (or) services of accession to its data communication network of data communication network of other telecom operator rendering services in provision of access to the Internet (further - the telecom operator), technical means of counteraction to threats of stability, safety and integrity of functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation of the Internet and public communication network (further - technical means of counteraction to threats).
2. The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications based on data on the granted licenses for communication services provision and communication networks put into operation sends to radio-frequency service of the information about telecom operators in whose communication network installation of technical means of counteraction to threats is provided.
3. Installation, operation and upgrade of technical means of counteraction to threats in communication network of the telecom operator are performed according to the actions plan developed by radio-frequency service on installation, operation and upgrade of technical means of counteraction to threats (further - the actions plan) based on information obtained according to this Item from telecom operators. The actions plan affirms the head of radio-frequency service.
The actions plan joins the planned dates of commissioning (upgrade) of hub sites of telecom operators with indication of places of their placement, quantity of the planned data transmission channels with indication of their technology and handling capacity, the planned start date of installation of technical means of counteraction to threats, data on average and maximum loading of channels to which it is planned to connect technical means of counteraction to threats.
The radio-frequency service no later than 90 calendar days before the planned start date of installation of technical means of counteraction to threats of any available method allowing to confirm the fact of receipt of such request, creates and sends to the telecom operator inquiry with appendix of operational documentation of the vendor of technical means of counteraction to threats on information representation, necessary radio-frequency service for determination of structure of technical means of counteraction to threats, their picking and places of connection including including:
schemes of creation of communication network of the telecom operator, including the scheme of creation of communication network of the telecom operator in the place of the planned installation of technical means of counteraction to threats;
technical characteristics of means of communication of the telecom operator for whom installation of technical means of counteraction to threats is planned;
places of the planned installation of technical means of counteraction to threats;
quantity of data transmission channels with indication of physical properties of such channels, their technology and handling capacity;
data on average and maximum loading of channels to which it is planned to connect technical means of counteraction to threats;
data on structure of hub site in the place of the planned installation of technical means of counteraction to threats;
data on plans of upgrade, reconstruction of hub site, liquidation of fragment of communication network (output from operation of hub site), including the planned dates of commissioning of the reconstructed fragment of communication network, hub site or output from operation of fragment of communication network, hub site, including the next year;
the additional technical information and technological parameters of means of communication of telecom operators necessary for development of the project documentation on installation and connection of technical means of counteraction to threats.
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