of December 31, 2019 No. 1055
About approval of the State program of infrastructure development "Nurla of sholas" for 2020 - 2025
The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed State program of infrastructure development "Nurla of sholas" for 2020 - 2025 (further - the Program).
2. To the central and local actuators, and also other organizations:
1) to take measures for program implementation;
To represent 2) to the administrator of the program on monthly basis to the 10th, following for reporting, information on development of allocated funds within the Program and on quarterly basis to the 15th, following for reporting, information on the created workplaces, including temporary and permanent.
3. To the administrator of the program:
To represent 1) to the central authorized body on state planning on monthly basis to the 15th, following for reporting, summary information on development of allocated funds within the Program and on quarterly basis to the 20th, following for reporting, information on the created workplaces, including temporary and permanent;
2) on quarterly basis to hold briefing with participation of the public in the Question-answer format in the Online mode;
3) together with the interested state bodies once in half-year to perform departure on objects on which there is risk of non-execution, in case of availability of those;
4) to carry out survey of the population by means of social networks about the received positive results from program implementation.
4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on Prime minister's department of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing and is subject to official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mamin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2019 No. 1055
1. |
Name of the Program |
The state program of infrastructure development of "Nurla Zhol" for 2020 - 2025. | |||||||||||||||||||||
2. |
Basis for development |
1) the Strategic plan of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2025 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 15, 2018 No. 636. | |||||||||||||||||||||
3. |
State body responsible for development of the Program |
Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan | |||||||||||||||||||||
4. |
State bodies responsible for program implementation |
Central and local state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan | |||||||||||||||||||||
5. |
Program purpose |
Assistance to economic growth and increase in level of living of the population of the country by means of creation of effective and competitive transport infrastructure, development of transit and transport services, enhancement of the technological and institutional circle. | |||||||||||||||||||||
6. |
Tasks |
1. Infrastructure providing the territories and transport bonds between them. | |||||||||||||||||||||
7. |
Realization terms |
The program implementation is planned within six years from 2020 to 2025. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8. |
Target indicators |
As a result of program implementation achievement of the following target indicators is planned: | |||||||||||||||||||||
9. |
Sources and amounts of financing |
Sources of financing of implementation of actions and drafts of the Program provide: republican and local budgets, means of international financial institutions, public-private partnership, and also private investments for the total indicative amount of 5 559 439 million tenges, including:
Services of transport industry are necessary practically at each production phase and consumption of products, since production and conversion of raw materials and resources and finishing with delivery of finished goods to her final consumer, including on the foreign markets.
Transport makes huge contribution to forming of chains of value added and production costs and, thus, has significant effect on product competitiveness and economies of the state in general. At the same time functioning of transport industry is impossible without providing the population and business with effective and sufficient transport infrastructure public that is direct obligation and function of the state.
The state program of infrastructure development of "Nurla Zhol" for 2020-2025 (further - "Program") is the complex cross-industry program document developed by the Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - MIIR) in pursuance of Item 60 of the National actions plan on implementation of the Message of the Head of state to the people of Kazakhstan of October 5, 2018 "Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan citizens: increase in the income and quality of life", No. 633 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 11, 2018.
Development of the Program is executed in coordination with the purposes and priorities of the Strategic plan of development of Kazakhstan till 2025 and directed to assistance to further economic growth and increase in level of living of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan by means of development of effective and competitive transport infrastructure, transit and transport services, and also enhancement of the technological and institutional circle of functioning of transport and communication complex.
The program will promote realization of strategic rate of development of the state in general through the solution of the urgent tasks facing industries of transport and infrastructure complex. Also, the Program is designed to give stability to the achieved positive results of implementation of the state program of infrastructure development for 2015-2019 1 and to provide completion of the passing infrastructure projects of transport industry initiated within its realization.
1 It is approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 6, 2015 No. 1030, voided by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 19, 2019 No. 29.
The transport industry is one of the most important sectors of economy of Kazakhstan which share in structure of GDP in 2017 constituted % 7,4, at the same time the gross value added of services of transport in annual terms practically reached 4 trillion tenges.
Over the last 10 years the amount of the transported loads all modes of transport grew by 1.9 times with 2,1 of one billion t in 2007 to 4,1 of one billion t in 2018. The cargo turnover for the same period grew time 1,7 from 350 453,6 million tkm to 609 533,2 million tkm, on average increasing by % 5,3 annually.
Growth of public conveyance constituted time 1,9 from 11 807 million people in 2009 to 23 013 million people in 2018. The passenger turnover for this period grew in time 2,2 from 130 834 million pkm to 281 484,1 million pkm.
The observed tendency of steadily growing demand for services of transport from the population and business testifies to the most important social and economic role of transport industry in development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Fig. 1. Dynamics of amount of services of transport in 2009-2018.
In turn, development of competitive transport industry is determined by set of set of external and internal factors, as a rule, set by large transnational players and more developed economies.
For identification of the political (P), economic (E), social (S), technological (T), ecological (E) and legal (L) aspects of external environment influencing functioning and development of transport industry of Kazakhstan in this Program PESTEL analysis which results were taken into account in case of determination of development trends of transport industry in general and transport infrastructure in particular is used.
The considered groups of factors and assessment of their influence are summarized in table 1 below.
Table 1. PESTEL analysis of transport industry of Kazakhstan
Groups of factors |
Influence | |
1. Regional integration and accession to new intergovernmental agreements |
Further regional integration will promote growth of cargo flows, requiring building-up of handling capacity and service level of transport system of Kazakhstan. |
2. International trade wars |
Acute fluctuations of energy costs cause high volatility of national currency and essential differences in amounts of demand for services of transport system of Kazakhstan that results in instability of business environment and financial position of many large players of the transport market. | |
3. Growth of trade between Asia and Europe |
For the transport system of Kazakhstan which is important link in regional transport corridor Asia-Europe, this factor represents both challenge, and opportunity for further building-up of transit cargo flows at the same time. | |
4. Further growth of electronic commerce |
Thanks to universal availability of the Internet and electronic gadgets, the considerable share of commercial transactions in the field of transport and logistics will consist and be performed in electronic format. |
5. Development of megacorporations and multi-national transport and logistic companies |
The growing competition in the market of transport logistics services dictates new requirements to cost efficiency and price competitiveness of players that, will promote in turn further development of "scale economy" by merge and absorption of smaller players by larger. | |
6. Market shift towards joint use of material and technical resources |
For the purpose of increase in business performance and decrease in participation in non-core activities the transport and logistic companies will expand cooperation in the field of joint use of warehouse spaces, terminals, and also railway vehicles on the basis of mechanisms of lease and operational leasing. | |
7. The becoming complicated forecasting of energy costs |
Rapid implementation of "green technologies" and decrease in consumption of oil products will make essential changes to amount and demand pattern and offers on energy carriers and resources and materials created from them that will lead to growth of unpredictability of price fluctuations and currency rates. | |
8. Changes in behavior and consumer expectations |
The growing consumer expectations concerning reliability and speed of cargo delivery and trips create new challenges both for the transport and logistic companies, and for owners of transport infrastructure. Discrepancy to these expectations across the nation attracts growth of transportation costs for economy and social tension among the population. In the international aspect such discrepancy will inevitably lead to outflow of transit cargo flows and decrease in regional competitiveness of transport system of the country. | |
9. Growth of the population with special needs |
With growth of life duration the share of the population of advanced age, including the number of persons physically challenged (this category of citizens includes people of different age), which need specialized transport servicing increases. It will demand expansion of scope of specialized transport decisions and technologies. |
10. Deficit of qualified personnel |
The acute shortage of specialized personnel in the knowledge-intensive and high-technology spheres of transport industry along with lack as such of educational programs for number of new competences is the blocking factor for implementation of digital innovations and performance improvement of work. | |
11. Transport terrorism |
Regional terrorist activity with observed tendency of approach to borders of the Central Asian conglomerate causes need of continuous improvement of system of safety control of transport and logistic activities which is very vulnerable sphere for potential terrorist attacks. Also there is need of development of the local infrastructure providing the operational and advancing reaction in case of the solution of tasks of anti-terror. | |
12. Development of technological base for widespread introduction of the advanced achievements of science and technology |
Universal distribution of modern technological base will cause rapid growth of implementation of ultra innovative solutions for ensuring activities of transport and logistic complex. Such innovations as use of artificial intelligence for optimization of supply chains, use of the analysis of "big data" for acceptance of management decisions, creation of ecosystem of process and optimized technologies on the basis of "The Internet of things", formation of electromobile transport important part of urban logistics and transport system in general, implementation of ultramodern transport technologies, such as pilotless transport and use of drones for address delivery of departures will move to the forefront. | |
13. Increase in demand for logistic infrastructure |
Within initiative "One belt – One way" is predicted further increase in demand for development of logistic infrastructure along the international trade route China-Europe passing on the territory of the Central Asian republics, including Kazakhstan. Development existing and constructions of new regional transport and logistic hubs will accelerate from the competing players. |
14. Transition to green technologies |
The global tendency of transition to green technologies with toughening and universal implementation of restrictions for emission of greenhouse gases will accrue, causing inevitable transition of transport and logistic complex to use of more ecological and friendly and safe decisions and technologies ("green logistics"). At the same time the existing technologies will be prohibited to be replaced gradually and by force with new. | |
15. Global climate change |
Global climate change leads to changes of historically developed weather background in different regions of Earth, including in Kazakhstan. This tendency will amplify that will lead to change of usual field environment for different industries of transport and can cause interruptions in the settled schedules and supply chains on weather conditions. |
16. Stock depletion of natural resources |
Influence of this factor will be expressed in reducing availability of the usual natural resources which are used in case of production of vehicles, components, the equipment, construction materials, fuel, etc. that will inevitably lead to growth of market prices of such resources and will cause need of universal transition to utilization and conversion of materials for the purposes of recycling (recycling). | |
17. The limiting influence of the legislation |
Implementation of the new information and telecommunication technologies based on access to personal data (for example, tracking and forecasting of cargo flows on the basis of these mobile operators), can face the restrictions imposed by the legislation on protection of personal data. Assessment of the benefits and threats in each case with development of the adjusting measures at the national level, without infringement of the guaranteed rights and freedoms of citizens of Kazakhstan is necessary. |
As a result of the executed PESTEL analysis it is possible to draw the following conclusions (numbering of conclusions corresponds to numbering considered in table 1 above factors):
1) Accession of Kazakhstan to intergovernmental agreements about free trade will demand timely adaptation and harmonization of the domestic legislation, and also reduction of technological level of infrastructure in compliance with requirements of such agreements.
2) Decrease in dependence of the Kazakhstan transport industry on global and regional trade wars will demand real diversification of service activities and considerable efforts on stability augmentation and competitiveness of both certain operators, and industry in general.
3) In order that the share of transit cargo flow through Kazakhstan in the Europe-Asia direction grew in the total amount of transit, at least, in proportion to growth of trade volumes and as the optimum scenario - was ahead of him, it is necessary to create technically the sufficient, technologically equipped and service and competitive transport infrastructure in the mode of the advancing development, along with permanent simplification of internal procedures and elimination of nonphysical barriers to trade and transit.
4) Rapid development of electronic commerce will demand from transport industry of Kazakhstan of the advancing development of technologies for ensuring technical feasibility of electronic transactions and satisfaction to expectations even of the most active and technologically advanced consumers of this service.
5) Support of the Kazakhstan companies in the conditions of competitive pressure from world megacorporations and the multi-national transport and logistic companies will demand the state support in type of institutional reforms, creating favorable conditions for functioning and development, removal of legislative and procedural barriers, including regulatory restrictions, allocation of target subsidies, grants, etc., along with lobbying of interests of national operators within cross-border and transcontinental integration processes.
6) market Shift towards joint use of material and technical resources of his participants is additional factor of competitive pressure upon the Kazakhstan operators. Demand for this segment of services will lead to emergence of new effective schemes for full participation in which the domestic companies will need capability of bystry adaptation. The task of the state consists in providing to business legal, institutional and financial flexibility.
7) Being oil economy, Kazakhstan shall create the conditions protecting transport complex from negative impact of essential price fluctuations on energy resources by stimulation of diversification of services and active participation in implementation of trend projects in those spheres which will arise in the country owing to withdrawal from traditional types of fuel and materials.
8) Expectations and preferences of consumers of transport logistics services, including users of highways, railway consignors, transit operators and the transport and logistic companies, shall become for Kazakhstan the main strategic driver of development of transport infrastructure and services.
9) Showing equal care of the citizens, Kazakhstan as the state shall provide legislatively inclusivity of transport servicing taking into account physical capacities and specific needs of different social groups (aged citizens, persons physically challenged, etc.).
10) the Problem of deficit of qualified personnel in transport industry is exaggerated since the beginning of the 2000th years, however so far it did not find effective solution whereas the demand pattern on manpower changes annually. The strategy of the advancing development of educational system considering the current and perspective tendencies of technological transformation of transport industry and providing requirements of the state and business for qualified personnel, including absolutely new specialties and branches of science and the equipment is necessary for Kazakhstan.
11) For prevention of possible acts of terrorism on transport Kazakhstan needs to develop actively technologies of ensuring transport safety using modern achievements of science and technology, to study and implement the international experience, to cooperate with specialized services of the partner countries.
12) For reducing lack in technology of Kazakhstan in transport industry it is necessary to develop more actively the knowledge base and to enhance the institutional circle for implementation of ultramodern and highly intellectual technologies with the minimum time lag from the moment of their implementation in more developed countries.
13) For full participation in competitive struggle for attraction of transit cargo flows the transport and logistic complex of Kazakhstan shall develop on advancing, including creation of logistic infrastructure of sufficient capacity (handling capacity) and provision of high-quality services.
14) For minimizing of damage from the restriction of operation of railway vehicles and technologies which are not corresponding to world ecological trends, Kazakhstan shall carry out timely harmonization of the national legal system and technical regulations to provide systematic compliance of national operators to new requirements in the field of emission reduction and environmental protection. Important task also is implementation of "green technologies" on implementation phase of projects on construction of transport infrastructure.
15) Increase in accuracy of weather forecasts and permanent observation of dynamics of changes are important condition for minimizing of effects of negative weather phenomena. Timely informing operators of vehicles on the changing and hazardous weather conditions by means of expansion in Kazakhstan of the corresponding elements of intelligent transportation system along with increase in efficiency of rationing and preventive arrangements will help to prevent growth of incidents in connection with weather conditions.
16) the Kazakhstan legislation shall stimulate development of technologies and culture of secondary conversion of waste among the population and business as it bears not only the ecological, but also economic goods for society.
17) Tough tariff regulation of activities of transportation companies in some cases creates absolute obstacles for development of their business and limits investment opportunities. Review of the mechanisms existing in Kazakhstan with implementation of new model of the market relations, at least, in separate segments of transport industry is necessary for increase in efficiency of operators and provision by it of opportunities for timely technological upgrade. Besides, the advancing rates of development of market relations dictate need of timely reaction from the state making-up siding of the corresponding institutional conditions in order to avoid distortions in industry development.
According to materials of Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on preliminary results of implementation of the state program of infrastructure development for 2015-2019 for the period 2015-2017 provided GDP surplus in the amount of % 3,3 with creation more than 360 thousand permanent and temporary workplaces. The amount of the income from transit by all modes of transport increased in 1,3 of time and made 353 billion tenges that in general testifies to rather outstanding performance of investments into development of transport infrastructure.
At the same time, according to data WEF, the rating of Kazakhstan in index of global competitiveness on indicator "Infrastructure" where all key traffics, energy, utility and information infrastructure enter, decreased with 42nd to the 59th place from 140 countries of the world.
The low rating on index of the road message (the 106th place) remains that testifies to availability at considerable share of the population and business at the regional level of problems of transport connection with objects of social infrastructure, the markets, providers state and services. Visible effect on this indicator and the fact that more than a third of highways of regional and district value is in unsatisfactory technical condition.
Ratings on performance indicators of air transport of the message (the 82nd place) and seaports (the 92nd place) are at the level below average that speaks about low availability and high cost of services in these segments of transport industry.
The rating on quality of infrastructure of settlements (the 73rd place) also shows decrease, speaking about need of development of more effective measures for cardinal improvement of situation.
In general Index of efficiency of logistics of the World Bank (LPI) Kazakhstan improved the line items, having taken the 71st place among 160 countries of the world in 2018 that is 6 line items higher in comparison with 2016, thus, having outstripped on this indicator of the member country of the Eurasian Economic Union. Significant improvements happened on two indicators of LPI - "Efficiency of process of customs clearance" (improvement on 21 line items), and "Timeliness of deliveries of loads" (improvement on 42 line items since 2016). However on indicators "Quality of infrastructure" and "Simplicity of the organization and load tracking in supply chain" the rating of Kazakhstan in LPI worsened, respectively, about 65 and 82 places in 2016 to 81 and 84 places in 2018, thus, having got to "red zone" of efficiency.
These facts testify to need of further enhancement of policy of transport and infrastructure development of Kazakhstan and development of more effective mechanisms of its realization.
Extent of highways public of the international, republican, regional and district value in Kazakhstan constitutes 95,9 of one thousand km.
The network of highways of the international and republican value has the extent of 24,3 of one thousand km from which 87% are in good and satisfactory technical condition (data of 2019).
Within GPIR for 2015-2019 8 thousand km of highways of the international and republican value for total amount 1, are constructed, reconstructed and repaired by 1 trillion tenges, including 3 thousand km of highways I and II of technical categories.
Works on reconstruction of the international transit corridor "Western Europe - the Western China" are complete. Sites of republican network "Astana — Temirtau", "Almaty — Kapshagay", "Kokshetau — Petropavlovsk", "Beyneu — Aktau", "Pass Korday Bypass", "Uralsk — Kamenka" are reconstructed, the bridge crossing through the Irtysh River in the Pavlodar region is constructed.
Works on 13 projects on reconstruction of 3,8 of one thousand km of republican highways by total cost 1, as 9 trillion tenges are continued.
The system of collection of fare of vehicles on sites "Almaty - Kapshagay", "by Almaty - Horgos" and Astana-Temirtau is put into operation. Considerable part of objects of roadside service is brought into accord with requirements of national standards.
Along with tendency of improvement of condition and level of financing for development and operation of highways number of the system questions requiring further enhancement of management system road assets in such directions as increase in efficiency of planning of road repair work and prioritization of road projects, providing the required quality level of highways at all stages of lifecycle, implementation of new materials and technologies, and also reduction of normative and technical base to the best standards of the countries of OECD remains. Without solution of the listed tasks realization of the system state policy of budgeting oriented to resulting effect will be impossible.
Certain sites of republican network, including segments of the international motor transportation corridors in the South-North and Center West directions, still are in unsatisfactory technical condition that leads to decrease in competitiveness of road infrastructure of Kazakhstan and outflow of transit cargoes, and also complicates regional transport connection and resource transfer and goods between regions of the country.
Unsatisfactory technical condition of roadbed, availability of cargo intense sites with one driving lane in one direction and lack of proper road situation along the line of vehicles lead to growth of accident rate and death rate on roads - on these indicators Kazakhstan heads "anti-rating" of the countries of the former USSR and Europe.
Within increase in efficiency of institutional model of road industry in 2013 JSC Kazavtozhol Oil Company determined national the operator by management of republican highways as which enter implementation of investment projects, the organization of repair and content of highways, collection of charges for driving through paid roads, investment attraction for construction and development of road infrastructure, including objects of roadside service was created.
For increase in system effectiveness of content of highways of republican value of Kazakhavtodor LLP in 2019 it is delivered in trust management of private company with the right of the subsequent redemption.
For the purpose of ensuring quality control of highways in March, 2019 RGP on PHV "National Center of Quality of Road Assets" by merge and the RGU transformation of Oblzhollaboratoriya is created.
Extent of highways of regional and district value constitutes 71,6 of one thousand km from which following the results of 2018 68% are in good and satisfactory technical condition.
In 2019 the scope of network of local highways repair work constituted over 4 thousand km from which more than 2 thousand km were repaired using technology of cold recycling.
In 2018-2019 the annual target amount of financing of highways of regional and district value was increased to 150 billion tenges (2018) and to 200 billion tenges (2019) on the parity basis from republican and local budgets. When preserving this level of financing by annually repair work it will be covered about 5 thousand km of provincial roads that will allow to improve utilization properties of 95% of roads of regional and district value to good and satisfactory technical condition by 2025.
Despite the fact that density of highways in comparison with the countries, comparable on the territory, in Kazakhstan remains low highways, generally geographically provide necessary transport communication. At the same time, driving through the available highways often is complicated by bad technical condition that is especially urgent for roads of regional and district value.
For the period realization of GPIR for 2015-2019 qualitative indexes of network of public roads in general considerably improved, however the problem of bad technical condition of provincial roads and artificial features on them still is sharp for many regions strany.2
This problem directly influences quality of life of the population, complicating or limiting year-round access to basic social services, objects of education and health care, the markets, workplaces, the centers of rendering social, state and services.
In addition to passenger traffic, the network of highways public is actively used for interregional and transit traffic of loads. In the subregional and suburban message on republican network construction materials, including with exceeding of the set weight parameters are actively transported that leads to intensive destruction of road clothes.
Since 2005, in Kazakhstan the construction and reconstruction of highways are made with design load on axis to 13 tons. The international motor transportation corridors are reconstructed in parameters not lower than II technical categories.
In 2018 the registered motor park in Kazakhstan had 405 thousand cargo vehicles, 89 thousand buses and 3 848 thousand cars. Besides, in the republic 11 thousand units of motor-transport, and also 68 thousand automobile trailers are registered.
2 For comparison: density of highways in Kazakhstan constitutes km 28,6 on 1000 sq.km of the territory, in Russia - 44 km / 1000 sq.km, in Canada - 91 km / 1000 km 2, in Australia - 106 km / 1000 sq.km, in the USA - 670 km / 1000 sq.km.
From total quantity of cars of more 89,8 of % have 2,3 gasoline engines of % of cars with diesel engines, % 6,1 cars with the mixed fuel type and only 0,02 of % of cars on electric traction.
The number of the cars which are in personal property at the population exceeded indicator in 200 units on 1000 inhabitants - on average, one own car is the share of each family. In the large cities over 30% of total amount of public conveyances are the share of personal vehicles.
Considering that the age has more than 20 years more than 61% of the park of cars and only their small quantity conforms to modern environmental standards, the further growth of traffic load will lead to strengthening of negative impact of motor transport on the environment.
Respectively, need of implementation of the current technologies of the organization and regulation of traffic, including ITS and ACS, and also creation of institutional conditions and infrastructure for development of the road electric transport of general use and acquisition by the population of vehicles on electric draft increases.
From 2007 to 2018 the amount of public conveyances by road and urban electric transport increased more than twice and reached 22 982 217, one thousand people that constitutes more than 99% of the total amount of public conveyances by all modes of transport. The passenger turnover grew from 104 322 million pkm to 247 931,2 million pkm and constituted 88,1 of % of general passenger turnover all modes of transport.
Fig. 2. Dynamics of amount of services of road transport in 2009-2018.
At the same time, intensity of use of highways public in case of public conveyances in comparison with 2007 also grew in 2,3 of time and for the end of 2018 made one million 2,6 pkm/km.
Motor transport plays important communication role in ensuring mobility of the population, including socially vulnerable layers, transporting the passengers having the right to preferential journey in the city and suburban message. Regular bus transportations cover 4938 (75%) from 6623 settlements with the population over 100 people. At the same time, from 17 regions of the republic regular public conveyances are partially subsidized only in seven (Almaty, Almaty, Akmola, VKO, Pavlodar, SKO, Kyzylorda areas).
Public conveyances it is performed by 609 carriers on 3041 regular bus routes from whom 254 - interregional routes are serviced by 83 carriers, 137 - international routes, 69 carriers and 2650 intraregional/city routes on which transportations carry out 467 operators work for them.
More than 17 thousand registered buses have physical wear over 60% whereas annual updating of auto fleet does not exceed 5% in case of necessary 20%.
The actions for scope of rural settlements year-round bus traffic and to providing with infrastructure for servicing of passengers provided by GPIR for 2015-2019 are realized not in full. Basic reasons of non-execution - low profitability of regular bus routes, their insufficient subsidizing, and also mechanisms of involvement of MSB in construction and reconstruction of stationary maintenance entities of passengers which did not find practical realization.
In general on the sector of passenger road haulage considerable excess of expenses of carriers over the income with emergence of the losses which are not covered fully owing to insufficiently effective mechanism of subsidizing at the level of local actuators is still observed. It causes essential depreciation of bus fleet along with the high accident rate. At the same time considerable passenger traffic capacity is performed by illegal carriers.
When planning passenger road haulage marketing approach is practically not used. Opinion surves and requirements of the population concerning quality and availability of services of public motor transport are not carried out.
Application of the automated planning systems and electronic communications could increase significantly efficiency of regular passenger traffic and make them more transparent, and also establish interactive cooperation of local actuators with carriers and consumers of services.
Infrastructure of public passenger traffic requires considerable resources for reduction in proper condition in the technical and service parameters. From 38 bus stations functioning in the country, 9 bus stations do not conform to the national standard, from 114 bus stations do not conform to the national standard - 38.
Considerable part of infrastructure facilities for servicing of passengers has high level of depreciation. In many settlements service points of passengers are absent, making impossible the organization of year-round regular bus traffic. At the same time in a number of the cities there is excessive quantity of such Items, part from which is located near floor spaces and the markets.
Between Kazakhstan and foreign states about 2 million passengers annually are on a parity basis transported. Over 100 regular bus routes in the message with 5 countries, including more than 80 routes - with Russia function. At the same time, depreciation of passenger buses for international carriages and insufficiently developed auto fleet of the Kazakhstan international carriers interfere with improvement of the quality and further development of this service industry.
The amount of carriages of goods by road transport from 2007 to 2018 also increased more than twice and made 3 421 398,5 of one thousand tons or 83,4 of % of total amount of the transported loads all modes of transport. The cargo turnover grew from 61 459 million tkm to 185 197,3 million tkm and constituted 30,4 of % of general cargo turnover.
As the extent of highways public over the last 10 years increased a little more, than by 2%, in view of almost triple increase in cargo turnover, intensity of their use in case of carriages of goods also grew in 2,7 of time and for the end of 2018 made one million 1,8 tkm/km.
From the total amount of the loads transported in 2018 by road transport, 45,7 of % is the share of transportations of coal, % 14,7 - construction materials, % 3,7 - transportation of ore of non-ferrous metals and procedure for 2,5 of % constitute transportations crude oil and oil products. The share of container road haulage constitutes 0,3 of % of total amount.
The road transport plays important role in ensuring foreign trade activity of Kazakhstan. Carriages of goods by road transport are performed to more than 40 countries. Over 46% of the total amount of the international motor transportations of loads fall to the share of the Kazakhstan carriers. Estimative reservoir of the Kazakhstan market of services of the international motor transportations makes over 200 mln. dollars of the USA.
In the market of the international motor transportation services 3,5 of one thousand carriers with the park of vehicles over 17 thousand units is involved. About 500 carriers carry out international carriages of loads with general auto fleet from them over 7 thousand units.
The insufficient number of motor transport conforming to the European requirements reduces share of national carriers in export-import transactions. For increase in competitiveness of national carriers in April, 2019 the legislative arrangement providing collection rate decrease for state registration of vehicles is accepted.
In the transit message carriage of goods and passengers is performed mainly between the republics of Central Asia, Russia, China and the countries of Transcaucasia. Insufficiently developed service infrastructure, low technical category, availability of sites in bad technical condition, insufficient development of automation and digital services, insufficient handling capacity of check points and transitions, weak intermodal connectivity reduce attractiveness of motor transportation transit corridors of Kazakhstan for the international carriers.
Inappropriate operational parameters of infrastructure along with depreciation of vehicles cause growth of costs for their repair and maintenance, increasing cost of transportations, exert negative impact on the environment, reduce quality of the rendered transport logistics services, lead to growth of number of the road accidents.
The number of the dead in the road accidents for 2018 made over 2 thousand people. The social risk (death toll in road accident on 100 thousand population) for the specified period of time made 28 people that several times above similar indicator in economically developed countries with multiply more high level of automobilization.
During I-III sq. 2019 in Kazakhstan 613 road accidents on highways public in which suffered 1147 are fixed and 690 people died.
The number of annually made road accidents increased by third (with 11, to 16 thousand), on the number of wounded as much increased, and the number of the dead increased twice. Respectively, also economic losses are high. According to the experts on average the damage from road accident is equivalent to 200 billion tenges a year that constitutes up to 2% of GDP.
Proper legislative ensuring activities of motor transportation and road industries. Processes of the organization and implementation of motor transportations, and also constructions and contents of highways are sufficiently covered by normative legal regulation (legislative and bylaws). The Strategic plan of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2025, one of tasks in which determines "Development of transport and logistic and trade infrastructure", is accepted.
Rather created and extensive network of highways public. Taking into account the projects planned till 2025 the existing network of highways is sufficient. The international corridors passing through Kazakhstan connect the western regions of China with the countries of EEU and the European Union, and also Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Afghanistan.
Availability of institutional, legal and technological framework for further development of paid roads. Experience of introduction of paid sections of roads says that among users the understanding of need to pay for services of road infrastructure was created. Rather effective institutional, legal and technological framework for further expansion of this model is created.
Accumulating of tax assignments at the level of the budget of rural districts. Reforms in system of the taxation allow to accumulate tax assignments of the companies and inhabitants of SNP of Items at the level of the budget of akimats of rural districts in which they are registered. Thus, administrations of SNP will have more opportunities for financing of the activities, including ensuring content of street road net.
Availability of own productions of construction materials for production of construction works on road projects. The resource of production capacities for providing road industry with construction materials of necessary quality and in sufficient amounts for works on construction, repair and content of highways is created.
Reducing administrative barriers for implementation of the international motor transportations. The simplified regime of customs clearance without provision of the customs declaration and passing of customs cargo inspection transported from China through Kazakhstan is introduced. The specified loads after passing of customs clearance in Kazakhstan move on the territory of EEU without room under the procedure of internal customs transit.
The strong growth of amounts of transportations by road transport demonstrates forming of positive trends in development of motor transportation and road industries, and also demand of automobile corridors of Kazakhstan for the organization and implementation through them transit traffic of loads.
Availability of the mechanism of the state support of haulers. For the purpose of realization in leasing of buses of the Kazakhstan production to the interested carriers, MIIR together with JSC National Managing Holding Bayterek developed the mechanism of preferential lease financing through JSC BRK-Leasing.
Experience on work with the international financial institutions. With assistance of MFI the large project - the international corridor "Western Europe - the Western China" was realized, and also corridors "Center South", "the Center - the West" and other projects which on row with long-term investments introduced incentives for institutional development are implemented: new forms of contracts were used, the best international specialists were attracted, premises of reforming of management system by highways were pledged.
Low cost efficiency of costs on repair and content of highway network. Considerable extent of roads of regional and district value requires big costs for their repair and content which essential part is economically not justified, but at the same time has the big social importance.
Low technical and operational level of roads of regional and district value. Considerable part of provincial roads has no hard surface, creating physical barriers of access to the social benefits and services for the population of regions. Lack of direct transport connectivity by the principle "The road to the house" causes in the population feeling of isolation from civilization.
Insufficiently developed contract base for construction and content of highways. The main production capacities in the field of road construction are created generally in the large cities and the regional centers that it is not enough for high-quality accomplishment of the planned scope of work on all road network. The road-building equipment is substantially worn-out and technologically lagged behind.
The low performance of quality control system of roadwork, non-compliance with the production technology of works and application of substandard construction materials lead to the fact that preserving the technical and operational parameters of road clothes reached after repair is not provided during the complete established normative useful life.
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The document ceased to be valid since December 30, 2022 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2022 No. 1116