of June 15, 2006 No. 833
About approval of the Procedure of trading activity and rules of trade servicing in the market of consumer goods
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Procedure of trading activity and the rule of trade servicing in the market of consumer goods which are applied.
2. Recognize invalid, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 15, 2006, No. 833
General part
1. The presents the Procedure and rules determine general terms of implementation of trading activity by subjects of wholesale trade, retail trade, institutions of restaurant economy, the main requirements to retail chain stores, network of institutions of restaurant economy and trade consumer service (buyers) which acquire goods at the companies, organizations and the organizations irrespective of legal form and pattern of ownership, physical persons - entrepreneurs and foreign legal entities who perform business activity in the territory of Ukraine (further - subjects of managing).
2. In these the Procedure and rules terms are used in the value given in GSTU 4303-2004 "Retail and wholesale trade. Terms and determination of concepts" and GSTU 4281-2004 "Institutions of restaurant economy. Classification".
3. The trading activity is performed by subjects of housekeeping in the field of retail and wholesale trade, and also restaurant economy.
4. The trading activity is regulated Economic and Civil by codes of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "About consumer protection", other acts of the legislation, and also this Procedure.
4-1. Features of sale of separate groups food and nonfoods, implementation of different types of trade, work of institutions of restaurant economy are regulated by rules which affirm Ministry of Economics in coordination with the Ministry of Finance, except the cases established by the law.
Procedure of trading activity
5. The subject of housekeeping performs trading activity after its state registration, and in the cases provided by legal acts in the presence of the relevant documents of allowing nature and the license.
6. The subject of managing can have:
shopping facilities of wholesale trade, storage facility or network of warehouses - for implementation of wholesale trading activity;
retail, small retail retail chain stores - for implementation of retail trading activity;
network of institutions of restaurant economy (restaurants, cafe, cafeterias, etc.) - for implementation of restaurant servicing.
7. Shopping facilities are:
1) in the field of wholesale trade:
warehouse (universal, specialized, mixed);
shop warehouse;
2) in the field of retail trade:
shop which can be:
- food, nonfood, mixed (on commodity specialization);
- universal, specialized, highly specialized, combined, unspecialized (on product line);
- with individual servicing, self-service, trade on samples, trade by the order (on sales method of goods);
booth, yatka;
tent, stall;
tray, runduk;
bench warehouse, shop warehouse.
8. The institution of restaurant economy is placed in specially intended and equipped room.
9. Shopping facilities are placed in accordance with the established procedure.
10. Subjects of housekeeping shall provide:
compliance of the room (place) for implementation of activities in the field of trade and restaurant economy to necessary sanitary standards, and technical condition of the room (place), building and equipment to requirements of regulatory legal acts concerning storage, production and sale of the corresponding goods, and also labor protection;
availability on the visible and available place of angle-piece of the buyer in which information on the name of the owner or the body authorized by it, addresses and phone numbers of bodies which provide consumer protection is placed;
placement of the license according to the requirements established by the legislation;
sales of goods and their exchange according to statutory rules and regulations.
At the customer's request (buyer) the ranking officer of the subject of housekeeping shall provide him this Procedure, the Law of Ukraine "About consumer protection", sanitary standards, rules of sale of separate types of goods according to specialization of the subject of housekeeping.
10-1. According to the decision of the company of labeling of goods or the instruction on their application (in the established cases) may contain along with the text stated in state language, its transfer in regional language or language of minority, in other languages.
11. The subject of housekeeping independently resolves issues of providing trade rooms (places) with the equipment (refrigerating, hoisting-and-transport, weight measuring and so forth), registrars of settlement transactions according to the regulatory legal act.
Means of the measuring equipment which are used in trading activity shall be in good repair, have testing brand and undergo periodic checking in the procedure established by the legislation.
12. On facade of the shopping facility the sign with indication of the name of the subject of housekeeping is placed. Near entrance to the shopping facility information on operating mode in a visible place is placed.
In case of implementation of exit (portable) trade, and also sales of goods with use of other non-stationary means on workplace of the seller the plate with indication of surname, name and middle name of the seller, and also the information about the subject of housekeeping who organized trade is established:
for the legal entity - the name, the address and phone number;
for the physical person - the entrepreneur - surname, name and middle name.
All data are drawn up according to the legislation on languages.
13. The operating mode of the shopping facility and institution of restaurant economy which belong to utility property is established by local government bodies according to the legislation.
For institution of restaurant economy which services consumers at the companies in organizations and the organizations, the operating mode is set by the subject of housekeeping by agreement with their administration.
In case of closing of the shopping facility for holding sanitary actions, repair, technical re-equipment and carrying out other works the subject of housekeeping shall place the announcement of date and the period of closing along with information on operating mode.
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