of December 9, 2019 No. PP-4545
About measures for further enhancement of management system road industry
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 9, 2019 No. UP-5890 "About Measures for Deep Reforming of System of Road Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan", and also for the purpose of further enhancement of management system road industry of the republic and increase in its investment appeal:
1. Approve:
the list of the companies of Committee on highways under the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the state shares in which authorized funds are transferred to JSC Yulkurilish, according to appendix No. 3;
the list of the research and educational institutions transferred to the jurisdiction of Committee on highways under the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 4.
Provide to the chairman of Committee on highways under the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Committee) the right:
make changes to structure of central office of Committee within the established extreme number of managerial personnel;
create the independent companies which are engaged in repair and operation of highways and other companies, including joint, and also to combine and abolish the companies in structure of Committee in coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2. Determine that:
vice-chairmen of Committee are appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
drafts of regulatory legal acts concerning highways and road economy are subject to obligatory approval of the Ministry of transport;
the decisions of Committee made within its powers are obligatory for execution of the public and economic board by bodies, public authorities on places, and also business entities and citizens;
content of the district road and operational companies, operational linear companies, Public institution "Center of the analysis of technical condition of highways and traffic security", cluster of Uzyulkuprik and its territorial branches and other road and operational companies of Committee, including payment of surcharges and allowances to official pay rates of workers, award are determined proceeding from sales of goods, works, services in accordance with the established procedure, and also income (financial opportunities) gained from other types of economic activity;
compensation of the international consultant attracted by Committee is performed by fund of development and support of activities of Committee on highways for the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Fund).3. Implement procedure according to which since January 1, 2020:
in the territory of the republic (except for check points through Frontier) collection of charges and issue of permissions to movement on highways of heavyweight and (or) large-size vehicles are performed by Committee
;installation of technical means of regulation of traffic and their designs, including technical means of photo and video fixing, on highways public is performed in coordination with Committee;
designing and laying of new networks of engineering communications of longitudinal arrangement under carriageways of highways, except for their cross crossing with highways is forbidden.
3-1. Determine that:
a) at check points through Frontier of the Republic of Uzbekistan customs authorities exercise control of payment of charges and payments for entrance on the territory and transit across the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of vehicles of the foreign states including driving to the republic of heavyweight and/or large-size vehicles, and also control of observance of admissible weight and dimensional parameters of vehicles by carriers;
b) since December 1, 2021 the amount of charges for entrance on the territory and transit across the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of vehicles of foreign states is distributed in the following procedure:
50 percent - in the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
40 percent - in Fund of development and support of activities of Committee on highways for the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
10 percent - in off-budget fund of customs authorities with the target direction on the organization at automobile check points through Frontier of the modern control equipped with the special automated measuring funds (with possibility of determination of poosny measurement of weight) determining weight and dimensional parameters of vehicles and also for content of internal highways in the territory of these customs posts in proper condition.
4. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan till December 31, 2019 to make the government decision providing approval:
procedure Committee of control of observance of weight and dimensional parameters of vehicles on highways;
procedure for pokilometrovy or time calculation and collection of fare of foreign cargo vehicles on highways of the republic;
programs for the organization of stationary and portable posts for control of observance of weight and dimensional parameters of the vehicles equipped with the automated gages, having provided in it completion of works on their organization and equipment until the end of 2021.
5. To provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent together with the State committee on land resources, geodesy, cartography and the state inventory of the Republic of Uzbekistan step-by-step fixing to Committee of the parcels of land in rights of way of highways public.
6. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of transport, the Ministry of Economics and finance, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent on establishment of procedure according to which:
the construction of objects (designs) of external advertizing on the parcels of land and constructions located in rights of way of highways public is performed based on permission of Committee;
placement and construction of facilities of production, rendering services, trade, service, and also other objects for business activity on the parcels of land in roadside strip of highways public are performed in coordination with Committee;
the means arriving from provision following the results of electronic auctions of the right to construction of objects (designs) of external advertizing on the parcels of land and constructions located in rights of way of highways public and also monthly payments for the established objects (designs) of external advertizing in the amount of 40 percent go to the territorial trust funds under the Ministry of Economics and finance of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, managements of economy and finance of khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent, 60 percent - to Fund;
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