It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
December 5, 2019
No. 1209/34180
of September 30, 2019 No. 511
About approval of the Regulations on the commission of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine concerning consideration of materials about recognition by combatants and the Instruction about procedure for issue in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of certificates of the combatant, breastplates "The veteran of war - the combatant" and sheets of coupons on the right of receipt of tickets with 50 percent discount of their cost
According to the Law of Ukraine "About the status of veterans of war, guarantees of their social protection", to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 12, 1994 No. 302 "About procedure for certification and breastplates of veterans of war" (with changes), of February 8, 1994 No. 63 "About organizational actions for application of the Law of Ukraine "About the status of veterans of war, guarantees of their social protection", of January 13, 1995 No. 16 "About application of Item 2 of article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "About the status of veterans of war, guarantees of their social protection", of August 20, 2014 No. 413 "About approval of the Procedure for provision and deprivation of participant status of fighting to persons who protected independence sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and were directly involved in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out or in implementation of actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, ensuring their implementation" (with changes), of July 10, 2019 "About approval of the Procedure for provision of participant status of fighting to persons who are recognized as fighters for independence of Ukraine in the 20th century" I ORDER to No. 604:
1. Approve such which are applied:
2. Form the commissions on questions of consideration of materials about recognition by combatants in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Administrations of the Public special service of transport, military unit And 0515, commands of types of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and operational commands "North", "South", "East" and "West".
3. Legal successors of the commissions regional and Kiev city military commissariats are the commissions:
The Ministries of Defence of Ukraine - concerning persons determined by Items 1 - 18 parts one of article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "About the status of veterans of war, guarantees of their social protection";
operational commands "North", "South", "East" and "West" - concerning persons determined by Item 19 parts one of article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "About the status of veterans of war, guarantees of their social protection".
4. To the director of the department of personnel policy of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the chief of Head department of personnel - the deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Chairman of Administration of the Public special service of transport, the commander of military unit And 0515, to heads of structural divisions of service of personnel of commands of types of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, operational commands "North", "South", "East", "West", to command of Landing and assault troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, command of special transactions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of Sil, air commands of Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to military commissioners regional and to the Kiev city military commissioner (the territorial centers of completing and social support) based on decisions, protocols (minutes abstracts) of the commissions on questions of consideration of materials about recognition by combatants and decisions of the interdepartmental commission on recognition by combatants to organize issue to citizens of certificates of the combatant, breastplates "The veteran of war - the combatant", sheets of coupons on the right of receipt of tickets with 50 percent discount of their cost and conducting their personal accounting.
5. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of May 7, 2015 No. 200 "About approval of the Regulations on the commission of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine concerning consideration of materials about recognition by combatants and the Instruction about procedure for issue in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of certificates of the combatant, breastplates "The veteran of war - the combatant" and sheets of coupons on the right of receipt of tickets with 50 percent discount of their cost", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 14, 2015 for No. 531/26976 (with changes).
6. To provide to department of personnel policy of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
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The document ceased to be valid since May 8, 2020 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of April 16, 2020 No. 122