of December 30, 2019 No. PP-4555
About measures for ensuring execution of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020"
Since 2020 the new budget system directed to expansion of powers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local Kengasha of People's Deputies, further increase in responsibility of distributors of budgetary funds, ensuring independence of public authorities on places for forming of the income and use of means of local budgets takes root.
By the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020" it is for the first time determined that expenses of the republican budget by the ministries and departments affirm chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and expenses of local budgets - local Kengashami of People's Deputies.
The list of the income types which are directly connected with activities of public authorities on places which completely remain at the disposal of local budgets is expanded.
Since 2020 in the consolidated Government budget the public expenditures performed at the expense of the state trust funds and funds of the raised external borrowings are reflected, the scope and level of transparency of the budget is strengthened. Accounting of overall fiscal balance according to international standards is adjusted.
In the new edition of the Tax code responsibility of bodies of the State Tax Service for excessive tax collection is strengthened, the forms of tax control approved in foreign practice using modern methods are implemented, and also procedures for calculation and tax payment are simplified.
In turn the undertaken reforms require increase in responsibility of the ministries, departments and public authorities on places for timely financing of expenses of the first level, state programs and actions for social and economic development of regions, non-admissions of implementation of actions with uncertain sources, and also further toughening of the budget discipline.
For the purpose of further strengthening of the state financial system and the budget discipline, increase in transparency of the tax and budget system, strengthening of interest of public authorities on places for execution of forecast indicators of budget receipts, and also ensuring implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020":
1. Determine the main directions of Strategy of enhancement of management system public finances for 2020 - 2024:
development of medium-term bases of the budget and implementation of new system of forming of the annual budget - "the budget oriented to result" for the purpose of implementation of strategic approach to the tax and budget policy;
increase in institutional potential and responsibility of participants of the budget process for ensuring reliability of macrofiscal forecasts;
strengthening of the budget powers, accountability and responsibility of managers of budgetary funds and public authorities on places;
implementation of system of assessment of fiscal risks, accounting of financial assets and obligations, and also effective management of them;
strengthening of financial discipline by standardization of standards of the budget accounting, enhancement of internal control system and audit;
ensuring openness, completeness and compliance of budget information to international standards;
strengthening of parliamentary and public control over the budget process.
To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two-month time to submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers the Strategy of enhancement of management system public finances for 2020 - 2024 taking into account offers of the international financial institutions.
2. Determine the main objectives of the Cabinet of Ministers, the ministries and departments, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent in the budget and financial sphere:
ensuring completeness of scope of the taxation objects and taxable basis, increase in level of collecting of taxes, accomplishment of forecast indicators of the income of the relevant budgets by mobilization of the available resources and input of new production capacities;
target and rational use of budgetary funds, and also their economy, strengthening of the budget discipline, strengthening of system of accountability for effectiveness of use of budgetary funds;
timely financing of first-priority expenses (the salary and the payments equated to it, food, medicines, utilities), non-admission of accounts payable;
the direction of the means provided for the capital investments on designing, construction (reconstruction) and equipment of objects, first of all for putting into operation of the passing objects of previous years;
the direction of means of the external borrowings received from name of the Republic of Uzbekistan and under guarantee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on financing of the most urgent actions for social and economic development, and also ensuring effectiveness by their effective use.
3. To provide to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020:
non-admission of excess of deficit of the consolidated budget above 0,5 of percent of gross domestic product;
balanced execution of the income and expenses of Fund of reconstruction and development of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
non-admission of limiting excess of amount of again signed agreements on attraction of external borrowing on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan (the Governments of the Republic of Uzbekistan) or under guarantee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 4 billion US dollars;
non-admission of limiting excess of amount of development of the external borrowings involved on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan (the Governments of the Republic of Uzbekistan) or under guarantee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and settled at the expense of means of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 1, 5 billion US dollars.
4. Determine that process of assessment of effectiveness of the projects and programs financed by means of external public debt provides:
carrying out by Audit Chamber the Republic of Uzbekistan audit of completed projects and programs with the direction of information on its results in Legislative house of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers following the results of every quarter;
carrying out by the relevant ministries and departments of the presentations in special-purpose committees of chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to completed projects and programs within three months;
ensuring placement by Audit Chamber, Ministry of investments and foreign trade and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of data on development and selection, and also about results of carrying out monitoring and project audit and programs in mass media and on websites.
5. To Audit Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
create the sector on carrying out project audit and the programs financed by public debt in number of four established posts of managerial personnel within the general number of staff;
in three-months time to approve the procedure including questions of assessment and the carrying out project audit and programs financed by public debt, and also their group on risks.
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