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The document ceased to be valid since August 19, 2022 according to the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of July 13, 2022 No. 100


of November 26, 2019 No. 205

"About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur"

According to Item 30 of the Protocol on information and communication technologies and information exchange within the Eurasian Economic Union (appendix № 3 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) and being guided by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 6, 2014 № 200, the Board of the Eurasian economic commission decided:

1. Approve enclosed:

Rules of information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur";

Regulations of information exchange between authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur";

Regulations of information exchange between authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Eurasian economic commission in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur";

The description of formats and structures of the electronic documents and data used for realization by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur";

Procedure for accession to general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur".

2. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission

T. Sargsyan

Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 26, 2019, No. 205

Regulations of information exchange between authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur"

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations are developed according to the following acts incoming the right of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union):

The agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014;

The agreement on marking of goods means of identification in the Eurasian Economic Union of February 2, 2018 (further - the Agreement);

The decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of August 8, 2019 No. 72 "About introduction of marking of shoe goods means of identification";

The decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of November 6, 2014 No. 200 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general processes";

The decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of April 14, 2015 № 29 "About the list of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union and modification of the Decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of August 19, 2014 № 132";

The decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of June 9, 2015 №63 "About the Analysis technique, optimization, harmonizations and descriptions of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union";

The decision of Board of the Eurasian economic Commission of September 28, 2015 No. 125 "About approval of regulations on exchange of electronic documents in case of cross-border interaction of public authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union among themselves and with the Eurasian economic commission".

II. Scope

2. These Regulations are developed for the purpose of ensuring uniform understanding with participants of general process of procedure and conditions of accomplishment of transactions of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" (further - general process) in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur" and also the role in case of their accomplishment.

These Regulations are not applied in case of information exchange, connected with exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products from natural fur".

3. These Regulations determine requirements to procedure and conditions of accomplishment of the transactions of general process which are directly directed to realization of information exchange between participants of general process.

4. These Regulations are applied by participants of general process in case of control of execution order of procedures and transactions within general process, and also during the designing, development and completion of national components of information system of marking of the goods providing realization of this general process.

III. Basic concepts

5. For the purposes of these Regulations concepts which mean the following are used:

"importer" the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur performing purchase of goods, the marked means of identification within cross-border trade;

"marking code" - unique string, the means of identification used for forming;

"detail of the electronic document (data)" - unit this the electronic document (data) which in certain context is considered inseparable;

"condition of information object of general process" - the property characterizing information object of general process at certain stage of accomplishment of the procedure of general process which changes in case of accomplishment of transactions of general process;

"exporter" the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur enabling the realization (sale) of goods, the marked means of identification within cross-border trade.

The concepts "initiator", "initiating transaction", "accepting transaction", "respondent", "message of general process" and "transaction of general process" used in these Regulations are applied in the values determined by the Analysis technique, optimizations, the harmonization and the description of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of June 9, 2015 No. 63.

Other concepts used in these Regulations are applied in the values determined in item 4 of Rules of information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union, including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products, from natural fur", approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 26, 2019 No. 205 (further - Rules of information exchange).

IV. The main data on information exchange within general process

1. Participants of information exchange

6. The list of roles of participants of information exchange within general process is provided in table 1.

Table 1

List of roles of participants of information exchange

Name of role

Description of role

The participant who is carrying out role




Receiver of data

performs request of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade;
performs acceptance and accounting of data on the facts of sale of the marked goods received from authorized bodies of other state members of the Union (further - state member);
represents data on acceptance to accounting in national component of information system of marking of goods of the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade or about failure in acceptance to accounting of such goods;
performs acceptance and processing of data on the goods included in national components of information system of marking of goods of other state members

authorized body of state member in which the importer of P.LS.03.ACT.003) is registered

Owner of data

performs submission of data on the marked goods realized within cross-border trade including at the request of authorized bodies of other state members;
performs submission of data on the goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods;
performs submission of data for the order of generation (or registration) marking codes, and also acceptance and processing of data about generated (or registered) marking codes, and also submission of data on use of codes of marking

authorized body of state member in which the P.LS.03.ACT.004) exporter is registered


performs generation (or registration) marking codes at the request of authorized bodies of other state members, performs processing of data on use of codes of marking

authorized body of state member in which the importer of P.LS.03.ACT.003) is registered


2. Structure of information exchange

7. Information exchange within general process is performed between authorized bodies of state members of the Union (further - authorized bodies of state members) according to procedures of general process:

information exchange in case of submission of data on turnover of the marked goods within cross-border trade;

information exchange in case of synchronization of data on goods in national components of information system of marking of goods;

information exchange in case of submission of data on marking codes.

The structure of information exchange between authorized bodies of state members is provided in the figure 1.

Рисунок 1-0 к Решению КЭК от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 1. Structure of information exchange between authorized bodies of state members

8. Information exchange between authorized bodies of state members is implemented within general process. The structure of general process is determined in Rules of information exchange.

9. Information exchange determines execution order of transactions of general process, each of which represents exchange of messages for the purpose of synchronization of conditions of information object of general process between participants of general process. For each information exchange interrelations between transactions and transactions of general process corresponding to such transactions are determined.

10. In case of accomplishment of transaction of general process the initiator within the transaction performed by it (initiating transactions) sends to the respondent the message request in response to which the respondent within the transaction performed by it (accepting transactions) can send or not direct the message answer depending on template of transaction of general process. The data structure as a part of the message shall match the Description of formats and structures of the electronic documents and data used for realization by means of the integrated system of general process "Ensuring exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification, made or imported on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union including in case of cross-border turnover of such goods on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union" in the part concerning exchange of data on the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification and other than the goods classified in goods item "Articles of clothing, belongings to clothes and other products of natural fur", to No. 205 approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 26, 2019 (further - the Description of formats and structures of electronic documents and data).

11. Transactions of general process are carried out according to the set parameters of transactions of general process as it is determined by these Regulations.

V. Information exchange within groups of procedures

1. Information exchange in case of submission of data on turnover of the marked goods within cross-border trade

12. The run chart of transactions of general process in case of submission of data on turnover of the marked goods within cross-border trade is provided in the figure 2. For each procedure of general process communication between transactions, the intermediate and resulting conditions of information objects of general process and transactions of general process is given in table 2.

Рисунок 2-0 к Решению КЭК от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 2. The run chart of transactions of general process in case of submission of data on turnover of the marked goods within cross-border trade

Table 2

The list of transactions of general process in case of submission of data on turnover of the marked goods within cross-border trade

No. of payment order

The transaction which is carried out by the initiator

Intermediate condition of information object of general process

The transaction which is carried out by the respondent

The resulting condition of information object of general process

Transaction of general process








Request and submission of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.PRC.010)


Request of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.OPR.034).
Acceptance of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.OPR.036)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are requested

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the exporter, request of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade is registered (P.LS.03.OPR.035)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are provided

submission of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade on request (P.LS.03.TRN.011)


Submission of the data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade, accepted to accounting (P.LS.03.PRC.011)


Submission of data on the marked goods accepted to accounting (P.LS.03.OPR.037).
Acceptance of the notification on result of processing of data on the marked goods accepted to accounting (P.LS.03.OPR.039)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are provided

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the exporter, data on the marked goods accepted to accounting is registered (P.LS.03.OPR.038).

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed

submission of data on acceptance of the marked goods to accounting (P.LS.03.TRN.012)


Submission of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.PRC.012)


Submission of data on the marked goods which acceptance to accounting it is refused (P.LS.03.OPR.040).
Acceptance of the notification on result of processing of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods (P.LS.03.OPR.042)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are provided

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the exporter, data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade is registered (P.LS.03.OPR.041)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed

submission of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods (P.LS.03.TRN.013)


Informing on realization by the exporter (seller) the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.PRC.013)


Submission of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.OPR.043).
Acceptance of the notification on result of processing of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.OPR.045)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are provided

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the importer, data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade is registered (P.LS.03.OPR.044)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed

submission of data on realization by the exporter (seller) of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.TRN.014)


Cancellation of data on realization by the exporter (seller) of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.PRC.014)


The direction of information on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.OPR.046).
Acceptance of the notification on result of information processing about cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.OPR.048)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are provided

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the importer, information on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade is registered (P.LS.03.OPR.047)

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed

informing on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.TRN.015)



2. Information exchange in case of synchronization of data on goods in national components of information system of marking of goods

13. The run chart of transactions of general process in case of synchronization of data on goods in national components of information system of marking of goods is provided in the figure 3. For each procedure of general process communication between transactions, the intermediate and resulting conditions of information objects of general process and transactions of general process is given in table 3.

Рисунок 3 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 3. The run chart of transactions of general process in case of synchronization of data on goods in national components of information system of marking of goods

Table 3

The list of transactions of general process in case of synchronization of data on goods in national components of information system of marking of goods 

No. of payment order

The transaction which is carried out by the initiator

Intermediate condition of information object of general process

The transaction which is carried out by the respondent

The resulting condition of information object of general process

Transaction of general process








Submission of the data on goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods, to authorized bodies of other state members (P.LS.03.PRC.015)


Submission of data
about goods, included
in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.OPR.049);

acceptance of the notification
about result of the obrabotkisvedeniye about goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.OPR.051)

about goods (P.LS.03.BEN.005): data are provided

acceptance and processing of the data on goods included
in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.OPR.050)

about goods (P.LS.03.BEN.005): data are processed

submission of data on goods for introduction
in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.TRN.016)


Submission of the changed data on goods included in national component of information system
markings of goods, to authorized bodies of other state members (P.LS.03.PRC.016)


Submission of the changed data on goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.OPR.052);

acceptance of the notification
about result of processing of the changed data
about goods, included
in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.OPR.054)

about goods (P.LS.03.BEN.005): the changed data are provided

acceptance and processing of the changed data
about goods, included
in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.OPR.053)

about goods (P.LS.03.BEN.005): the changed data are processed

submission of the changed data on goods for introduction
in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.TRN.017)


3. Information exchange in case of submission of data on marking codes

14. The run chart of transactions of general process in case of submission of data on codes of marking is provided in the figure 4. For each procedure of general process communication between transactions, the intermediate and resulting conditions of information objects of general process and transactions of general process is given in table 4.

Рисунок 4 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 4. The run chart of transactions of general process in case of submission of data on marking codes

Table 4

The list of transactions of general process in case of submission of data on marking codes

No. of payment order

The transaction which is carried out by the initiator

Intermediate condition of information object of general process

The transaction which is carried out by the respondent

The resulting condition of information object of general process

Transaction of general process








Submission of data for the order of codes of marking and receipt of data
about the generated marking codes (P.LS.03.PRC.017)


Submission of data
for the order of generation of codes of marking at the request of business entity (P.LS.03.OPR.055);

Acceptance of data
about marking sgenerirovannykhkoda (P.LS.03.OPR.058);

Acceptance and processing of the notice of failure
in generation of codes of marking (P.LS.03.OPR.060)

about marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): generation of codes of marking is requested

acceptance and processing of data
for the order of generation of codes of marking (P.LS.03.OPR.056);

generation of codes of marking, forming and direction of information
about them (P.LS.03.OPR.057);

and submission of the notice of failure
in generation of codes of marking (P.LS.03.OPR.059)

about marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): the generated codes of marking are provided;

about marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006):
generation of codes of marking it is refused

submission of data
for generation of codes of marking (P.LS.03.TRN.018)


Submission of data for registration of codes of marking and receipt of data
about the registered marking codes (P.LS.03.PRC.018)


Submission of data
for registration of kodovmarkirovka at the request of business entity (P.LS.03.OPR.061);

Acceptance of the notification
about results of processing of data for registration of codes of marking (P.LS.03.OPR.063)

about marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): registration of codes of marking is requested

acceptance and processing of data for registration of codes of marking (P.LS.03.OPR.062)

about marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): data on codes of marking are processed

submission of data
for marking registratsiikod



"Information representation about use of codes of marking by business entity" (P.LS.03.PRC.019)


Information representation about use of codes of marking

Acceptance of the notification
about results of information processing
about use of codes of marking (P.LS.03.OPR.066)

about marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): predstavlenainformation
about use of codes of marking

acceptance and information processing
about use of codes of marking (P.LS.03.OPR.065)

about marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): information
about use of codes of marking it is processed

information representation
about marking ispolzovaniikod



VI. Description of messages of general process

15. The list of the messages of general process transferred within information exchange in case of realization of general process is provided in table 5. The data structure as a part of the message shall match the Description of formats and structures of electronic documents and data. The reference to the relevant structure in the Description of formats and structures of electronic documents and data is established on value of column 3 of table 5.

Table 5

List of messages of general process

Specification symbol


Structure of the electronic document (data)





request of data
about the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade

list of means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.010)


notification on result of processing of request of data
about the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade

data on the goods marked by means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.011);

the disaggregated description of shoe goods (R.CT.LS.03.015)


data on accepted
to accounting the marked goods acquired
within cross-border trade

list of means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.010)


notification on result of processing of data
about the marked goods accepted to accounting

result of processing of data on means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.012)


data on failure in acceptance
to accounting of the marked goods acquired
within cross-border trade

list of means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.010)


notification on result of processing of data on failure
in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods

result of processing of data on means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.012)


data on realization of the marked goods
within cross-border trade

data on the goods marked by means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.011);

the disaggregated description of shoe goods (R.CT.LS.03.015)


notification on result of processing of data
about realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade

result of processing of data on means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.012)


information on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods
within cross-border trade

list of means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.010)


notification on result of information processing
about cancellation of data
about realization of the marked goods

result of processing of data on means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.012)


data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods

data on characteristics of the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.016);

the disaggregated description of shoe goods (R.CT.LS.03.015)


notification on result of processing of data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods

notification on result of processing (R. 006)


the changed data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods

data on characteristics of the goods which are subject to marking by means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.016);

the disaggregated description of shoe goods (R.CT.LS.03.015)


the notification on result of processing of the changed data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods

notification on result of processing (R. 006)


data for generation of codes of marking

request for generation of codes of marking (R.CT.LS.03.014)


data on the generated marking codes

result of processing of data on means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.012)


notice of failure
in generation of codes of marking

notification on result of processing (R. 006)


data for marking registratsiikod

request for generation of codes of marking (R.CT.LS.03.014)


the notification on result of processing of data for marking registratsiikod

result of processing of data on means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.012)


information about marking ispolzovaniikod

data on use of codes of marking (R.CT.LS.03.019)


notification on result of information processing
about marking ispolzovaniikod

notification on result of processing (R. 006)


VII. Description of transactions of general process

1. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade, on demand" (P.LS.03.TRN.011)

16. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade, on demand" (P.LS.03.TRN.011) is carried out for representation by the respondent at the request of the initiator of the corresponding data. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 5. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 6.

Рисунок 5 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 5. The run chart of transaction of general process "Submission of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade, on demand" (P.LS.03.TRN.011)

Table 6

The description of transaction of general process "Submission of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade, on demand" (P.LS.03.TRN.011)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade, on demand


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

request of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the exporter, request of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade is registered


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are provided


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

20 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

request of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.MSG.014)

response message

the notification on result of processing of request of data on the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.MSG.015)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



2. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on acceptance of the marked goods to accounting" (P.LS.03.TRN.012)

17. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on acceptance of the marked goods to accounting" (P.LS.03.TRN.012) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of data on acceptance to accounting of the marked goods. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 6. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 7.

Рисунок 6 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 6. The run chart of transaction of general process "Submission of data on acceptance of the marked goods to accounting" (P.LS.03.TRN.012)

Table 7

The description of transaction of general process "Submission of data on acceptance of the marked goods to accounting" (P.LS.03.TRN.012)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of data on acceptance of the marked goods to accounting


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

submission of data on the marked goods accepted to accounting


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the exporter, data on the marked goods accepted to accounting is registered


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

20 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

data on the marked goods accepted to accounting acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.MSG.016)

response message

notification on result of processing of data
about the marked goods accepted to accounting (P.LS.03.MSG.017)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



3. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.013)

18. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.013) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 7. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 8.

Рисунок 7 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 7. The run chart of transaction of general process "Submission of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.013)

Table 8

The description of transaction of general process "Submission of data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.013)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of data on failure in acceptance
to accounting of the marked goods


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

submission of data on the marked goods which acceptance to accounting it is refused


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of state member by authorized body in which the exporter, data on failure in acceptance is registered
to accounting of the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

20 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

data on failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods acquired within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.MSG.018)

response message

notification on result of processing of data
about failure in acceptance to accounting of the marked goods (P.LS.03.MSG.019)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



4. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on realization by the exporter (seller) of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.TRN.014)

19. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on realization by the exporter (seller) of the marked goods within cross-border trade" (P.LS.03.TRN.014) is carried out for representation by the initiator to the respondent of the corresponding data. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 8. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 9.

Рисунок 8 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 8. The run chart of transaction of general process "Submission of data on realization by the exporter (seller) of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.TRN.014)

Table 9

The description of transaction of general process "Submission of data on realization by the exporter (seller) of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.TRN.014)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of data on realization by the exporter (seller) of the marked goods within cross-border trade


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

submission of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing by authorized body of state member of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

20 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

data on realization of the marked goods
within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.MSG.020)

response message

notification on result of processing of data
about realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.MSG.021)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



5. Transaction of general process "Informing on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade" (P.LS.03.TRN.015)

20. Transaction of general process "Informing on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade" (P.LS.03.TRN.015) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of information on cancellation of the corresponding data. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 9. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 10.

Рисунок 9 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 9. The run chart of transaction of general process "Informing on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade" (P.LS.03.TRN.015)

Table 10

The description of transaction of general process "Informing on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade" (P.LS.03.TRN.015)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

informing on cancellation of data
about realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

the direction of information on cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods
within cross-border trade


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of information state member by authorized body
about cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on the marked goods (P.LS.03.BEN.004): data are processed


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

20 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

information on cancellation of data
about realization of the marked goods within cross-border trade (P.LS.03.MSG.022)

response message

the notification on result of processing informatsiiob cancellation of data on realization of the marked goods (P.LS.03.MSG.023)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



6. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.016)

21. Transaction of general process "Submission of data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.016) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of the corresponding data goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 10. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 11.

Рисунок 10 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 10. Run chart of transaction of general process "Submission of data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.016)

Table 11

Description of transaction of general process "Submission of data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.016)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of data on goods for introduction

in national component of information system of marking of goods


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

submission of the data on goods included
in national component of information system of marking of goods


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of the data on goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on goods (P.LS.03.BEN.005): data are processed


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

10 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.MSG.024)

response message

notification on result of processing of data
about goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.MSG.025)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



7. Transaction of general process "Submission of the changed data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.017)

22. Transaction of general process "Submission of the changed data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.017) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of the corresponding changed data goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 11. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 12.

Рисунок 11 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 11. Run chart of transaction of general process

"Submission of the changed data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.017)

Table 12

The description of transaction of general process "Submission of the changed data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods" (P.LS.03.TRN.017)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of the changed data on goods
for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

submission of the changed data on goods included in national component of information system of marking of goods


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of the changed data
about goods, the goods included in national component of information system of marking


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on goods (P.LS.03.BEN.005): izmenennyesvedeniye are processed


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

10 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

the changed data on goods for introduction
in national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.MSG.026)

response message

the notification on result of processing of the changed data on goods for entering into national component of information system of marking of goods (P.LS.03.MSG.027)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



8. Transaction of general process "Submission of data for generation of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.018)

23. Transaction of general process "Submission of data for generation of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.018) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of the corresponding data. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 12. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 13.

Рисунок 12 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 12. Run chart of transaction of general process "Submission of data for generation of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.018)

Table 13

Description of transaction of general process "Submission of data for generation of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.018)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of data for generation of codes of marking


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

submission of data for the order of generation of codes of marking


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of data for the order of generation of codes of marking


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): the generated markirovkipredstavlena codes;

data on marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): in generation of codes markirovkiotkazano


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

40 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

data for generation of codes of marking (P.LS.03.MSG.028)

response message

data on marking sgenerirovannykhkoda (P.LS.03.MSG.029);

the notice of failure in generation of codes of marking (P.LS.03.MSG.030)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



9. Transaction of general process "Submission of data for registration of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.019)

24. Transaction of general process "Submission of data for registration of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.019) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of the corresponding data. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 13. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 14.

Рисунок 13 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 13. Run chart of transaction of general process "Submission of data for registration of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.019)

Table 14

Description of transaction of general process "Submission of data for registration of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.019)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

submission of data for marking registratsiikod


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

submission of data for marking registratsiikod


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing of data of registratsiikod of marking


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): data on markirovkiobrabotana codes


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

40 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

data for registration of codes of marking (P.LS.03.MSG.031)

response message

the notification on result of processing of data for registration of codes of marking (P.LS.03.MSG.032)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



10. Transaction of general process "Information representation about use of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.020)

25. Transaction of general process "Information representation about use of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.020) is carried out for processing by the respondent at the request of the initiator of the corresponding data. The run chart of the specified transaction of general process is provided in the figure 14. Parameters of transaction of general process are specified in table 15.

Рисунок 14 к Приказу от 26.11.2019 №205

Fig. 14. Run chart of transaction of general process "Information representation about use of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.020)

Table 15

Description of transaction of general process "Submission of data for registration of codes of marking" (P.LS.03.TRN.020)

No. of payment order

Obligatory element






Specification symbol



Name of transaction of general process

information representation about use of codes of marking


Template of transaction of general process

cross liabilities


The initiating role



The initiating transaction

information representation about marking ispolzovaniikod


The reacting role



The accepting transaction

acceptance and processing informatsiio about marking ispolzovaniikod


Result of accomplishment of transaction of general process

data on marking codes (P.LS.03.BEN.006): information on use of codes of marking is processed


Parameters of transaction of general process:

time for assurance of receipt

1 min.

time of confirmation of acceptance in processing

1 min.

waiting time of the answer

40 min.

authorization sign


number of repetitions

1 time


Messages of transaction of general process:

the initiating message

information on use of codes of marking (P.LS.03.MSG.033)

response message

notification on result of information processing
about marking ispolzovaniikod (P.LS.03.MSG.034)


Parameters of messages of transaction of general process:

EDS sign

is not present (except as specified when application of the EDS when implementing information exchange within general process is provided by the relevant decision of Board of the Commission)

transfer of the electronic document from the incorrect EDS



VIII. Operations procedure non-staff situations

26. In case of information exchange within general process emergency situations when data handling cannot be made in the regular mode are probable. Emergency situations arise in case of technical failures, the expiration of waiting time and in other cases. For receipt by the participant of general process of comments on origins of emergency situation and recommendations about its permission the possibility of the direction of the corresponding request is provided in support desk of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade. General recommendations about permission of emergency situation are provided to table 16.

27. The authorized body of state member performs the message in connection with which the error notification, on compliance to the Description of formats and structures of electronic documents and data and to the requirements to control of messages specified in the Section IX of these Regulations is received. If mismatch to the specified requirements is revealed, the authorized body of state member takes all necessary measures for elimination of the revealed error. If discrepancies are not revealed, the authorized body of state member sends the message with the description of this emergency situation to support desk of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade.

Table 16

Actions in emergency situations

Code of emergency situation

Description of emergency situation

Reasons of emergency situation

Description of actions
in case of emergency situation






initiator of bilateral transaction of general process
did not receive the message answer after the expiration of the approved number of repetitions

technical failures
in transport system or system error of the software

it is necessary to send inquiry to technical support service of national segment in which the message was created


the initiator of transaction of general process received the notification
about error

reference books and qualifiers are not synchronized or not updated
XML schemes of electronic documents (data)

the initiator of transaction of general process needs to synchronize the used reference books and qualifiers or to update XML schemes of electronic documents (data).

If reference books
and qualifiers are synchronized, XML schemes of electronic documents (data) are updated, it is necessary to send inquiry to support desk of the accepting participant


IX. Requirements to filling of electronic documents and data

28. Requirements to filling of details of electronic documents (data) "The list of means of identification (R.CT.LS.03.010), transferred in the message "Request of Data on the Marked Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade" (P.LS.03.MSG.014), are provided in table 17.

Table 17

Requirements to filling of details of electronic documents (data) "The list of means of identification" (R.CT.LS.03.010), transferred in the message "Request of Data on the Marked Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade" (P.LS.03.MSG.014)

Requirement code

Formulation of the requirement


the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" at the root level of the document shall contain specification symbol of state member,
in which information system the message is created,
in compliance with the qualifier of the countries of the world


the attribute "the identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (atributcode) "the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" at the root level of the document shall contain 2021 value


  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" shall contain specification symbol of goods at the level of 4 signs


as a part of each copy of the detail "The Means of Identification Applied on the Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade (ctcdo:TransborderIdentificationMeansDetails)" the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall be filled


the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Prodavetstovara (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall be filled


attribute "the identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (atributcode) "the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" incoming
in structure of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall contain 2021 value


the detail "Naimenovaniyesubjekta (csdo:SubjectName) "as a part of the detail "Prodavetstovara (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall be filled


detail "the Short name of subject (csdo:SubjectBriefName)"
as a part of the detail "Prodavetstovara (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" it shall be filled


detail "Identifier of the taxpayer (csdo:TaxpayerId)"
as a part of the detail "Prodavetstovara (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" it shall be filled


if the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" contains RU value, then the detail "Reason Code of Registration (Csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" can be filled


if the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" does not contain value, "RU", then the detail "Reason Code of Registration (Csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" shall not be filled


if the request is performed concerning the means of identification applied on goods, individual or primary packagings
that as a part of copy of the detail "The Means of Identification Applied on the Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade (ctcdo:TransborderIdentificationMeansDetails)" it shall be filled 1 or several copies of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)"


the detail "The Status of the Marked Goods (Ctcdo:MarkedGoodsStatusDetails)" as a part of detail "Data on means of identification

(ctcdo:)" it shall not be filled


the detail "Result of Processing (Ctcdo:ResultDetails)" as a part of detail "Data on means of identification

(ctcdo:)" it shall not be filled


the detail "Final Date (Csdo:EndDate)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not be filled


the detail "Number of Series of Product (Ctsdo:ProductSeriesId)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not be filled


if the request is performed concerning the means of identification applied on group or transport packagings, then as a part of copy of the detail "The Means of Identification Applied on the Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade (ctcdo:TransborderIdentificationMeansDetails)" shall be filled 1 or several copies of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)"


the detail "The Status of the Marked Goods (Ctcdo:MarkedGoodsStatusDetails)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not be filled


the detail "Result of Processing (Ctcdo:ResultDetails)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not be filled


the detail "Final Date (Csdo:EndDate)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not be filled


the detail "Number of Series of Product (Ctsdo:ProductSeriesId)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)"
it shall not be filled


1 copy of the detail "The Means of Identification Applied on the Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade (ctcdo:TransborderIdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not contain at the same time copies of the details "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" and "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)"


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405",
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, the detail "Code of Type of Means of Identification (Ctsdo:IdentificationMeansKindCode)" as a part of the detail "Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansItemDetails)" incoming
in structure of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)", shall contain 301 value


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405",
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, as a part of the detail "Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansItemDetails)" incoming
in structure of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)", 2 copies of the detail "Data Item of Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDataUnitDetails)" shall be created


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405",
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, in the first copy of the detail "Data Item of Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDataUnitDetails)" as a part of the detail "Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansItemDetails)" which is part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)", the detail "Identifier of Application (Ctsdo:AIId)" shall contain 01 value, the detail "Character Value of Data Item of Means of Identification (Ctsdo:ion)" shall contain value of global identification number of trade item (GTIN)


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405",
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, in the second copy of the detail "Data Item of Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDataUnitDetails)" as a part of the detail "Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansItemDetails)" which is part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)", the detail "Identifier of Application (Ctsdo:AIId)" shall contain 21 value, detail "Character value of data item of means of identification (ctsdo:)" shall contain value of individual serial number of packaging (SN)


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405"
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, the detail "Type of Aggregation of Group Packaging (Ctsdo:AggregationKindCode)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not be filled


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405",
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, the detail "Code of Type of Means of Identification (Ctsdo:IdentificationMeansKindCode)" as a part of the detail "Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansItemDetails)" incoming
in structure of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)", shall contain 101 value


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405",
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, as a part of the detail "Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansItemDetails)" as a part of detail "Data
about means of identification of group or shipping package (ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" 1 copy of the detail "Data Item of Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDataUnitDetails)" shall be created


if  the detail "Commodity Code on the CN FEA EEU (Csdo:CommodityCode)" contains one of values: "6401", "6402", "6403", "6404", "6405",
and the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" is filled, in copy of the detail "Data Item of Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDataUnitDetails)" as a part of the detail "Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansItemDetails)" which is part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)", the detail "Identifier of Application (Ctsdo:AIId)" shall contain 00 value, detail "Character value of data item of means of identification (ctsdo:)" shall contain value of unique identifier of shipping package in the form of SerialShippingContainerCode


the detail "Sign of Submission of the Description of Goods (Ctsdo:CommodityDescriptionIndicator)" as a part of copy of the detail "The Means of Identification Applied on the Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade (ctcdo:TransborderIdentificationMeansDetails)", shall contain 1 of the following values:

0 – the description of goods is not submitted;

1 – the description of goods shall be provided


value of detail "Means of identification (ctcdo:)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not repeat within the electronic document (data) "The list of means of identification" (R.CT.LS.03.010)


value of detail "Means of identification (ctcdo:)" as a part of the detail "Data on Means of Identification of Group or Shipping Package (Ctcdo:GroupIdentificationMeansDetails)" shall not repeat within the electronic document (data) "The list of means of identification" (R.CT.LS.03.010)


the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" shall be filled


the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" shall be filled


attribute "the identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (atributcode) "the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" incoming
in structure of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" shall contain 2021 value


the detail "Naimenovaniyesubjekta (csdo:SubjectName) "as a part of the detail "Prodavetstovara (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall be filled


detail "Short Name of Subject (Csdo:SubjectBriefName)"
as a part of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" it shall be filled


detail "Identifier of the Taxpayer (Csdo:TaxpayerId)"
as a part of detail "Buyer (ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" it shall be filled


if the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" contains RU value, then the detail "Reason Code of Registration (Csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" can be filled


if the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" does not contain value, "RU", then the detail "Reason Code of Registration (Csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" shall not be filled

29. Requirements to filling of details of electronic documents (data) "Data on the goods marked by means of identification" (R.CT.LS.03.011), transferred in the message "The Notification on Result of Processing of Request of Data on the Marked Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade" (P.LS.03.MSG.015) is provided in table 18.

Table 18

Requirements to filling of details of electronic documents (data) "Data on the goods marked by means of identification" (R.CT.LS.03.011), transferred in the message "The Notification on Result of Processing of Request of Data on the Marked Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade" (P.LS.03.MSG.015)

Requirement code

Formulation of the requirement


detail "Identifier of the initial electronic document (data) (csdo:)" as a part of detail "Heading of the electronic document (data) (ccdo:)" it shall be filled
and to contain the value of the detail "Identifier of the Electronic Document (Data) (Csdo:d)" specified in "The list of means of identification" (R.CT.LS.03.010) transferred in the message "Request of Data on the Marked Goods Acquired within Cross-border Trade" (P.LS.03.MSG.014) within one copy of transaction with the message "The notification on result of processing of request of data on the marked goods acquired
within cross-border trade" (P.LS.03.MSG.015) (further – request)


the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" at the root level of the document shall contain specification symbol of state member,
in which information system the message is created,
according to the qualifier of the countries of the world


the attribute "the identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (atributcode) "the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" at the root level of the document shall contain 2021 value


detail "Commodity code on  the CN FEA EEU (csdo:)"
at the root level of the electronic document (data) "Data on the goods marked by means of identification" (R.CT.LS.03.011) shall contain shall contain the specification symbol of goods at the level of 4 signs specified in request


the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" as a part of each copy of detail "Data on the cross-border transaction
with the marked goods (ctcdo:TransborderTransactionDetails)" it shall be filled


the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of detail "Buyer (ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" shall be filled


attribute "the identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (atributcode) "the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" incoming
in structure of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" shall contain 2021 value


detail "Naimenovaniyesubjekt (csdo:SubjectName) to "vsostava" the Buyer (ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" shall be filled


detail "the Short name of subject (csdo:SubjectBriefName)"
as a part of detail "Buyer (ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" it shall be filled


detail "Identifier of the taxpayer (csdo:TaxpayerId)"
as a part of details structure of detail "Buyer (ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" it shall be filled


if the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" contains RU value, then the detail "Reason Code of Registration (Csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" can be filled


if the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Buyer (Ctcdo:BuyerDetails)" does not contain value, "RU", then detail "Reason code of registration
(csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" shall not be filled


the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" as a part of each copy of detail "Data on the cross-border transaction
with the marked goods (ctcdo:TransborderTransactionDetails)" it shall be filled


the detail of "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall be filled


attribute "the identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (atributcode) "the detail "Country Code (Csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" incoming
in structure of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall contain 2021 value


the detail "Naimenovaniyesubjekta (csdo:SubjectName) "as a part of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" shall be filled


detail "the Short name of subject (csdo:SubjectBriefName)"
as a part of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" it shall be filled


detail "Identifier of the taxpayer (csdo:TaxpayerId)"
as a part of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" it shall be filled


eslirekvizit "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of the detail "Seller of Goods (Ctcdo:SellerDetails)" contains RU value, the detail "Reason Code of Registration (Csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" can be filled


"The seller of goods (ctcdo:SellerDetails) "eslirekvizit "Kodstrana (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode)" as a part of detail does not contain value, "RU", the detail "Reason Code of Registration (Csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode)" shall not be filled


if by results of processing of the data items of means of identification specified in request the following is established:

the status of goods in national component of information system of marking of goods within which the request is processed corresponds to 31 value – "the goods are realized (it is intended for realization) within cross-border trade";

the information about the seller and the buyer of goods specified in request parameters corresponds to the data for this means of identification which are stored in national component of information system of marking of goods within which the request is processed

that as a part of detail "Data on means of identification

(ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" the details "The Status of the Marked Goods (Ctcdo:MarkedGoodsStatusDetails)" and "Result of Processing (Ctcdo:ResultDetails)" shall be filled, at the same time as a part of the specified details:

detail "Status code of the marked goods (ctsdo:)" shall contain 31 value – "the goods are realized (it is intended for realization) within cross-border trade";

the detail "Reason Code of Installation of the Status (Ctsdo:MarkedGoodsStatusReasonCode)" shall not be filled;

detail "Code of result of processing of data (ctsdo:)" shall contain 600 value – "data are processed"


if by results of processing of the data items of means of identification specified in the detail "Data on Means of Identification (Ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" of request the following is established:

the status of goods in national component of information system of marking of goods within which the request is processed does not correspond to 31 value – "the goods are realized (it is intended for realization) within cross-border trade";

that as a part of detail "Data on means of identification

(ctcdo:IdentificationMeansDetails)" the details "The Status of the Marked Goods (Ctcdo:MarkedGoodsStatusDetails)" and "Result of Processing (Ctcdo:ResultDetails)" shall be filled, at the same time as a part of the specified details:

detail "Status code of the marked goods (ctsdo:)" shall contain the current value of the status of goods established within national component of information system of marking of goods;

detail "Reason code of installation of the status (ctsdo:)" it shall not be filled;

detail "Code of result of processing of data (ctsdo:)" shall contain 710 value – "goods
it is not held for sale within cross-border trade"


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