of September 25, 2019 No. 458
About some measures for increase in efficiency of the mechanism of coordination and management of the external help and modification of some orders of the Government
Based on Item a) Article 6 and Item b) article 7 of the Law No. 136/2017 on the Government (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 252, the Art. 412), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government
1. From the approved extreme number of staff of the State office to transfer to the Ministry of Finance 3 established posts of division with powers in the field of external technical assistance, and also the budget for 2019 established for them.
2. To the Ministry of Finance:
1) within 3 days from the effective date of this resolution to make corresponding changes to the staff list and to submit to its State office for approval;
2) within 5 days from the moment of coordination of the staff list together with the State office to take necessary measures for ensuring transfer of the corresponding personnel.
3. State office:
1) within 3 days from the effective date of this resolution to make corresponding changes to the staff list;
2) in time no more than 5 days from submission of the staff list by the Ministry of Finance on coordination to provide its coordination and registration;
3) within 5 days after the term specified in the subitem 1) to initiate the procedure of the prior notice of personnel of division with powers in the field of external technical assistance.
Release of the personnel refusing transfer to the Ministry of Finance on circumstances, in other structural divisions of the State office to perform according to the Law No. 158/2008 on the state position and the status of the government employee.
To perform expenses on release of the personnel refusing the translation for the account and within the budget of the State office.
4. To the Ministry of Finance provide to the Government of the offer on redistribution of assignments between the State office and the ministry.
5. The state office within 10 days from the date of publication of this resolution to transfer to the Ministry of Finance document packages, belonging to external technical assistance (including to field of activity of the national coordinator of the TAIEX and Twinning programs), systematized properly.
6. To provide to sectoral coordinators within 30 days from the date of publication of this resolution based on the internal administrative act creation of sectoral councils in the field of the external help.
7. Approve changes which are made to some orders of the Government (are applied).
8. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.
Prime Minister
Maya Sandu
Countersigns: Minister of Finance |
Natalya Gavrilitsa |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of September 25, 2019 No. 458
1. In the Order of the Government No. 657/2009 about approval of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the State office, its structure and extreme number (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, No. 162, of the Art. 724), with subsequent changes, to make the following changes:
To replace 1) in Item 2 of the resolution of figure "205" with figures "202";
2) the subitem h) Item 7 of appendix No. 1 to declare invalid;
3) line item of 61 appendices No. 2 to recognize invalid.
2. In the Order of the Government No. 246/2010 about procedure for application of tax and customs privileges for implementation of the current projects of the technical and investment assistance falling under action of international treaties which party the Republic of Moldova is (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2010, Art. No. 52-53, 308), with subsequent changes, to make the following changes:
1) in Item 5 the text "together with the State office are provided" to replace with the word "provides";
To exclude 2) in Item 6 of the word "and State office".
3. In all text of the Order of the Government No. 576/2017 about approval of the Regulations on implementation of the programs of cross-border and transnational cooperation financed by the European Union (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 669, of Art. 253-264) of the word "State Office" in any case shall be replaced with words "Ministry of Finance" in the corresponding case.
4. In the Order of the Government No. 696/2017 about the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Finance (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 329, of the Art. 801) to make the following changes:
To replace 1) in Item 2 of the resolution of figure "314" with figures "317";
The subitem 6) of Item 6 of appendix No. 1 to state 2) in the following edition:
"6) external help";
"Management on the state investments and external financial aid" and "Department of external financial aid" to replace 3) in appendix No. 2 of line item with line items "Management on the state investments and the external help" and, respectively, "Department of the external help";
4) in appendix No. 3 of the word "Management on the State Investments and External Financial Aid" and "Department of External Financial Aid" shall be replaced with words "Management on the state investments and the external help" and, respectively, "Department of the external help".
5. In the Order of the Government No. 377/2018 about approval of institutional base and the mechanism of coordinating and management of the external help (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2018, Art. No. 133-141, 419), with subsequent changes, to make the following changes:
The text "within 8 months from the date of publication of this resolution" to exclude 1) in item 4 of the resolution;
2) in appendix No. 1:
a) in all text of appendix:
shall be replaced with words the words "external financial aid" in any case "the external help" in the corresponding case;
the words "communication forum" and "communication forum" in any case shall be replaced with words "joint forum of partnership for development" in the corresponding case;
b) add Item 11 with the subitem 16) of the following content:
"16) is coordinated by cross-industry interaction between projects and programs of the external help";
c) to declare Section 2 of Chapter II invalid;
d) add Item 15 with Items 11) and 12) of the following content:
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