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of October 9, 2013 No. 36

About approval of the aviation rules "Assessment of Conformity of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus to Certified Requirements"

(as amended on 23-03-2018)

Based on subitem 5.9 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2006 No. 985 "Questions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed aviation rules "Assessment of Conformity of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus to Certified Requirements".

2. The technique of assessment of conformity to regulations of serviceability in the USSR of civil airfields (MOS NGEA USSR) approved by decisions of the Interdepartmental commission on regulations of serviceability in the USSR of the airports, civil airfields, airways and their equipment of December 25, 1989 and on November 13, 1990 not to apply.


A. A. Sivak

Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of October 9, 2013 No. 36

Aviation rules "Assessment of Conformity of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus to Certified Requirements"

Section I. General provisions

Chapter 1. Terms, determinations and symbols

1. These aviation rules "Assessment of Conformity of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus to Certified Requirements" (further - these rules) are intended for accomplishment of assessment procedure of compliance of characteristics and parameters of airfields, the equipment of airfields, means of ensuring of flights and obstacles in aerodrome environs to the certified requirements stated in the aviation rules "Certified Requirements to Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus" approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of July 11, 2012 No. 34-P (further - AP STAGA-2012) (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 21.08. 2012, 8/26129).

2. These rules contain list of the technological transactions necessary for assessment of conformity of characteristics and parameters of airfields, the equipment of airfields, means of ensuring of flights and obstacles in aerodrome environs for requirements of AP STAGA-2012.

Assessment of conformity is made by results of land and flight checks of airfields, the equipment of airfields, means of ensuring of flights and obstacles in aerodrome environs and their comparison to requirements of AP STAGA-2012. Flight checks of the equipment of airfields and means of ensuring of flights are performed according to the aviation rules "Organization and Conducting Land and Flight Checks of Terrestrial Facilities of Radio Engineering Flight Servicing, Aviation Telecommunication and Systems of the Light-signal Equipment of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus". Land checks and inspections of airfields, the equipment of airfields, means of ensuring of flights and obstacles in aerodrome environs are carried out by the aviation organization, being the operator (owner) of this airfield, the equipment or means. For land check and inspection of airfields, the equipment of airfields, means of ensuring of flights and obstacles in aerodrome environs by the aviation organizations can

be attracted the specialized project or research organizations.

3. Numbering of Chapters, Sections and Items of these rules is interconnected with numbering of heads, Sections and Items AP STAGA-2012, establishing requirements and recommendations to airfields, the equipment of airfields, means of ensuring of flights and obstacles in aerodrome environs.

4. For the purposes of these rules the following terms and their determinations are applied:

the automatic direction finder - the equipment which provides automatic measurement and display on indicators of control offices of air traffic control of bearing or azimuth of air vehicles radiates radio signals on channels of air telecommunication for flight servicing of air vehicles in the terminal area;

airfield - the land or aquatic area which is specially prepared and equipped for ensuring take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of air vehicles;

permanent airfield - the airfield intended for permanent basing (placement) of air vehicles and (or) supported in permanent operational readiness;

the aerodrome additional radio marker beacon - the equipment which provides marking of separate obstacles or other characteristic points in approach zone of airfield;

airfield radio engineering system of short-range navigation - the equipment which provides issue of these current values of azimuth and slant range aboard the air vehicle concerning installation of land radio beacon;

airfield sign - the sign established on surface of airfield, intended for transfer of aeronautical and other information;

airfield sign with variable information - the sign providing possibility of transfer of several in advance determined messages or, if necessary, the termination of transfer of any information;

airfield sign with permanent information - the airfield sign transferring only one message;

the aerodrome beacon - the aeronautical beacon used for determination from air of location of airfield;

the aeronautical beacon - the navigation land light of permanent or flashing radiation seen from all directions and the employee for designation of certain point on earth's surface;

base of the wheel landing gear - distance from nose undercarriage of the air vehicle to the geometrical center of the main landing gear;

side band of safety (the strengthened roadside) - the site adjacent to edge of artificial covering of landing strip, taxiway or platform and the providing safe transition from artificial covering to abutting surface;

landing strip - the main part of flying strip of airfield intended for providing takeoff run and run after landing of air vehicles;

the landing strip which is not equipped - the landing strip intended for contact approach or instrument landing approach to certain point after which landing approach continues in visual meteorological conditions;

the landing strip equipped - one of the following types of the landing strips intended for the air vehicles performing landing approach with use of instrument approach charts:

landing strip of instrument landing approach - the landing strip equipped with the visual and non-visual means intended for landing after accomplishment of instrument landing approach of type A in case of visibility at least 1000 m;

landing strip of precision approach of the I category - the landing strip equipped with the visual and non-visual means intended for landing after accomplishment of instrument landing approach of type B with relative height of decision making at least 60 m and or in case of visibility at least 800 m or in case of visible range on landing strip at least 550 m;

landing strip of precision approach of the II category - the landing strip equipped with the visual and non-visual means intended for landing after accomplishment of instrument landing approach of type B with relative height of decision making less than 60 m, but at least 30 m and in case of visible range on landing strip at least 300 m;

landing strip of precision approach of III category - the landing strip equipped with the visual and non-visual means operating to and along all surface of landing strip intended for landing after accomplishment of instrument landing approach of type B and providing:

III A - landing approach and landing with decision making height less than 30 m or without altitude limitation of decision making and in case of visible range on landing strip at least 175 m;

III In - landing approach and landing with decision making height less than 15 m or without altitude limitation of decision making and in case of visible range on landing strip less than 175 m, but at least 50 m;

III C - landing approach and landing without altitude limitations of decision making and visible range on landing strip;

visibility - the greatest distance at which it is possible to differentiate and identify the black object of the acceptable sizes located near the earth in case of its observation on light background or fires luminous intensity about 1000 cd on dark object;

visibility vertical - the maximum distance from the Earth's surface to the level from which vertically objects on earth's surface are visible down;

visibility on landing strip (visible range on landing strip) - the maximum distance within which the aircraft pilot, being on center line of landing strip, can see the marking of its covering or fires limiting landing strip or designating its center line;

relative air humidity - the relation of the actual absolute humidity to absolute humidity for saturation condition at the same temperature;

switching time - time necessary for recovery of the actual intensity of fire measured in assigned direction to value of 50% after its fall is lower than 50% when switching sources of electric utility service when fire functions in case of values of intensity of 25% or above;

the omni-range radio beacon of the range of very high frequencies - the equipment which radiates the signals allowing to determine onboard the air vehicle azimuth of the air vehicle concerning radio beacon installation site;

height (exceeding) of airfield - the absolute altitude of vertex of the main landing strip of airfield;

height of the lower bound of clouds - distance down between land surface (water) and the lower bound of the lowest cloud cover;

the main landing strip - the landing strip having the extreme length in standard conditions and artificial landing strip in relation to soil landing strip;

landing system glide path - locus in the vertical plane passing through center line of landing strip in which the difference of depth of modulations is equal to zero and which constitute the smallest corner with horizontal plane;

aerodrome pressure - atmospheric pressure at the level of landing strip threshold;

pressure specified to landing strip threshold level - the atmospheric pressure measured in installation site of primary measuring transducer and specified to landing strip threshold level;

the range-metering equipment of the range of ultra-high frequencies - the equipment providing continuous and exact indication in cabin of the pilot of slant range from checkpoint of ground aid of this equipment;

dependent parallel landing approaches - simultaneous landing approaches on the parallel or almost parallel equipped landing strips when minima of radar aircraft separation, the center lines of adjacent strips which are on continuation are established;

protecting light beacon - the aeronautical beacon intended for designation of the obstacles constituting danger to air navigation;

instrument landing approach of type A - instrument landing approach in case of which the minimum relative descent altitude or the minimum relative height of decision making constitutes 75 m or more;

instrument landing approach of type B - instrument landing approach in case of which the relative height of decision making constitutes less than 75 m;

the action area of radio beacon - area of airspace in which the radio beacon ensures normal functioning of the corresponding onboard receiver;

flying area, critical from the point of view of impact of laser beams, - airspace near airfield, but outside flying area, free from impact of laser beams where radiation is limited to the level in case of which the effect of dazzle is improbable;

flying area, free from impact of laser beams, - airspace in close proximity to airfield where radiation is limited to the level in case of which violation of visual perception is improbable;

the flying area sensitive to impact of laser beams, - the airspace which is outside flying area, free from impact of laser beams and flying areas, critical from the point of view of impact of laser beams, and optionally adjacent to them where radiation is limited to the level in case of which dazzle by flash or effect of consecutive image are improbable;

the touchdown zone - the site of landing strip behind its threshold intended for the first contact of landing strip with the landing air vehicles;

zone of ice protection - zone where from the surfaces of airplanes the ice raid, ice or snow is removed and (or) where clean surfaces of airplanes are protected for limited period of time from formation of ice raid, ice or accumulating of snow, slush;

zone, free from obstacles, - airspace over inner surface of landing approach, inner transitional surfaces, the surface of balked landing and part of the flying strip limited to these surfaces which shall be free from motionless obstacles, except having the fragile basis;

the measuring transducer of meteosize - the meteosize gage intended for development of signal, measuring information in the form convenient for transfer, further transformation, processing and (or) storage, but which is not giving in to direct perception by the meteoobserver;

flashing light with condenser discharge - the lamp making light exposures of high intensity and extremely short duration in case of transmission of flash-over of high tension through the gas concluded in tube;

curvature of glide path of the glide slope beacon - glide path shift concerning its midposition;

localizer heading line curvature - heading line shift concerning its midposition;

category of reliability of electric utility service - the characteristic of utility power system determining the number of independent power sources and the requirement to their switchings;

quality of data - degree or probability level of the fact that provided data meet user requirements of data from the point of view of accuracy, permission and integrity;

classification number of the air vehicle (ACN) - the number expressing relative impact of the air vehicle on artificial covering for the established category of standard durability of the basis;

classification number of covering (PCN) - the number expressing bearing capacity of artificial covering for operation without restrictions;

checkpoint of airfield - the conditional point in airfield which is, as a rule, the geometrical center of the main landing strip and determining the geographic location of airfield;

the end safety area - the zone adjoining the end of flying strip and symmetrized on both sides from continuation of center line of landing strip and intended, first of all, for reduction of risk of damage of the air vehicle in case of landing with falling short to landing strip or in case of runway overrun;

end stopway - specially prepared rectangular site at the end of the located take-off run intended for stop of the air vehicle in case of the interrupted take-off;

utilization rate - the certain period expressed as a percentage during which use of landing strip is not limited in connection with side component of wind;

critical zone of course and glide-path radio beacons - space around course and glide-path radio beacons in which the parking or movement of vehicles, including air vehicles, causes inadmissible change of parameters of radio beacons;

critical obstacle - the obstacle placed within flying strip, except for the objects having fragile design, or the obstacle exceeding the established surfaces of restriction of obstacles;

airfield - part of airfield in which flying strips with clear areas and end safety areas, strips of taxiways and platforms, including zones of ice protection are located;

flying strip - the part of airfield of airfield including landing strip and end stopways if they are provided, intended for ensuring take off and landing of air vehicles, reduction of risk of damage of the air vehicles which are rolled out of landing strip limits, and safety of the air vehicles which are flying by over it in takeoff time and landings;

linear fire - three or more land navigation lights placed with small intervals on the cross line in such a way that at distance they seem short light strip;

heading line - the closest to center line of landing strip in any horizontal plane locus in which the difference of depth of modulation is equal to zero;

fragile object - the object of small weight which is structurally intended to collapse, be deformed or be bent in case of shock impact to constitute the minimum danger to the air vehicle;

maximum speed of wind (rushes) - the greatest value of instantaneous velocity of wind in the expired 2 minutes;

marker - the object established over earth level for designation of border, zone, obstacle;

marking sign - the symbol applied on surface of airfield, intended for transfer of aeronautical information;

traffic route - the land route established within working area, held for use only vehicles;

the place of expectation on traffic route - certain place where it can be offered to vehicles to stop;

the place of expectation at landing strip - the certain place intended for protection of landing strip, the surfaces of restriction of obstacles, critical zone of blind landing system in which the driving air vehicles and vehicles stop and is expected if there is no other specifying from the relevant control office;

stall - the allocated site on the platform intended for the parking of the air vehicle;

the meteoobserver - the person having the corresponding qualification and making meteorological observations;

meteorological data - the meteorological report, the analysis, the forecast and any other message concerning the actual or expected meteorological conditions;

meteorological sizes (meteosizes) - the general name of number of characteristics of condition of air and some atmospheric processes (atmospheric pressure, temperature and air humidity, speed and wind direction, meteorological range of visibility, overcast, quantity and type of rainfall, fog, thunder-storms, blizzards);

system reliability of fires - probability that all equipment will work within the established admissions and that the system is serviceable;

land navigation light - any fire, excepting fires established on the air vehicle which is specially held for use as aeronautical means;

wind direction magnetic - wind direction meteorological, corrected at size of magnetic declination;

wind direction meteorological - the horizon point azimuth specifying the direction from where wind blows;

surveillance radar airfield - the equipment which provides the overview of airspace in the terminal area with issue of information on air picture on control offices of air traffic control;

fires of protection of landing strip - the light-signal system intended for the warning of pilots or transport drivers of possibility of departure on active runway;

fire of permanent radiation - fire having permanent emission power in case of observation from motionless point;

total restriction of traffic load of air vehicles - restriction of traffic load of several types of air vehicles in case of which one movement of the air vehicle (sortie) with great value of classification number is considered also for one movement for other types of air vehicles (with smaller value of classification number), to which total restriction extends;

separate locator beacon - the equipment which provides the drive of the air vehicle on airfield, accomplishment of intermediate approach and landing approach;

fire refusal - decrease for any reason of average luminous intensity in ordered angles of dispersion more than for 50% in comparison with the normalized luminous intensity of new fire;

- having rummaged refusal of electric utility service of object of airfield in electric utility service on board of uninterruptible power supply, exceeding the most allowed time;

identification sign of airfield - the sign located in airfield serving for identification of airfield from air;

the identification beacon - the aeronautical beacon radiating code signal on which certain reference point can be identified;

reference point of blind landing system (point of "T") - point which is located at certain height over crossing of center line of landing strip and the line of threshold of landing strip and through which there passes the straight section of glide path of landing system continued down;

primary measuring transducer of meteosize - the measuring transducer of meteosize costing to the first in metering circuit;

the platform - the part of airfield of airfield intended for placement of air vehicles for the purpose of landing and disembarkation of passengers, loading and unloading of baggage, mail and loads, gas station, the parking or maintenance;

apron taxiway - the part of the platform intended for taxing of air vehicles through the platform or for ensuring approach to places of parking of air vehicles;

traffic density in airfield:

insignificant - the number of takes off and landing during hourly average greatest loading (arithmetic-mean value of daily number of transactions during the greatest loading within year) constitutes no more than 15 on landing strip or less than 20 transactions on airfield (in case of several landing strips);

average - the number of takes off and landing during hourly average greatest loading constitutes 16-25 on landing strip or from 20 to 35 transactions on airfield (in case of several landing strips);

considerable - the number of transactions during hourly average greatest loading constitutes 26 and more on landing strip or more than 35 transactions on airfield (in case of several landing strips);

site of runway turn - the certain site adjoining landing strip and used for turn on 180 ° on landing strip in case of absence in this place of the adjoining taxiways;

the maneuvering area - part of airfield, excepting platforms, intended for take-off, landing and taxing of air vehicles;

subsystem of fires - group of fires of system of the light-signal equipment of one functional purpose;

visual flight - the flight which is carried out in conditions when the attitude of the air vehicle and its location are determined by crew visually by the natural horizon and terrestrial reference points;

fly-by-wire - the flight which is carried out in conditions when the attitude of the air vehicle and its location are determined by crew fully or partially by flight and navigation instruments;

clearway - the airspace over sites of the land surface within limiting obstacle of surface of take-off and the surface of landing approach adjoining the ends of flying strip of airfield and located in the direction of continuation of its axis in which air vehicles make climb after take-off and decrease in case of landing approach;

taxiway strip - the airfield site including taxiway (except for apron taxiway) and intended for protection of the air vehicle operated on taxiway and decrease in risk of damage of the air vehicle which accidentally went beyond taxiway;

landing strip threshold - start of the segment of landing strip of airfield which is allowed to be used for landing of air vehicles;

the landing radar - the equipment which provides terrestrial monitoring behind keeping of heading line and glide path air vehicles on base leg and management of their advisory approach of dispatchers;

almost parallel landing strips - not crossed landing strips which corner of convergence/discrepancy of the continued center lines constitutes 15 ° less;

obstacle - motionless (temporary or permanent) or mobile object (or its part) which is placed in the zone intended for land movement of air vehicles on surface (including within flying strip or airfield provided that this object is not fragile design), and also within aerodrome environs and which according to the planned altitude performances can pose safety hazard of flights;

balked landing - landing which accomplishment unexpectedly stops in any point below absolute/relative obstacle clearance altitude;

aerodrome environs - the territory limited by the sizes around airfield over which maneuvering of air vehicles is performed;

the intermediate place of expectation - the certain place intended for mission control where the driving air vehicles and vehicles stop and is expected by permissions to continuation of the movement issued by control office of airfield;

working area - the part of airfield intended for take-off, landing and taxing of air vehicles, consisting of the maneuvering area and the platform (platforms);

radar station of the overview of airfield - the equipment which provides the overview of airfield for the purpose of detection of air vehicles and vehicles on landing strip and taxiways of airfield;

radio engineering landing system - the equipment which provides the drive of the air vehicle on airfield, accomplishment of intermediate approach and landing approach;

the located take-off distance - the amount of the located take-off run and length of clear area;

the located accelerate stop distance - the amount of the located take-off run and length of end stopway;

the located take-off run - the runway length which appears located and suitable for running start of the air vehicle making take-off;

landing distance available - the runway length which appears located and suitable for run of the air vehicle after landing;

field length, settlement for aircraft type, - the minimum field length necessary for take-off in case of the maximum certified take-off mass, on sea-level, in case of air standard conditions, calm and lever grade of landing strip, specified in the corresponding flight manual of the airplane;

representative meteorological observation - the observation valid for more or less extensive area around Item (station) where these observations are made;

taxiway - the part of airfield of airfield connecting among themselves airfield elements, which is specially prepared and intended for taxing and towage of air vehicles;

turn off taxiway - the taxiway connecting landing strip to other taxiway or the platform;

taxiway main - the taxiway of airfield located, as a rule, along landing strip and providing taxing of air vehicles from one end of landing strip to another on the shortest distance;

high speed taxiway - the taxiway connected to landing strip at an acute angle and allowing the airplanes which executed landing to descend from strip at higher speeds than those speeds which are reached on other taxiways and by that to minimize the time spent for landing strip;

clear area (strip, free from obstacles) - the rectangular site of the land surface which is under control of services of the airport adjoining the end of the located take-off run chosen or prepared as the site suitable for initial climb of the airplane to set value;

system of fires of high intensity - system of airfield fires in which landing lights at least 10 000 cd have luminous intensity;

system of fires of small intensity - system of airfield fires in which landing lights less than 10 000 cd have luminous intensity;

blind landing system of category I - system which provides targeting from border of the action area to point in which the heading line set by localizer crosses landing system glide path at the height of 60 m or less over the horizontal plane passing through landing strip threshold;

blind landing system of category II - system which provides targeting from border of the action area to point in which the heading line set by localizer crosses landing system glide path at the height of 15 m or less over the horizontal plane passing through landing strip threshold;

blind landing system of category III - system which provides (by means of auxiliary equipment if it is necessary) targeting from border of the action area to surface of landing strip and along it;

system of the light-signal equipment of airfields - set of the light-signal devices placed in airfield according to certain scheme, the electrical equipment and remote-control equipment intended for ensuring take-off, landing approach, landing and taxing of air vehicles;

wind speed - the motion speed of air of rather earth's surface;

average speed - average value of the measured instantaneous velocity of wind in 2 minutes;

the displaced threshold - the landing strip threshold located not at landing strip end face;

specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation - state body to which the President of the Republic of Belarus or Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus confer powers in the field of civil aviation;

the planned part of flying strip - the surface, adjacent to edges and end faces of landing strip, planned and prepared so that to minimize risk of damage of the air vehicle in case of rolling-out it out of landing strip limits;

means of objective control - the equipment which provides automatic registration of negotiations on channels of air telecommunication, and also on channels of interaction of dispatchers in real time during all duration of flights, including registration of meteoinformation;

point "And" blind landing systems - the point on landing system glide path which is at km 7,5 distance from landing strip threshold in approach direction on continuation of center line of landing strip;

point "In" blind landing systems - the point on landing system glide path which is at distance of 1050 m from landing strip threshold in approach direction on continuation of center line of landing strip;

point "From" blind landing system - point through which at the height of 30 m over the horizontal plane containing landing strip threshold there passes the straight section of nominal glide path of landing system continued down;

point of the "D" blind landing system - the point located at the height of 4 m over center line of landing strip and at distance of 900 m from landing strip threshold in the direction of localizer;

the point "E" of blind landing system - the point located at the height of 4 m over center line of landing strip and at distance of 600 m from the end of landing strip in the direction of landing strip threshold;

glide slope angle - corner between straight line which represents average glide path, and horizontal plane;

board of uninterruptible power supply the electric power - the distribution device on which after failure of one power source the electric power tension is recovered from other source through the guaranteed time;

the operator of airfield - the aviation organization which is operating airfield, having the certificate on state registration of airfield, the certificate of the validity of airfield to operation and bearing responsibility for maintenance of airfield, its objects and means at the level of the established certified requirements;

electric utility service of the airport - supply of electricity from external sources to the central distribution point or input transformer substations of the airport;

effective intensity - intensity of flashing light which is equal to intensity of fire of permanent radiation of the same color which will provide the same visible range.

5. The reducings accepted in these rules:

AVR - automatic input of reserve;

AVES - aviation telecommunication;

ADP - aerodrome control point;

AIP - the collection of aeronautical information;

APOI - the equipment of preprocessing of information;

ARP - automatic direction finder;

ASS - the rescue station;

The EXPERT of the Department of Internal Affairs - automated control system for air traffic;

BMRM - near marker;

BPB - side band of safety;

BPRM - near locator beacon with marker;

VV - visibility vertical;

VNGO - height of the lower bound of clouds;

VORL - secondary surveillance radar;

The runway - landing strip;

AF - the air vehicle;

GVPP - soil landing strip;

GGS - loudspeaker communication;

GRM - the glide slope beacon;

DMRM - distant marker;

DPA - control office of airfield;

DPRM - distant locator beacon with marker;

DRL - the dispatching radar;

IVPP - artificial landing strip;

ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization;

KZB - the end safety area;

KPT - end stopway;

KRM - localizer;

KTA - checkpoint of airfield;

LKKS - the local control adjusting station;

LP - flying strip;

MDV - meteorological range of visibility;

MK - magnetic course of landing (take-off);

MRD - the main taxiway;

MRL - the meteorological radar;

MRM - marker;

MS - aircraft parking place;

Department of Internal Affairs - air traffic maintenance;

OVI - fires of high intensity;

OM - fires of small intensity;

OPRS - separate locator beacon;

ORL-A - surveillance radar airfield;

SMALLPOX - the landing system equipment;

PAS - the fire truck;

PKP - mobile control center;

PRD - apron taxiway;

PRS - locator beacon;

PRL - the landing radar;

PRTs - the transferring radio center;

PTA - aerodrome environs;

RGM - difference of depth of modulations;

RD - taxiway;

RDV - the located take-off distance;

RDPV - the located accelerate stop distance;

RDR - the located take-off run;

OLP radar Station - radar station of the overview of airfield;

RLE - flight manual of AF;

RPD - landing distance available;

RTOP - radio engineering flight servicing;

The microwave oven - over high frequencies;

SZ - clear area;

SKP - stationary control center;

SKO - mean square mistake;

The joint venture - landing system;

SSO - the light-signal equipment;

SChLP - the planned part of flying strip;

The Department of Internal Affairs - air traffic control;

UNG - glide slope angle;

UPZ - the level of fire protection;

USUND - advanced control system land movement;

ED - the operating documentation;

ACN - classification number of the air vehicle;

DME - the range-metering equipment of the range of ultra-high frequencies;

ILS - blind landing system;

MOR - meteorological optical visible range;

PCN - classification number of covering;

RVR - visible range on the runway;

QFE - atmospheric pressure at the level of runway threshold;

QNH - the atmospheric pressure specified to mean level of the sea for the standard atmosphere;

VOR - the omni-range radio beacon of the range of very high frequencies;

 O - glide slope angle.

6. Compliance of airfields, the equipment of airfields, means of ensuring of flights and obstacles in aerodrome environs on each Item of requirements of AP STAGA-2012 shall be confirmed by the relevant documents (acts, protocols, log books of airfields, instructions for production of flights in airfields or other documents). Each document shall have date, be signed by responsible specialists or heads and, if necessary, to affirm the head of the aviation organization. Effective period of the relevant acts and protocols - 3 months if other is not established by technical regulatory legal acts. Acts and protocols shall be valid for the moment of conducting certified check of airfield.

6.1. Assessment of conformity of aerodrome movement area to certified requirements is made both visually, and instrumentalno by means of measuring instruments.

The documents confirming compliance of aerodrome movement area to requirements of AP STAGA-2012, are:

log book of airfield;

the instruction for production of flights in airfield;

act of inspection of airfield;

the scheme of marking of artificial coverings and soil elements of airfield (the scheme can consist of several parts, each part at the same time shall be approved by the head of the aviation organization, on the scheme all marking signs, their sizes and binding, and for curvilinear sites of axial taxi sign, lines of taxiing-in, taxiing-out are put, turn turning radiuss are without fail specified);

act of inspection of airfield signs;

installation diagram of airfield signs;

conclusion about runway class;

the long edged profile of runway center line and the area on its continuation within airfield executed with step no more than 50 m with indication of all breaks of profile, biases and lengths of direct sites of profile, marks of surface of KTA, end faces of the runway, the displaced threshold, borders of flying strips, end safety areas, clear areas and breaks of profile;

long edged profiles at the edges of KZB;

long edged profiles on edges of SZ which are allowed to be combined with long edged profiles at the edges of KZB and which in it case are carried out at the edges of SZ or KZB depending on that which width is more than element, and at length of SZ or KZB, depending on that which length is more than element;

conclusion of the specialized organization about durability of coverings;

the certificate of traffic load of AF in airfield;

executive documentation of the specialized organization for determination of planned and high-rise arrangement of obstacles in aerodrome environs;

the certificate of passenger traffic capacities at the airport for the last two calendar years;

the act of inspection of obstacles in the terminal area.

6.2. Assessment of conformity of obstacles to certified requirements is made both visually, and instrumentalno by means of measuring instruments.

The documents confirming compliance of obstacles of airfield to requirements of AP STAGA-2012, are:

log book of airfield;

the instruction for production of flights in airfield;

the act of inspection of obstacles in the terminal area;

acts of inspection of aerodrome environs (the form of the act is given in the aviation rules "Airfield Flight Servicing in Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus");

executive documentation of the specialized organization for determination of planned and high-rise arrangement of obstacles in aerodrome environs;

scheme (schemes) of arrangement of obstacles;

assessment (calculation) of high-rise obstacles in aerodrome environs.

6.3. Assessment of conformity of the light-signal equipment to certified requirements is made both visually, and instrumentalno by means of measuring instruments on the basis of land and flight checks.

The documents confirming compliance of the light-signal equipment to requirements of AP STAGA-2012, are:

log book of airfield;

the scheme SSO of airfield (the scheme is appendix to log book of airfield, all SSO fires with indication of all distances for confirmation of their compliance to requirements of the Section IV AP STAGA-2012, of designation of fires, their color and the direction of radiation of light are applied on it);

the act of flight check of SSO (the act of flight check OVI (OVI-I, OVI-II, OVI-III, the statement of flight check of system of OMI) which is drawn up in the form given in the aviation rules "Organization and Conducting Land and Flight Checks of Terrestrial Facilities of Radio Engineering Flight Servicing, Aviation Telecommunication and Systems of the Light-signal Equipment of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus" are system;

inspection statement of compliance of SSO to certified requirements;

protocol of vizirovka of fires;

act of the choice of location of the aerodrome beacon;

the certificate of the validity of the light-signal equipment to operation;

operating documentation of SSO manufacturing plant.

6.4. Assessment of conformity to certified requirements of means of radio engineering flight servicing and aviation telecommunication is made on the basis of land and flight checks of structure, placement, parameters of the equipment which is available in airfield and comparison of the received results to requirements of AP STAGA-2012.

The documents confirming compliance of means of radio engineering flight servicing and aviation telecommunication to requirements of AP STAGA-2012, are:

act of land check of means of RTOP and AVES;

acts of flight checks, protocols of land checks and settings on all equipment which is subject to flight and land checks and setup according to requirements of the aviation rules "Organization and Conducting Land and Flight Checks of Terrestrial Facilities of Radio Engineering Flight Servicing, Aviation Telecommunication and Systems of the Light-signal Equipment of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus";

log book of airfield.

6.5. Assessment of conformity of the meteorological equipment to certified requirements is made both visually, and instrumentalno by means of measuring instruments.

The documents confirming meteoequipment compliance to requirements of AP STAGA-2012, are:

act of inspection of meteorological aerodrome facilities;

the instruction for production of meteorological observations in airfield;

log book of airfield;

scheme of placement of the meteoequipment (appendix to the inspection statement of the meteorological equipment).

The statement of inspection of meteorological aerodrome facilities is drawn up by the commission appointed by the order of the head of the aviation organization under which authority the airfield is and affirms the head of this aviation organization and the head of airfield meteorological office.

On the scheme of placement of the meteoequipment are specified:

distances to the placed primary measuring transducers of meteosizes concerning the runway;

length of the link circuits connecting primary measuring transducers to indexes (registrars), control boards or the specialized automated meteorological systems;

installation sites of displays of meteoinformation (indication blocks);

installation sites of means of registration of meteoinformation.

The scheme of placement of the meteoequipment shall be approved by the head of the aviation organization under which authority the airfield, and airfield meteorological office is.

6.6. Assessment of conformity of electric utility service and electric equipment of airfield to certified requirements is made both visually, and instrumentalno by means of measuring instruments.

The documents confirming compliance of electric utility service and electric equipment of airfield to requirements of AP STAGA-2012, are:

inspection statement of electric utility service and electric equipment of airfield;

log book of airfield.

6.7. The documents confirming compliance of life preservers to requirements of AP STAGA-2012, are:

log book of airfield;

act of inspection of life preservers;

passport of frother;

the certificate of traffic load of AF for the preceding period equal to 12 months;

certificate of availability of frother;

scheme of Items of repeated filling of fire trucks with water.

Check of compliance of life preservers in airfield with creation of the act is made at least once a year and without fail to certified check.

Chapter 2. Classification and specification symbol of airfields and airports

7. Determination of class of airfield (runway) is made in case of input of airfield (runway) in operation or when giving of the state aircraft of the status of airfield of joint basing to airfield or joint airport, and also after reconstruction (lengthening) of the runway.

8. For determination of class of the runway it is necessary to determine runway length in standard conditions. Runway length in standard conditions (Lst) is determined by formula

Формула 1 к Пост. от 09.10.2013 г. №36

where Lf - the actual length of the runway, in meters, is determined by executive documentation (on construction or reconstruction of the runway) or by the long edged profile of the runway executed by the specialized geodetic (project) organization;

Kp - the correction coefficient considering runway height above sea level in meters:

 Формула 2 к Пост. от 09.10.2013 г. №36

where NVPP - the vertex of surface of the runway concerning sea-level, is determined by long edged profile of the runway, in meters;

Kt - the correction coefficient considering air temperature in airfield:


Формула 3 к Пост. от 09.10.2013 г. №36

where tklim. = 1,07 x trasch. - 3o - the calculated temperature of air in airfield, in Celsius degrees;

trasch. - average monthly air temperature in airfield at 13 o'clock the hottest month in year, in Celsius degrees, is accepted in climatological reference books;

tst. - temperature of the standard atmosphere at height of arrangement of airfield above sea level, in Celsius degrees, is accepted according to appendix 1 to these rules;

Ki - the correction coefficient considering average longitudinal runway slope is determined by the following formulas:

                                              in case of Lf <1000 m of Ki = 1 + 5icp;

                                               in case of Lf> 1000 m of Ki = 1 + 9icp

(icp - average longitudinal runway slope, is determined by the relation of difference of marks of heights of the ends of the runway to runway length, marks of heights of the ends are determined by long edged profile of the runway).

The class of the runway is determined as a result of comparison of actual length of the runway given to standard conditions with the classification runway lengths in standard conditions specified in appendix 1 to AP STAGA-2012.

Calculation of class of the runway is made by the specialized project, research organization or specialists of the aviation organization and affirms the head of the aviation organization (branch of the aviation organization).

9. Depending on the operated AF types specification symbols (codes) are determined for each runway, RD and each MS and are specified in log book of airfield.

10. The code of airfield is established:

for the single-band airfields - runway code;

for multiband airfields - the IVPP code, having the extreme length in standard conditions, and in case of their absence - the GVPP code, having the extreme length in standard conditions.

Codes of the runway, RD and MS cannot be above code of airfield in general.

When using the relevant technical requirements of AP STAGA-2012 critical aircraft type are determined in the beginning (with the greatest parameter values by which the specification symbol) from operated in this airfield is determined (data of the runway, RD, MS), and then, in parameters of critical aircraft type, elements of specification symbol according to airfield, are determined by the runway, RD or MS.

Computational length of flying strip for aircraft type is determined as the minimum length of airfield required for take-off in case of the maximum certified take-off mass on sea-level, in standard conditions of the atmosphere, calm and lack of longitudinal runway slope. Computational length of flying strip is given in flight manuals of airplanes or other technical documents of the manufacturer of the airplane.

11. Geographical coordinates of checkpoint of airfield shall be confirmed by materials the specialized project organization performing geodetic and project works. Coordinates of checkpoint of airfield shall be single in all documents of aeronautical information and in the Management on airfield.

12. The class of the airport is established by the order of Department on aircraft which is structural division of specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation - the Ministries of Transport and Communications (further - Department on aircraft). Change of class of the airport is made based on the statement of the aviation organization - the leading legal entity of the airport to whom the certificate of annual passenger traffic capacities at the airport is put.

In case of non-confirmation of the established class of the airport in amount of the transported passengers within two years in a row the class of the airport can be lowered by the order of Department on aircraft without statement of the aviation organization - the leading legal entity of the airport.

13. Number of the runway is determined depending on true sizes of magnetic azimuths of the directions of take off and landing of air vehicles and is accepted by equal:

in case of magnetic azimuth from 5 ° to 14 °59 "59"" - number VPP-01;

from 15 ° to 24 °59 "59"" - number VPP-02;

from 25 ° to 34 °59 "59"" - number VPP-03;

from 35 ° to 44 °59 "59"" - number VPP-04;

from 45 ° to 54 °59 "59"" - number VPP-05;

from 55 ° to 64 °59 "59"" - number VPP-06;

from 65 ° to 74 °59 "59"" - number VPP-07;

from 75 ° to 84 °59 "59"" - number VPP-08;

from 85 ° to 94 °59 "59"" - number VPP-09;

from 95 ° to 104 °59 "59"" - number VPP-10;

from 105 ° to 114 °59 "59"" - number VPP-11;

from 115 ° to 124 °59 "59"" - number VPP-12;

from 125 ° to 134 °59 "59"" - number VPP-13;

from 135 ° to 144 °59 "59"" - number VPP-14;

from 145 ° to 154 °59 "59"" - number VPP-15;

from 155 ° to 164 °59 "59"" - number VPP-16;

from 165 ° to 174 °59 "59"" - number VPP-17;

from 175 ° to 184 °59 "59"" - number VPP-18;

from 185 ° to 194 °59 "59"" - number VPP-19;

from 195 ° to 204 °59 "59"" - number VPP-20;

from 205 ° to 214 °59 "59"" - number VPP-21;

from 215 ° to 224 °59 "59"" - number VPP-22;

from 225 ° to 234 °59 "59"" - number VPP-23;

from 235 ° to 244 °59 "59"" - number VPP-24;

from 245 ° to 254 °59 "59"" - number VPP-25;

from 255 ° to 264 °59 "59"" - number VPP-26;

from 265 ° to 274 °59 "59"" - number VPP-27;

from 275 ° to 284 °59 "59"" - number VPP-28;

from 285 ° to 294 °59 "59"" - number VPP-29;

from 295 ° to 304 °59 "59"" - number VPP-30;

from 305 ° to 314 °59 "59"" - number VPP-31;

from 315 ° to 324 °59 "59"" - number VPP-32;

from 325 ° to 334 °59 "59"" - number VPP-33;

from 335 ° to 344 °59 "59"" - number VPP-34;

from 345 ° to 354 °59 "59"" - number VPP-35;

from 355 ° to 4 °59 "59"" - number VPP-36.

When using the runway for take off and landing from two directions number of the runway registers through fraction (for example, VPP-12/30). If it is necessary to specify number of end face of the runway, then the runway end face from which running start of AF in case of take-off begins or run of AF when landing (for example, VPP-12) end face is specified.

In the presence of several parallel runways each number designating the runway is supplemented with Latin letter (for example, VPP-L12/R30, VPP-L12) end face.

Numbering of RD and MS is made using the Arab digits or Latin letters, and all ordinal numbers (positive, whole), since number 1, or letters according to the Latin alphabet (except for the letters I, O and X), since letter A shall be used. Numbering of PRD, as a rule, shall continue numbering of RD.

Section II. Aerodrome movement area

Chapter 3. Runway

14. Determination of number and the directions of the runway in airfield taking into account providing aerodrome utilization rate at least 95% for those airplanes for which this airfield is intended is carried out by the project organization at design stage.

Documentation on airfield construction shall contain information on aerodrome utilization rate for those airplanes for which this airfield is intended.

15. The choice of arrangement and direction of the runway in airfield taking into account that procedure approach tracks and departure of AF minimum affected the areas allocated under housing estates, and others areas, sensitive to noise impact, near airfield is carried out by the project organization at design stage.

Documentation on airfield construction shall contain calculations of levels of aviation noise in the territories of the housing estate in the terminal area if horizontal projection of air lane on procedure approach track and border of the housing estate less:

3 km - for the runway with code number 3 or 4;

2 km - for the runway with code number 1 or 2.

Level of acoustic impact in the territories of the housing estate near airfield shall not exceed a defined normalized values.

Admissible parameters of aviation noise for the airfields placed near the territory of the reserved and protected zones shall be established according to the current legislation.

16. For determination of compliance of actual length of the runway to utilization properties of airplanes for which it is intended calculation of runway length in standard conditions according to Item 8 of these rules is carried out and its subsequent comparison with runway characteristics of AF which are specified in RLE is made (necessary runway length, length of LP, runway length with end strip of safety).

On standard conditions recalculation only of runway length is made. If the runway characteristics of AF specified in RLE are the necessary length of LP or runway length with end strip of safety then calculated in standard conditions the runway length of specific airfield shall increase by actual lengths of SChLP in two end faces the runway or length of SChLP with KZB respectively.

17. In airfield are established:

a) for each direction of take-off:

located take-off run (LTOR);

located take-off distance (LTOD);

located accelerate stop distance (LASD);

b) for each direction for landing:

landing distance available (LDA).

The procedure for determination of the located distances is given in appendix 3 to AP STAGA-2012.

If on this runway of airfield take-off from intermediate (the runway which are not adjoining the ends) is allowed by RD, then RDR, RDV and RDPV are determined from each of such RD. At the same time the place of crossing of center line of RD with center line of the runway is accepted to the beginning of distances.

18. Width of the runway is determined by executive documentation on construction or reconstruction of the runway. In the absence of the specified documentation width of the runway is determined instrumentalno. Width of the runway shall be confirmed by log book of airfield and the instruction for production of flights in airfield. If the runway has sites of different width, then as its width the smallest value (the announced width) is accepted, at the same time marking of the regional line on borders of the announced runway width is without fail made.

19. The arrangement of threshold of the runway is established by the operator of airfield taking into account reasons of operational nature, including fulfillment of requirements by the sizes of end safety areas. The actual arrangement of thresholds of the runway is determined instrumentalno. The accepted arrangement of thresholds of the runway shall be confirmed by the instruction for production of flights in airfield and log book of airfield.

20. The minimum distance between center lines of parallel (almost parallel) runways is established at design stage of construction and reconstruction of the runway and actually determined by executive documentation (on construction or reconstruction of the runway). In the absence of the specified documentation the distance between center lines of parallel (almost parallel) runways is determined by materials of geodetic shooting (geodetic calculations) or instrumentalno.

21. Fulfillment of requirements to the size of average longitudinal runway slope is provided at design stages of construction and reconstruction of the runway.

Average longitudinal runway slope is determined by formula

Формула 4 к Пост. от 09.10.2013 г. №36

where H1 - mark of the highest end face of the runway on axis, m;

H2 - mark of the lowest end face of the runway on axis, m;

LVPP - runway length.

22. Fulfillment of requirements to sizes of longitudinal biases of sites of the runway is provided at stages of construction and reconstruction of the runway.


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