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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

August 28, 2019

No. 991/33962


of August 7, 2019 No. 1017

About approval of Aviation rules of Ukraine "Rules of protection of air vehicles and other important objects of civil aviation, ensuring access control to them"

According to Articles 5, 11, parts nine of article 87 of the Air code of Ukraine, to the Law of Ukraine "About the State program of aviation safety of civil aviation", to Item 8 of the Regulations on the Public air service of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 8, 2014 No. 520, for the purpose of enhancement of access control, protection of air vehicles and objects in subjects of aviation activities of civil aviation of Ukraine by PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve Aviation rules of Ukraine "Rules of protection of air vehicles and other important objects of civil aviation, ensuring access control to them" which are applied.

2. To provide to management of system of aviation safety (Machusky V. V.) in the procedure established by the legislation:

submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;

promulgation of this order on the official site.

3. Recognize invalid:

the order of the Ministry of transport of Ukraine of December 4, 1997 No. 412 "About approval of Rules of carrying out special examination of air vehicles of civil aviation of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 22, 1997 for No. 611/2415;

the order of Public service of Ukraine on supervision of safety control of aircraft of March 30, 2005 No. 230 "About approval of Rules of the organization of protection of air vehicles and objects at airlines of civil aviation of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 24, 2005 for No. 680/10960;

the order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of June 18, 2007 No. 509 "About approval of Rules of the organization of access control system in aviation subjects of civil aviation", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 18, 2007 for No. 828/14095 (with changes).

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of State aviaservice

A. Bilchuk


It is approved:

Acting as Minister of Defence of Ukraine


I. Rusnak

Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine

V. Omelyan

Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

A. B. Avakov

Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine

K. Lyapina

Acting as Chairman of the Public fiscal service of Ukraine

A. Vlasov

Chairman of National police of Ukraine general of police of the first rank

S. M. Knyazev

Acting as Chairman of the State Border Service of Ukraine


First Deputy Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine

P. Demchin

Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for human rights

L. Denisova

Approved by the Order of the Public air service of Ukraine of August 7, 2019 No. 1017

Aviation rules of Ukraine "Rules of protection of air vehicles and other important objects of civil aviation, ensuring access control to them"

I. General provisions

1. These Aviation rules are developed according to requirements of the Air code of Ukraine, the State program of aviation safety of the civil aviation approved by the Law of Ukraine of March 21, 2017 No. 1965-VIII, Appendices 17 "Safety. Protection of civil aviation against acts of illegal intervention" to the Convention on international civil aviation, Doc. 8973 _SAO "Management on Aviation Safety", and also Parts II Doc. 30 European conferences of civil aviation (further - EKGA) "Policy of EKGA in the field of aviation safety".

2. These Aviation rules determine procedure for safety control in unrestricted space, access for persons and vehicles, their stay in controlled areas, zones of limited access which are protected, and critical sites of zones of limited access, the protected subjects of aviation activities, and also implementation of protection of assets of subjects of aviation activities of Ukraine.

3. These Aviation rules extend to all subjects of aviation activities of Ukraine which perform the activities in industry of civil aviation.

4. For the purpose of reduction of probability of making of acts of illegal intervention subjects of aviation activities which provide measures of aviation safety and all other physical persons and legal entities, irrespective of pattern of ownership and subordination, performing activities in the field of civil aviation in the controlled area and zones of limited access of the protected objects, within the powers enter such measures of aviation safety:

protection of unrestricted space;

defense of perimeter of the controlled area and zones of limited access which are protected;

physical protection of buildings and rooms, including constructions of air terminal;

access control;

examination of persons who are not passengers, their personal belongings and objects which are carried by by such persons in zones of limited access which it is protected, and critical sites of such zones;

examination of vehicles to which access (the right to entrance) to the controlled area and zone of limited access which is protected is provided;

protection of air vehicles and other assets of subjects of aviation activities.

5. The head of the operator of airfield, provider of aeronautical servicing on the basis of risks assessment and threats determine zones in which the vital works for continuous ensuring safe activities of civil aviation are performed. Such zones are determined as controlled areas and zones of limited access which are protected. In zones of limited access which are protected their critical parts are also determined. The arrangement of unrestricted, controlled areas, zones of limited access which are protected and critical parts is reflected in the plan scheme which is applied to aviation safety programme of appropriate subject of aviation activities.

6. For the purpose of observance of requirements for access control, protection of air vehicles and objects, heads of subjects of aviation activities who provide measures of aviation safety based on these Aviation rules develop the corresponding instruction on the organization of access control system, protection of air vehicles and other assets of subjects of aviation activities.

7. In these Aviation rules terms are used in such values:

joint airport – airfield which is used for flights of air vehicles of civil and state aviation;

assets of the subject of aviation activities - general infrastructure of the subject of aviation activities (airfield, air vehicles, systems and the equipment, objects of communication, navigation and observation, personnel, etc.);

access control - established procedure of the authorized admission of persons and transport to the controlled area and zones of limited access which are protected;

the controlled area - the working area of airline, airport adjoining to it the territory, and also rooms located near them, access to which is controlled;

check-point - construction, the house or the room with the corresponding technical equipment intended for the authorized access for persons and vehicles to the controlled area or zone of limited access which is protected, the subject of aviation activities, and also exit/departure from these zones;

unrestricted space - zone of the airport and the building with open entry;

patrol force - one or several employees of division of the militarized protection of service of aviation safety of the airport who carry out tasks on protection of air vehicles and other assets of the subject of aviation activities by patrol on vehicles or in pedestrian procedure;

post - everything charged for protection to the sentry, and also the place or the site of the area within the controlled area or zone of limited access which is protected, on which it carries out the obligations;

the omission - the document which is issued to persons who work at the airports, or to persons for whom for other reasonable reasons the authorized access to the airport, the controlled area, zones of limited access which are protected is necessary. Such document allows to identify the personality and the access zones established for her. For the similar purposes are issued and used the omission on vehicles;

the sentry - the armed employee of division of the militarized protection of service of aviation safety of the airport which carries out tasks on protection of the post charged to it.

Other terms used in these Aviation rules are used in the values specified in the Air code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "About the State program of aviation safety of civil aviation", appendices to the Convention on international civil aviation and other regulatory legal acts.

8. 8. In these Aviation rules the following reducings are used:

AB - aviation safety;

ANV - the act of illegal intervention;

VV - explosive substance;

IAS - aviation engineering service;

The check point - check-point;

AF - the air vehicle;

SAB - service of aviation safety;

TSD - technical means of leaving;

TsDS - the central dispatching service.

II. Protection of controlled areas

1. For the purpose of preventing to unauthorized access, non-admissions of penetration and detection of attempts of unauthorized penetration into the controlled area and zone of limited access which is protected, at the airport (in airfield) or on certain objects of provider of aeronautical servicing along all perimeter of the controlled area propulsion bar is established.

2. The head of the airport (airfield) or provider of aeronautical servicing is responsible for arrangement and maintenance in proper condition of barrier of the controlled area, zone of limited access which is protected.

3. Each legal entity performing activities at the airport (in airfield), is responsible for maintenance in working order of barrier of perimeter of airfield on the site of arrangement of the objects according to the legislation and the agreement signed with the airport.

4. Propulsion bar is established on border of the uncontrollable and controlled zones of the airport and on border of the controlled area and zone of limited access which is protected.

5. For additional protection over propulsion bar at an angle surely establish layer of the pricking or kolyushche-cutting wire (hood).

6. Minimum height of propulsion bar taking into account the specified layer (hood) shall constitute at least 2 m 44 cm.

7. Propulsion bar is established so that it excluded possibility of unauthorized penetration of persons, including under and over fence, was continuous on all perimeter of the controlled area or zone of limited access which is protected.

8. For the purpose of reduction of probability of making of underminings propulsion bar is established on the concrete base or driven in the earth so that as much as possible to complicate implementation of undermining or manhole.

9. For the purpose of informing persons on restriction of access to the controlled area or zone of limited access which is protected along all perimeter of protective fence through each 50 m signs of precautionary and prohibitive content which font size shall be sufficient for identification of the text by persons are established. The format and the sizes of signs are determined in appendix 1 to these Aviation rules.

10. The choice like design of propulsion bar, materials and additional technical means of safety, and also limits of installation of propulsion bar and the equipment is performed based on assessment of level of safety hazard of civil aviation so that as much as possible to complicate and increase time necessary for violators for penetration.

11. Can be applied to construction of propulsion bar:

steel concrete designs;

metal gauze and metalwork;

the pricking or cutting wire;

nonmetallic materials of high strength;

the combined designs and so forth.

12. In case of impossibility of use of metal fencing for any reasons for its construction other special materials or methods, including fragile materials or "green hedge" (prickly thickets) can be applied.

13. The protective fencing shall not have damages and defects which allow to get into controlled areas. All found damages and defects of perimeter of propulsion bar shall be immediately eliminated.

14. Check of condition of propulsion bar is performed by patrol force of SAB of the subject of aviation activities constantly within a day with certain frequency and with respect for the principle of unpredictability. About results of survey entry in the special magazine is made.


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