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of March 4, 2015 No. 6

About approval of aviation rules and modification and amendments in some resolutions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus

(as amended on 03-10-2024)

Based on articles 6 and 63 of the Air code of the Republic of Belarus and subitem 5.9 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2006 No. 985 "Questions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Bring in the aviation rules "Airfield Flight Servicing in Airfields (Helidromes) of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus" approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2009 No. 102 of change and amendment, having been reworded as follows them (are applied).

2. Approve the aviation rules "Electrolighting Flight Servicing in Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus" (are applied).

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of 04.10.2024 No. 96

4. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of 03.10.2024 No. 92

5. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of 03.10.2024 No. 91

6. Ceased to be valid.

7. Bring in the aviation rules "Assessment of Conformity of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus to Certified Requirements" approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of October 9, 2013 No. 36, the following changes and amendments:

7.1. to state the paragraph of the sixty eighth in the following edition:

"UPZ - the level of fire protection";

7.2. the ninth to state the paragraph to part two of subitem 6.1 of Item 6 in the following edition:

"the long edged profile of runway center line and the area on its continuation within airfield executed with step no more than 50 m with indication of all breaks of profile, biases and lengths of direct sites of profile, marks of surface of KTA, end faces of the runway, the displaced threshold, borders of flying strips, end safety areas, clear areas and breaks of profile;";

7.3. to state part one of Item 8 in the following edition:

"For determination of class of the runway it is necessary to determine runway length in standard conditions. Runway length in standard conditions (Lst) is determined by formula

Формула 1 к Пост. от 04.03.2015 г. №6

where Lf - the actual length of the runway, in meters, is determined by executive documentation (on construction or reconstruction of the runway) or by the long edged profile of the runway executed by the specialized geodetic (project) organization;

Kp - the correction coefficient considering runway height above sea level in meters:

Формула 2 к Пост. от 04.03.2015 г. №6

where NVPP - the vertex of surface of the runway concerning sea-level, is determined by long edged profile of the runway, in meters;

Kt - the correction coefficient considering air temperature in airfield:

Формула 3 к Пост. от 04.03.2015 г. №6Формула 4 к Пост. от 04.03.2015 г. №6

t13 - average monthly air temperature in airfield in 13 hours of the hottest month in year, in Celsius degrees, is accepted in climatological reference books;

tst. - temperature of the standard atmosphere at height of arrangement of airfield above sea level, in Celsius degrees, is accepted according to appendix 1 to these rules;

Ki - the correction coefficient considering average longitudinal runway slope is determined by the following formulas:

Формула 5 к Пост. от 04.03.2015 г. №6

(icp - average longitudinal runway slope, is determined by the relation of difference of marks of heights of the ends of the runway to runway length, marks of heights of the ends are determined by long edged profile of the runway).";

7.4. in part one of Item 12 of the word of "specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation" shall be replaced with words "Department on aircraft which is structural division of specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation - the Ministries of Transport and Communications (further - Department on aircraft)";

7.5. in Item part two 12, part eleven of Item 186 and Item 194 of the word of "specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation" shall be replaced with words "Department on aircraft";

7.6. to state part one of Item 46 in the following edition:

"The choice of arrangement and design of vodostochno-drainage system and electrocoherent communications within SChLP taking into account ensuring prevention of damage of AF in case of its accidental rolling-out out of limits of the runway is carried out at design stage and reconstruction of flying strip.";

7.7. in part one of Item of the 186th digit "1-9" to replace with digits "1-10";

7.8. state Item 187 in the following edition:

"187. Data on planned altitude performances of obstacles shall be obtained by inspection of aerodrome environs according to requirements of appendix 27 to AP STAGA-2012 and carrying out geodetic shooting by the specialized organization.

By results of the obtained data on planned altitude performances of obstacles the list of obstacles of airfield shall be constituted.

In case of identification of new obstacles the list of obstacles of airfield shall be supplemented with new obstacles with assignment of the following sequence numbers by it, assignment to new obstacles of numbers of earlier eliminated obstacles is not allowed.

When refining planned and high-rise arrangement of the existing obstacles, for example, after partial deforestation, with change of planned altitude performances of obstacle its sequence number remains.

In case of liquidation of obstacles (except for sites of the wood) their exception of the list of obstacles is made based on the statement which is drawn up in any form by the commission of specialists of the aviation organization (branch of the organization) and approved by the head of this organization (branch of the organization).

In case of partial liquidation of object (for example, cutting down of part of the forest area) object can be excluded from the list of obstacles only in the presence of the conclusion of the specialized geodetic organization that this object according to new planned altitude performances is not subject to accounting according to requirements of the appendix 27 AP STAGA-2012. Otherwise this object (wood) is subject to accounting in the list of obstacles of airfield with new planned altitude performances.

In the report the conclusion what objects from the list of obstacles of airfield are subject to exception shall be made by the specialized geodetic organization for results of refining of the list of obstacles, otherwise all objects included in the report on results of work are subject to inclusion in the list of obstacles of airfield.";

7.9. state Items 205-215 in the following edition:

"205. The type of obstruction lights shall be confirmed by technical documentation on fires.

206. According to technical documentation compliance to the established requirements is checked for fires and visual survey in night-time:

like the established obstruction lights;

intensity and color of fires.

These characteristics of obstruction lights are reflected in the objects located within the territory of airfield in the Act of land check of SSO.

207. In night-time the quantity, working capacity and arrangement of fires of barrage light on objects is visually checked. Check is made in case of inspections by the operator of airfield of aerodrome environs of airfield, the condition (the available shortcomings) is fixed in acts of inspections of aerodrome environs.

208. Availability and operability of subsidiary lights on obstacles on which obstruction lights are shaded by close located other object is checked in night-time visually. Check is made in case of inspections by the operator of airfield of aerodrome environs of airfield, the condition (the available shortcomings) is fixed in acts of inspections of aerodrome environs.

209. The arrangement and operability of obstruction lights on the objects having big extent, or groups of close located objects, and also availability and operability of two obstruction lights on the upper points of the highest obstacles in the protected contour and angular points of extended obstacle is checked in night-time visually. Check is made in case of inspections by the operator of airfield of aerodrome environs of airfield, the condition (the available shortcomings) is fixed in acts of inspections of aerodrome environs.

210. Simultaneity of gleams of the obstruction lights of high intensity of type A and average intensity located on objects like A and B is checked visually. Installation angles of obstruction lights of high intensity concerning horizontal shall be confirmed by acts on their installation.

211. The type of the used obstruction lights is determined by technical documentation on fires. The type of fires shall be confirmed by their color which is determined visually in night-time.

212. Availability of subsidiary lights at intermediate levels and compliance of their arrangement to the established requirements is checked visually. The location of obstruction lights on the objects which are subject to warning lights is checked visually. Check is made in case of inspections by the operator of airfield of aerodrome environs of airfield, the condition (the available shortcomings) is fixed in acts of inspections of aerodrome environs.

213. Compliance like the applied obstruction lights and the place of their arrangement is checked according to technical documentation and visually in case of survey.

214. Providing requirements for warning lights of wind turbines and wind farms is checked visually in night-time. Check is made in case of inspections by the operator of airfield of aerodrome environs of airfield, the condition (the available shortcomings) is fixed in acts of inspections of aerodrome environs.

215. Availability, working capacity and intervals of gleams of obstruction lights on masts or support extended obstacles in the form of the antennas, power transmission lines, link circuits suspended between support is checked in night-time visually. Check is made in case of inspections by the operator of airfield of aerodrome environs of airfield, the condition (the available shortcomings) is fixed in acts of inspections of aerodrome environs.";

7.10. state Item 292 in the following edition:

"292. Lack of the obstacles acting over the surface of protection against obstacles is established with use of data of the Act of inspection of obstacles in the terminal area and schemes of arrangement of obstacles. For each obstacle located within the surface of landing approach according to the map (plan) of aerodrome environs the absolute altitude of surface of protection against obstacles in the place of its arrangement is determined:

H = (Xn - a) tg + H 0,

where But - the absolute altitude of threshold of the runway;

p-discharge angle of surface of protection against obstacles;

a - distance from runway threshold to the lower bound of surface of landing approach (30 m - for not equipped runways with code number 1, 60 m - for other runways);

Hp - distance to obstacle from runway threshold.

Absolute altitude of each obstacle of NP shall be less or is equal to the corresponding value of absolute altitude of surface of protection against obstacles of N.

All calculations are tabulated which form is given in appendix 15 to these rules (the table 10). This table is provided in the Act of inspection of obstacles in the terminal area and is also appendix to the Act of land check of SSO.";

7.11. add with Chapter 34.1 of the following content:


328.1. Need of installation of simple fires of the touchdown zone in the absence of touchdown zone fires on the runway is determined by the operator of airfield, at the same time availability of the lowering bias in direction for landing of AF shall be one of the determining factors. The glide slope angle is determined by the Instruction for production of flights in airfield.

328.2. The arrangement of simple fires of the touchdown zone and distance between fires is determined instrumentalno and by the Scheme SSO of airfield.

328.3. The permanency of radiation of simple fires of the touchdown zone is checked according to technical documentation for fires.

Color of simple fires of the touchdown zone and orientation of their radiation are determined visually and shall be confirmed by the Scheme SSO of airfield.";

7.12. add with Chapter 65.1 of the following content:


553.1. Assessment of means of sound recording is made by results of the land inspections which are carried out according to the maintenance schedule stated in the operating documentation and shall be confirmed by the Act of land check of means of RTOP and AVES.

553.2. Quality of sound recording and reproduction of negotiations is evaluated as follows:

"perfectly" - understanding of negotiations without the slightest tension of attention;

"well" - understanding of negotiations without difficulties;

"well" - understanding of negotiations with attention tension;

"unsatisfactorily" - impossibility to sort the text of negotiations.

Results of quality check of sound recording and reproduction of negotiations shall be confirmed by the Act of land check of means of RTOP and AVES.";

7.13. in the name of Chapter 73, Items 611-614 and appendix 25 of the letter "UTPZ" to replace with the letters "UPZ";

7.14. in Item 12 of appendix 3 of the letter "runway" to replace with the letters "RD";

7.15. add appendix 21 with Item 76 of the following content:

"76. Means of sound recording provide registration on the sound carrier of signals of the current time with accuracy ______ with in days.

Sound recording and reproduction of negotiations are carried out with assessment ________________.";

7.16. state appendix 26 in the following edition:

"Appendix 26

to the Aviation rules "Assessment of Conformity of Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus to Certified Requirements"





Head of the aviation organization
(branch of the aviation organization)


____ ______ _____.

Act of inspection of life preservers

AIRFIELD ________________



The commission in structure: ___________________________________________________ conducted examination of life preservers of airfield _________________ and established:

1. For airfield category UPZ, including for the runway - __-_____ is established _____;

THE RUNWAY - __-_____.

2. In airfield is available ___ the fire truck.

3. Is in permanent alert ____ the fire truck: _______ (the brand and state is specified. number of cars).

4. The number of the fire-fighting structures which are exported by PA which are in alert and gross performance of giving of fire-fighting structures makes:


payment order

PA brand

State. number

Amount of water, l

Amount of frother, l

Performance, p/a




















5. Time of expansion of PA in runway end faces during the pilot check which is carried out ___________ (date, time) constituted:


payment order

PAS, brand, state. number

Expansion time, with

runway end face - __

runway end face - __

runway end face - __

runway end face - __














6. PASES are completed:

6.1. PAS _________________ (brand, state. number):

fire hoses – ______ set.;

the hose equipment – ________ unit;

manual fire trunks – ________ unit;

foam generators – ________ unit;

ladders – _________ unit;

ropes – ________ unit;

the device for cutting of the ______ fuselage skin (model) – _____ unit;

hydraulic kusachik – ________ unit;

knives for cutting of seat belts – _____ piece;

devices of ________ compressed air (model) – ________ unit;

fighting clothes of firefighters – _______ set.;

helmets – _______ piece;

heat-protective suits – ______ set.;

scrap – ____ piece;

the fire axe - _____ piece;

shovel – _______ piece;

sledge hammer – ______ piece.

6.2. PAS _________________ (brand, state. number):

fire hoses – ______ set.;

the hose equipment – ________ unit;

manual fire trunks – ________ unit;

foam generators – ________ unit;

ladders – _________ unit;

ropes – ________ unit;

the device for cutting of the ______ fuselage skin (model) – _____ unit;

hydraulic kusachik – ________ unit;

knives for cutting of seat belts – _____ piece;

devices of ________ compressed air (model) – ________ unit;

fighting clothes of firefighters – _______ set.;

helmets – _______ piece;

heat-protective suits – ______ set.;

scrap – ____ piece;

the fire axe – _____ piece;

shovel – _______ piece;

sledge hammer – ______ piece.

7. In airfield there is reserve of frother in amount ____ l (_____ kg, ud. weight – ________, the supporting document – ___________________________________), including: _____________________________________________ (place storage, quantity).

In airfield is available ______ Items for the PA repeated gas station water, including: _____________________ (the name, number according to the scheme). Technical condition of fire hydrants satisfactory, the inspection statement from __________.

8. The rescue station is equipped:

direct link with DPA;

direct link between buildings of rescue stations;

the acoustic alarm of alarm which possibility of inclusion is provided from control office of airfield ____, SKP and from the observation posts.

9. The observation post located ________ provides observation of take off and landing of AF with MK-______. Descent trajectories when calling AF on landing and takeoff climb of AF with all rates of take off and landing of AF which are available in airfield are looked through completely (not completely), the obstacles shading them are absent (there are shading obstacles: ______________).

The observation post is equipped with the field-glass and communication with the following objects:

direct link with SKP;

direct link with rescue stations of airfield;

radio communication with airfield PA.

10. In airfield there is SKP for management and coordination of wreckings which is located ________________.

SKP is equipped:

voice communication from telephone exchange of the airport with exit to city voice circuit;

direct voice or radio communication with ____________ the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus;

communication with services and objects of airfield: _____________ (services and objects of the airport are specified);

direct link with rescue stations of airfield;

radio communication with PA;

radio communication with PKP.

11. In airfield there is PKP for management of wreckings on
occurrence location: _____________, state. number _____________ which is equipped:

(brand, type)

two driving axles;

loudspeaker unit;

radio station of the aviation range;

communicating device with SKP, rescue stations of airfield, PA.

12. In airfield there is device for runway covering foam.

Device width – _______ m, quantity and type of frothers – _____________ ______________________.

13. In airfield there is _________ ambulance, state. number ____________ which is equipped:


the dressing calculated on _____ by the people (the AF settlement type – _______, the maximum passenger capacity of this AF – ______ the people).

14. In airfield there is vehicle for carrying out search and rescue works, delivery of land search and rescue group and rescue equipment – _________________, state. number _________ which is equipped:

(brand, type)

two driving axles;

radio stations of the range of OVCh.

15. MS are equipped the necessary number of fire extinguishers, the scheme of arrangement of fire extinguishers on MS is attached.

Appendix. The scheme of arrangement of fire extinguishers on MS.

Signatures, surnames, initials".

8. This resolution becomes effective since May 15, 2015.


A. A. Sivak

Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2009 No. 102
(in edition of the Resolution of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus of March 4, 2015 No. 6)

Aviation rules "Airfield Flight Servicing in Airfields (Helidromes) of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus"

Section I. Basic provisions on operation of airfields

Chapter 1. Terms, determinations and symbols

1. These aviation rules "Airfield Flight Servicing in Airfields (Helidromes) of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus" (further - these rules) "Airfields" (the edition sixth, July, 2013) to the Convention on the international civil aviation accepted to Chicago (United States of America) on December 7, 1944 are developed according to requirements of the Air code of the Republic of Belarus, appendix 14 and determine procedure for airfield flight servicing in airfields of civil aviation of the Republic of Belarus.

2. Action of these rules extends to legal entities and physical persons which perform operation of airfields or helidromes of civil aviation in the territory of the Republic of Belarus or under authority of which airfields or helidromes of civil aviation of the Republic of Belarus are (further - airfields).

3. For the purposes of these rules the following terms and their determinations are applied:

aspects of human factor - the principles applicable to design processes, certification, trainings, operational activities and maintenance in aircraft and aimed at ensuring safe interaction between the person and other components of system by means of proper accounting of opportunities of the person;

airfield - the parcels of land or water object (its part) which are specially prepared and equipped for ensuring take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of air vehicles;

airfield (helidrome) temporary - airfield (helidrome) intended for ensuring take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of air vehicles during certain period;

airfield (helidrome) permanent - the airfield (helidrome) intended for permanent basing (placement) of air vehicles and (or) supported in permanent operational readiness;

airfield sign - the sign established on surface of airfield, intended for transfer of aeronautical and other information;

side band of safety (the strengthened roadside) - the site adjacent to edge of artificial covering of landing strip, taxiway or platform and the providing safe transition from artificial covering to abutting surface;

helidrome - the parcel of land which is specially prepared and equipped for ensuring take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of helicopters;

the spring and summer period - the period from April 15 to October 14;

landing strip - the main part of flying strip of airfield prepared for providing takeoff run and run after landing of air vehicles;

landing strip of instrument landing approach - the landing strip equipped with visual means and any type of non-visual means providing, at least, guidance of the air vehicle in approach direction from straight line;

the landing strip which is not equipped - the landing strip intended for visual flight rules approach;

the landing strip equipped - landing strip of instrument landing approach or landing strip of precision approach;

landing strip of precision approach - the landing strip equipped for landing approach on I, II or III categories ICAO;

height (exceeding) of airfield - the absolute altitude of vertex of the main landing strip of airfield;

the main landing strip - the landing strip having the extreme length in standard conditions and artificial landing strip in relation to soil landing strip;

the touchdown zone - the site of landing strip behind its threshold intended for the first contact with the landing air vehicles;

zone of ice protection - zone where from the surfaces of airplanes the ice raid, ice or snow is removed and (or) where clean surfaces of airplanes are protected for limited period of time from formation of ice raid, ice or accumulating of snow, slush;

quality of data - degree or probability level of the fact that provided data meet user requirements of data from the point of view of accuracy, permission and integrity;

the controlled area of airfield - the part of airfield of airfield intended for safety control of take off and landing of air vehicles and including flying strip, except for the sites which are at distance more than 120 meters from runway center line of precision approach with code numbers 3 and 4, end safety areas, clear areas and the critical zones ILS;

checkpoint of airfield - the conditional point in airfield which is, as a rule, the geometrical center of the main landing strip and determining the geographic location of airfield;

the end safety area - the zone adjoining the end of flying strip and symmetrized on both sides from continuation of center line of landing strip and intended first of all for reduction of risk of damage of the air vehicle in case of landing with falling short to landing strip or in case of runway overrun;

end stopway - specially prepared rectangular site at the end of the located take-off run intended for stop of the air vehicle in case of the interrupted take-off;

utilization rate - the certain period expressed as a percentage during which use of landing strip is not limited in connection with side component of wind;

the critical zone ILS - space around localizer and glide slope beacons in which the parking or movement of vehicles, including air vehicles, causes inadmissible change of parameters of radio beacons;

airfield - part of airfield in which flying strips with clear areas and end safety areas, strips of taxiways and platforms, including zones of ice protection are located;

flying strip - the part of airfield of airfield including landing strip and end stopways if they are provided, intended for ensuring take off and landing of air vehicles, reduction of risk of damage of the air vehicles which are rolled out of landing strip limits, and safety of the air vehicles which are flying by over it in takeoff time and landings;

marker - the object established over earth level for designation of border, zone, obstacle;

marking sign - the symbol applied on surface of airfield, intended for transfer of aeronautical information;

traffic route - the land route established within aerodrome movement area, held for use only vehicles;

the place of expectation on traffic route - certain place where it can be offered to vehicles to stop;

the place of expectation at landing strip - the certain place intended for protection of landing strip, critical zones of course and glide-path radio beacons, exception of crossing of surfaces of restriction of obstacles in which the driving air vehicles and vehicles stop and is expected if there is no other specifying from the relevant control office;

stall - the allocated site on the platform intended for the parking of the air vehicle;

total restriction of traffic load of air vehicles - restriction of traffic load of air vehicles in case of which the sortie of the air vehicle with bigger take-off mass is considered also for sortie and for air vehicles with the smaller take-off mass to which intensity total restrictions extend;

the operational specialist of service of airfield flight servicing - the engineer, the shift supervisor and other specialists of service of airfield flight servicing having the corresponding admission and performing functions on control of condition of elements of airfield of airfield and determination of their validity to operation;

the autumn and winter period - the period from October 15 to April 14;

the platform - the part of airfield of airfield intended for placement of air vehicles for the purpose of landing and disembarkation of passengers, loading and unloading of baggage and loads, gas station, the parking or maintenance;

apron taxiway - the part of the platform intended for taxing of air vehicles through the platform or for ensuring approach to places of parking of air vehicles;

site of runway turn - the certain site adjoining landing strip and used for turn by 180 degrees on landing strip in case of absence in this place of the adjoining taxiways;

the maneuvering area - part of airfield, excepting platforms, intended for take-off, landing and taxing of air vehicles;

taxiway strip - the airfield site including taxiway (except for apron taxiway) and intended for protection of the air vehicle operated on taxiway and decrease in risk of damage of the air vehicle which accidentally went beyond taxiway;

landing strip threshold - start of the segment of landing strip of airfield which is allowed to be used for landing of air vehicles;

landing site - the parcel of land or specially prepared artificial site suitable for take off and landing of air vehicles;

obstacle - motionless (temporary or permanent) or mobile object (or part of mobile object) which is placed in the zone intended for land movement of air vehicles on surface (including within flying strip or airfield provided that this object is not fragile design), and also within aerodrome environs and which according to the planned altitude performances can pose safety hazard of flights;

the intermediate place of expectation - the certain place intended for mission control where the driving air vehicles and vehicles stop and is expected by permissions to continuation of the movement issued by control office of airfield;

on-duty time of the airport (airfield) - the set operational mode of the airport (airfield) taking into account the made decisions on its prolongation;

working area - the part of airfield intended for take-off, landing and taxing of air vehicles, consisting of the maneuvering area and the platform (platforms);

working section of landing strip - the part of landing strip prepared and used for take off and landing of air vehicles in case of temporary conclusion from operation of other part of landing strip;

the located take-off distance - the amount of the located take-off run and length of clear area;

the located accelerate stop distance - the amount of the located take-off run and length of end stopway;

the located take-off run - the runway length which appears located and suitable for running start of the air vehicle making take-off;

landing distance available - the runway length which appears located and suitable for run of the air vehicle after landing;

the works manager - the responsible service employee for the organization of works in the controlled area and the providing at the same time aviation safeties having the admission on maintaining radio communication and management of these works;

taxiway - the part of airfield of airfield connecting among themselves airfield elements, which is specially prepared and intended for taxing and towage of air vehicles;

turn off taxiway - the taxiway connecting landing strip to other taxiway or the platform;

taxiway main - the taxiway of airfield located, as a rule, along landing strip and providing taxing of air vehicles from one end of landing strip to another on the shortest distance;

high speed taxiway - the taxiway connected to landing strip at an acute angle and allowing the airplanes which executed landing to descend from strip at higher speeds than those speeds which are reached on other taxiways and by that to minimize the time spent for landing strip;

clear area (strip, free from obstacles) - the rectangular site of the land surface which is under control of services of the airport adjoining the end of the located take-off run chosen or prepared as the site suitable for initial climb of the airplane to set value;

service of airfield flight servicing - division of the aviation organization as which questions of aerodrome operation and airfield flight servicing enter;

the displaced threshold - the landing strip threshold located not at landing strip end face;

the special vehicle - the vehicle intended for accomplishment of technical, commercial servicing of air vehicles, operational content of airfields, radio lighting and other types of flight servicing or accomplishment of other special works in airfield;

the planned part of flying strip - the surface, adjacent to edges and end faces of landing strip, planned and prepared so that to minimize risk of damage of the air vehicle in case of rolling-out it out of landing strip limits;

average runway slope - the relation of difference of marks of end faces of landing strip to its length;

the senior aviation chief of airfield - the head of the aviation organization (branch of the aviation organization) who is the leading service employee determining method of operation of airfield and production of flights on it;

the operator of airfield - the aviation organization which is operating airfield, having the certificate on state registration of airfield, the certificate of the validity of airfield to operation and bearing responsibility for maintenance of airfield, its objects and means at the level of normative requirements.

4. The reducings accepted in these rules:

AVR - the equipment of visual registration;

ADP - aerodrome control point;

AIP - the collection of aeronautical information;

ATT - the airfield brake cart;

BPB - side band of safety;

VLP - the spring and summer period;

The runway - landing strip;

AF - the air vehicle;

GVPP - soil landing strip;

GRM - the glide slope beacon;

DPA - control office of airfield;

The DPR - control office of taxing;

IVPP - artificial landing strip;

ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization;

KZB - the end safety area;

KZLP - the controlled area of airfield;

KPT - end stopway;

KRM - localizer;

KTA - checkpoint of airfield;

LP - flying strip;

MK - magnetic course of landing (take-off);

MRD - the main taxiway;

MS - aircraft parking place;

MU - installation site of the air vehicle;

Department of Internal Affairs - air traffic maintenance;

OZP - the autumn and winter period;

PMPU - landing magnetic track angle;

PRD - apron taxiway;

PTA - aerodrome environs;

RD - taxiway;

RLE - flight manual;

RPA - the flight operations director of airfield;

SDP - starting control office;

SZ - clear area;

SSO - the light-signal equipment;

SChLP - the planned part of flying strip;

The Department of Internal Affairs - air traffic control;

ERTOS - operation of the radio-radar equipment and communication;

ESTOP - electrolighting flight servicing;

ILS - blind landing system.

Chapter 2. General information about airfields of civil aviation

5. Airfields of civil aviation are subdivided on surface appearances on:





marine aerodromes,

on nature of use on:



6. Depending on runway length in standard conditions the runway and airfields are subdivided into classes: And, B, In, D, E. Airfields with runway length in standard conditions less established for class E treat not classified. The class of the runway is determined according to the aviation rules "Certified Requirements to Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus".

7. For incidental and seasonal flights temporary airfields and landing sites which sizes shall provide take off and landing of the AF corresponding type can be used.

Chapter 3. Requirements to condition of elements of airfields of airfields

8. The surface of IVPP shall contain in the condition providing good characteristics of coupling and low resistance to swing. Whenever possible rainfall (snow, slush, ice, water) and other types of pollution of covering (dirt, sand, oil products, rubber stratifications) shall be removed from the moment of their emergence in the minimum terms.

9. Elements of airfield of airfield are unsuitable to operation under following conditions:

9.1. the measured value of friction coefficient at least the one third part of covering of IVPP of less 0,17 (when flying AF with gas turbine engines);

9.2. on surface of working section of IVPP and platforms of turn on the runway there is layer of rainfall:

water - more than 10 mm;

slush and sleet - more than 12 mm;

dry snow - more than 50 mm;

9.3. on surface of working section of IVPP and platforms of turn on the runway there are defects:

ledges between the next plates and edges of cracks more than 25 mm;

hollows and sinks more than 25 mm in depth, except for defects which can be spread with circle with a diameter of 120 mm;

the bared reinforcing bars;

foreign objects or products of destruction of covering;

the sites of peeling of covering and wave formation forming gleam under three-meter rail more than 25 mm (except tops of twin profile and dozhdepriyemny trays);

flows of mastic more than 15 mm high;

chips of edges of plates more than 30 mm wide and more than 25 mm in depth;

9.4. on coating surface of RD, the platform and KPT there are defects:

ledges between the next plates and edges of cracks more than 30 mm;

hollows and sinks more than 30 mm in depth (except for defects which can be spread with circle with a diameter of 120 mm);

chips of edges of plates more than 30 mm wide;

the bared reinforcing bars;

foreign objects or products of destruction of covering;

flows of mastic more than 15 mm high;

the sites of peeling of covering and wave formation forming gleam under three-meter rail more than 30 mm (except tops of twin profile and dozhdepriyemny trays);

9.5. on BPB are available:

foreign objects or products of destruction of covering;

ledges of surface more than 50 mm high;

9.6. on surface of unpoved runways, RD, MS, SChLP, KZB are available:

rutting and other roughnesses (microroughnesses) forming gleam under three-meter rail more than 100 mm and depth of more admissible values established by RLE of the operated AF types;

the mesoroughnesses exceeding 0,022, 0,015, 0,030, values of 10 and 20 meters determined by leveling with shooting step respectively 5,;

foreign objects;

sites with the loosened (not condensed) soil;

not planned sites with lowerings in which water after precipitation or thawing of snow gathers;

not connected (not rolled, not linked by bituminous or cement knitting) with soil surface stone inclusions;

herbage more than 30 cm high;

9.7. durability of artificial coverings of the runway, RD, the platform expressed by classification number of covering (PCN) for AF with parking mass of more 5,7 of ton and proof load for AF with parking mass of 5,7 of ton and less is insufficient for the AF this type;

9.8. sub-soil strength (the condensed snow) below the values established by requirements of RLE of the AF corresponding type;

9.9. there is no necessary marking of artificial and soil elements of airfield;

9.10. are not cleared of snow cover:

KPT (except new-fallen snow less than 25 cm high) - on all square;

SChLP (except snow layer less than 25 cm high and shaft of new-fallen snow less than 50 cm) - at the length of 50 m from each end face of the runway and on width of 3 m from side borders of the runway, in the presence of landing lights - to the line of arrangement of these fires;

9.11. the profile of snow cover acts over the plane having the ascending bias from end faces of the runway of 1,25 of percent;

9.12. on RD, platform there are sites of snow cover more than 25 cm thick, shaft from new-fallen snow more than 50 cm high or shaft from the frozen together snow;

9.13. strips of RD, including PRD passing across regional sites of platforms from the adjoining soil surface on width of 3 m from side borders of RD are not cleared of snow cover (except snow layer less than 25 cm high and shaft of new-fallen snow less than 50 cm), in the presence of side taxi lights - to the line of arrangement of these fires;

9.14. the profile of snow cover on SChLP, except for sites in runway end faces, and strips of taxiways, including the apron taxiways passing across regional sites of platforms acts over the plane having the ascending bias of 10 percent from external borders of the sites which are subject to cleaning according to subitems 9.10 and 9.13 of Item 9 of these rules respectively.

10. In the presence on covering of the runway, RD, the platform of the ice layer covering more than a half of the area of covering of the runway, RD or the platform, movement of AF on draft of own engines on these coverings including take off and landing of AF on the runway, is not allowed.

11. Mooring devices (anchor fixtures) on MS shall provide perceptions of settlement efforts from extensions of AF of settlement types. Operation of these devices if on them are absent (the expiration date expired) the inspection statement of durability is forbidden.

12. Grounding devices shall be cleared and have resistance to spreading of current no more than 100 Ohms. Grounding devices are considered unsuitable if the expiration date of the inspection statement of their resistance is absent or expired.

Chapter 4. Requirements to condition of zones KRM and GRM

13. The main requirements to condition of zones KRM and GRM are restrictions of height of grass cover, thickness of the virgin or condensed snow and size of microroughnesses.

14. In zones KRM height of grass or snow cover, area bias in either direction and microroughness of relief shall not exceed the values established by appendix 1 to these rules. The size of microroughnesses of relief is checked by three-meter rail.

15. In zones KRM and GRM the area shall be free from highway and the railroads, aerial communication lines and power supply, from the wood, bushes and any local obstacles more than 1 meter high.

Within zones KRM traffic in case of production of flights is not allowed.

16. In zones GRM height of grass and snow cover, microroughness of relief shall not exceed the values established by appendix 2 to these rules.

17. For each runway equipped with ILS the critical zone ILS shall be determined. The critical zone ILS on RD shall have day and night marking. As the day marking determining border of critical zone marking of the place of expectation at the runway serves.

The scheme of the critical zones ILS which affirms the senior aviation chief of airfield and is attached to log book of airfield shall be developed for each airfield.

18. In places of crossing of critical zone of localizer and glide slope beacons with intra port roads from entrance to critical zone signs of the place of expectation on traffic route of vehicles are established.

Chapter 5. Requirements to drivers and condition of special vehicles during the work in the controlled area of airfield

19. The condition and equipment of the special vehicles used for performance of works in the controlled area of airfield shall conform to requirements of Traffic regulations of the Republic of Belarus. These special vehicles shall be in addition equipped with flashing indicators of orange color, and also are equipped with towing devices.

20. The machine of the works manager in the controlled area of airfield shall be in addition equipped with radio station of intra port communication for communication with the dispatcher of DPA (SDP) and the receiver of the VHF range for listening of radio exchange at frequency of "DPA-VS".

21. Drivers of machines shall know established procedure of movement on airfield and have the corresponding admission for movement on this airfield which is drawn up by the order (order) of the senior aviation chief of airfield. In case of installation in special vehicles of radio stations of the airport range drivers of special vehicles shall know established procedure of maintaining radio communication, the operating call signs of subscribers of communication and to have the corresponding admission for maintaining radio communication.

Section II. Marking of airfields, helidromes and landing sites

Chapter 6. Requirements to marking and marking signs

22. Day marking is obligatory for all airfields, helidromes and landing sites.

On each permanent airfield and helidrome in relation to local conditions the scheme of day marking of artificial coverings and soil elements of airfield of airfield which affirms the senior aviation chief of airfield shall be constituted.

23. In use airfield, in process of depreciation, updating of marking of airfield coverings, paintings of airfield signs and markers for the purpose of ensuring permanent contrast of marking and airfield signs and good visual informational content of crews of AF, drivers of special vehicles and mechanical personnel of the aviation organizations shall be made.

24. Marking of airfields is carried out according to requirements of the aviation rules "Certified Requirements to Airfields of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Belarus".

25. Marking of landing sites for airplanes is similar to marking of temporary airfields, and landing sites for helicopters - marking of helidromes and helicopter runways.

26. For exception of cases of damage of elements of the light-signal and electrotechnical equipment in case of accomplishment of snow-removing works of the place of their arrangement in OZP are designated by markers (landmarks).

27. Marking signs can be applied on airfield coverings by means of special labeling machines, manually on templates or on the directing rails.

28. Marking of airfield coverings shall be carried out at temperature of fresh air corresponding to log book on paints and varnishes, in case of its absence - at temperature of fresh air is not lower plus 10 degrees Celsius.

29. The average consumption of paints and varnishes in case of the mechanized method constitutes kg/m 0,4 2, in case of manual - kg/sq.m 0,5.

30. In case of jelling of paints and varnishes before application they are diluted to working viscosity with the solvents which are specially intended for these purposes.

31. Prior to marking works the coating surface shall be dried up and cleared of dust, dirt, the exfoliating old paints and varnishes, oil spots and foreign objects.

32. The technology of putting paints and varnishes on airfield coverings includes the following transactions:

surface preparation of airfield coverings according to Item 31 of these rules;

marking of marking signs;

preparation of paint and drawing it on airfield covering.


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