of October 30, 2019 No. UP-5863
About approval of the Concept of environmental protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030
In the country consecutive work in the field of ensuring environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, improvements of sanitary and ecological situation is carried out.
At the same time results of the carried-out analysis testify to lack of integrated approach and strategic planning when implementing functions of the state in the field of environmental protection, and also insufficiency of powers of nature protection body for effective implementation of objectives.
For the purpose of determination of the priority directions of state policy in the field of environmental protection, implementation of effective mechanisms of prevention, identification and suppression of violations of the nature protection legislation, strengthening of the personal responsibility of heads of state bodies and business entities, citizens for sanitary and ecological condition of settlements of the republic, and also ensuring achievement of the National purposes and tasks in the field of sustainable development for the period till 2030:
1. Approve:
a) The concept of environmental protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030 (further - the Concept) according to appendix No. 1, providing measures on:
to preserving and quality assurance of objects of the environment (atmospheric air, waters, lands, soils, subsoil, biodiversity, the protected natural territories) from anthropogenous impact and other negatively influencing factors;
to priority use of materials, products, production and other facilities constituting the smallest ecological danger;
to expansion of the protected natural territories;
to ensuring ecologically safe use of toxic chemical and radioactive materials;
to enhancement of ecologically safe system of the address with waste;
to forming of ecological culture of the population, increase in level of transparency of activities of state bodies in the field of environmental protection and to strengthening of role of civil society;
b) "Road map" on realization in 2019 - 2021 of the Concept of environmental protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030 (further - "Road map") according to appendix No. 2.
Determine that the Concept is implemented step by step on the basis of the "road maps" which are separately approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan for three-year term proceeding from the achieved results, target indicators and the main directions of environmental protection for the corresponding period.
2. To the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecology and environmental protection (further - Goskomecologies):
till December 1, 2021 on the basis of in-depth examination of results of implementation of "Road map" to provide development and introduction on approval into the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the draft of "Road map" on subsequent period;
conduct efficient monitoring of course of execution of "road maps".
3. Confer the personal responsibility on:
the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Zh. Ramatov - for the effective organization and coordination of activities of the responsible ministries and departments within implementation of the Concept and "Road map";
the chairman of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecology and environmental protection B. T. Kuchkarov - for achievement of target indicators of the Concept.
4. Approve offers of Goskomecology, Ecological party of Uzbekistan and the public on introduction of the moratorium on cutting down of valuable types of the trees and bushes which are not entering into the state forest fund (further - the moratorium).
Determine that:
a) the moratorium is effective from November 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020;
b) during operation of the moratorium authorized state bodies are forbidden to issue permissions to cutting down of valuable types of the trees and bushes which are not entering into the state forest fund, except as specified, established in this Item;
c) the moratorium does not extend on:
sanitary cutting and cutting down of the trees and bushes damaged as a result of the impact of natural factors or wreckers, diseases of the plants which are drying up or which dried, and also menacing to safety of life and health of the person, property of legal entities and physical persons;
cutting down of the trees and bushes (poplar and other fast-growing breeds, mulberry plantations, fruit trees and bushes) which are grown up for receipt of wood and fruits;
cutting down of the trees and bushes which are grown up on plantations and/or being property of legal entity or physical person.
It is strict to ministries and departments, and also bodies of economic board and executive power at the local level to provide preserving trees and bushes, including by application of practice of their replacing, at stage of the choice and withdrawal of the parcels of land for construction and designing of construction of facilities, and also during creation of engineering and communication infrastructure (electro-, gazo-and water supply, the sewerage, iron and highways and others).
5. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two weeks to approve complex of organization-legal measures for cardinal enhancement of system of protection of the trees and bushes including providing strengthening of responsibility for illegal cutting down, damage or destruction of trees and bushes.
To the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry together with Goskomecology and Hunarmand association to make in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on providing the handicraftsmen making products of national art crafts and applied art, wood including from valuable types of breeds in a month.
Goskomecologies till November 1, 2020 to make offers concerning feasibility of prolongation of operation of the moratorium proceeding from efficiency of the taken measures for protection of trees and bushes.
6. To provide to the ministry of employment and reducing poverty together with the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan implementation of self-government institutions of citizens by the commissions on ecology and environmental protection, improvement and gardening of control of observance of ecological requirements in case of sanitary cutting and cutting down of green plantings, and also their conversion and waste recycling, including commercial use of wood, with involvement of non-state non-profit organizations and other institutes of civil society.
7. Approve offers:
The union of youth of Uzbekistan about the organization together with Ecological party of Uzbekistan of the ecological actions directed to forming at youth of respect for the environment, preserving the nature and non-admission of air pollution, water and the soil, damnification to flora and fauna;
The republican center of studying of public opinion "Izhtimoy фикр" about carrying out at least once in year of social researches on studying of public opinion on topical issues of environmental protection.
8. Enter since November 1, 2019 procedure according to which:
the minister of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, chiefs of managements of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of areas and the city of Tashkent
annually represent respectively to the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and to the Tashkent city Kengash People's Deputies the status report of environmental protection in the region;chiefs of departments of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the area (city) annually represent respectively district (city) Kengasham People's Deputies the status report of environmental protection in the area (city).
9. Establish since November 1, 2019 procedure according to which conducting Inspection of the state environmental control of the Ministry of ecology by the state inspectors, environmental protections and climate changes of operational control actions in case of identification of the following cases is performed without preliminary approval of the authorized body coordinating activities of monitoring bodies of subsequent its obligatory notification by registration of the electronic registration of checks performed in the Single system within twenty four hours from the moment of the beginning of check:
non-compliance with requirements for protection of atmospheric air when warehousing or burning in open flame of combustible substances and construction materials;
melting of bitumen without use of special technical devices, burning of eddish, fallen leaves and branches of trees or other vegetable remaining balance on fields and in settlements;
above-standard or unauthorized dumping of sewage on land relief or in open reservoirs, and also in system of the utility sewerage;
water intake from natural (natural) water objects without the permission on special water use or water consumption;
illegal cabin of trees, collection and procurement or destruction of wild-growing plants, hunting or getting of wild animals (including fishes);
non-compliance with requirements of the legislation in the field of the address with waste;
non-compliance with requirements of the legislation in case of work on clearing of beds and the water protection zones of the rivers, Sai, streams and lakes, and also to strengthening of their coast.
10. Prohibit:
since January 1, 2020 input of new capacities on production of motor fuel of ecological class is lower than "Euro-4";
since January 1, 2022 the room under customs regime "temporary import" and "release for free circulation (import)" motor fuel of ecological class is lower than "Euro-3", and since January 1, 2023 - "Euro-4" is lower than motor fuel of ecological class;
since January 1, 2022 the room under customs regime "temporary import" and "release for free circulation (import)" for the purpose of operation and realization of wheel vehicles of the categories "M" and "N" equipped with gas, petrol and diesel engines which level of toxicity does not conform to requirements of the ecological class "Euro-4".
To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two-month time to approve procedure for ecological certification of the new wheel vehicles of categories "M" and "N" imported into the Republic of Uzbekistan on compliance to requirements of ecological class.
11. Agree with the offer of Goskomecology on transfer of its powers on issue of permissions to getting of wild animals and special use of flora objects to Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan on ecology and environmental protection, managements on ecology and environmental protection of areas and the city of Tashkent.
12. Goskomecologies:
a) in three-months time to develop and bring in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
procedure for carrying out obligatory public discussions and hearings of projects of environmental impact assessment on the planned types of activity belonging to I and II categories of impact on the environment (high and average risk) before conducting the state environmental assessment;
offers on inventory count of the business entities performing the types of activity belonging to I and II categories of impact on the environment (high and average risk) regarding security with treatment facilities, and also implementation of measures for their obligatory installation according to the legislation;
b) provide the organization of issue of ecological certificates for the new wheel vehicles of the categories "M" and "N" equipped with gas, petrol and diesel engines imported into the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of identification of legal acts of the export states of wheel vehicles regarding fulfillment of requirements in case of production of wheel vehicles to requirements "Euro-4" is not lower or "Euro-4" is not lower than documents submitted by applicants confirming compliance of the specified wheel vehicles on toxicity level to requirements of ecological class;
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