of August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ
About rescue services and the status of rescuers
Accepted by the State Duma on July 14, 1995
This Federal Law:
determines general organization-legal and economic bases of creation and activities of rescue services, rescue units in the territory of the Russian Federation, governs the relations in this area between public authorities, local government bodies, and also the companies, organizations, the organizations, peasant farms, other legal entities irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership (further - the organizations), public associations, officials and citizens of the Russian Federation;
establishes the rights, obligations and responsibility of rescuers, officials, and also the citizens of the Russian Federation involved in liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature (further - emergency situations), determines bases of state policy in the field of legal and social protection of rescuers, other citizens of the Russian Federation who are taking part in liquidation of emergency situations, and members of their families.
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
rescue service - set of the governing bodies, forces and means intended for the solution of tasks according to the prevention and liquidation of the emergency situations functionally united in single system which basis is constituted by rescue units;
rescue unit - the independent or being part of rescue service structure intended for carrying out wrecking which basis is constituted by the divisions of rescuers equipped with special appliances, the equipment, equipment, tools and materials;
the rescuer - the citizen who had the corresponding training and certified on carrying out wrecking;
wrecking - actions for rescuing of people, material and cultural values, protection of the environment in zone of emergency situations, to localization of emergency situations and suppression or bringing to minimum possible level of impact of characteristic factors, dangerous to them. Wrecking is characterized by availability of factors, life-threatening and to health of the people who are carrying out these works, and requires special preparation, equipment and equipment;
urgent works in case of liquidation of emergency situations - activities for comprehensive providing wrecking, rendering to the population which was injured in emergency situations, medical and other types of the help, to creation of the conditions minimum necessary for preserving life and human health, maintenance of their working capacity;
the status of rescuers - set of the rights and obligations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and guaranteed by the state to rescuers. Features of the status of rescuers are determined by the obligations assigned to them by participation in work on liquidation of emergency situations and the threat of their life connected with it and to health;
rescue means - technical, scientific and technical and intellectual products, including specialized means of communication and managements, the equipment, the equipment, equipment, property and materials, methodical, video, film, photographic materials on technologies of wrecking, and also software products and databases for electronic computers and other means intended for carrying out wrecking;
justified risk - probability of emergence of threat for life and health of rescuers and (or) other persons owing to making of the lawful necessary and sufficient actions or failure to act in the situation requiring immediate reaction of the rescuer directed to rescuing of life and human health in the conditions of carrying out wrecking if there are bases to believe that such rescuing is possible;
emergency - the condition in case of which the action doing harm to the interests protected by the law is made for the purpose of elimination of the danger which is directly menacing to the personality and the rights of the rescuer or other person protected by the law to interests of society or state if this danger could not be eliminated with other means and at the same time was not allowed excesses of limits of emergency. Exceeding of limits of emergency damnification, not corresponding to nature and degree of the threatening danger and circumstances under which danger was eliminated when the harm equal prevented or more considerable was done to the specified interests, than prevented is recognized.
Legal basis of creation and activities of rescue services, rescue units and activities of rescuers is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, the Federal Law "About Protection of the Population and the Territories against Emergency Situations of Natural and Technogenic Nature", other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation. Local government bodies within the powers can adopt the municipal legal acts regulating questions of creation and activities of rescue services, rescue units and activities of rescuers.
The basic principles of activities of rescue services, rescue units and rescuers are:
the principle of humanity and mercy providing priority of tasks of rescuing of life and preserving human health, protection of the environment in case of emergency situations;
principle of one-man management of management of rescue services, rescue units;
the principle of justified risk and safety when carrying out rescue and urgent works;
the principle of permanent readiness of rescue services, rescue units to rapid response to emergency situations and work on their liquidation.
Voided since January 1, 2005.
1. Treat wrecking:
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