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of February 9, 2018 No. 12

About approval of Veterinary health regulations

Based on the paragraph of the fifth of article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 2, 2010 "About veterinary activities" in edition of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 24, 2016 and subitem 5.2 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 29, 2011 No. 867 "About some questions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food" the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve enclosed:

Veterinary health regulations of prevention, diagnostics and liquidation of listeriosis of animals;

Veterinary health regulations of prevention, diagnostics and liquidation of ornithosis of birds;

Veterinary health regulations of prevention, diagnostics and liquidation of salmonellosis of animals.

2. This resolution becomes effective in fifteen working days after its signing.



Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of February 9, 2018 No. 12

Veterinary health regulations of prevention, diagnostics and liquidation of listeriosis of animals

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These Veterinary health regulations of prevention, diagnostics and liquidation of listeriosis of animals (further - Rules) developed according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 2, 2010 "About veterinary activities" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 170, 2/1713; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 01.11. 2016, 2/2436) and recommendations of the Code of health of land animals of the International epizootic bureau (2017), requirements to safety of the works and services connected with content, cultivation, cultivation, movement, realization, slaughter of animals, utilization, burial, destruction of corpses of the animals directed to prevention, diagnostics and liquidation of listeriosis of animals are established obligatory for observance by legal entities and physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs.

2. In these rules terms and their determinations in the values established By the law the Republic of Belarus "About veterinary activities" and also the following terms and their determinations are applied:

herds, safe on listeriosis, - herds in which cases of animals of listeriosis are not established;

listeriosis - the infectious disease of animals which is characterized by damage of lymph nodes, septicaemia and damage of the central nervous system. The incubation period from 3 to 70 days, 18-20 days are normal, newborns have 3-5 days;

herds, unsuccessful on listeriosis, - herds in which cases of animals of listeriosis are established;

karantinirovaniye - content of animals in isolation from other animals.

Chapter 2. Prevention of listeriosis of animals

3. Source of infectious disease of animals - patients and the had animals who allocate the causative agent of listeriosis to the external environment with urine, stake, milk and with currents from nasal chamber, eyes, sexual organs, and also animals - the listerionositel playing part in maintenance of the stationary centers of infectious disease of animals (wild small mammals and birds, and also carriers - blood-sicking arthropods, especially pasturable pincers). Transfer of listeriya from mother to fruit because of probable death of fruit and big lethality of newborns is possible (50% and above).

4. For the purpose of prevention of listeriosis legal entities and physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, shall:

provide holding veterinary actions in case of content and exploitation of animals;

carry out completing of herds only animals from herds, safe on listeriosis;

carry out within 30 days karantinirovaniye of again arrived animals for conducting diagnostic testings;

show upon the demand of specialists in the field of veterinary science of the public veterinary service of the Republic of Belarus all necessary information about the acquired animals and create conditions for performing their clinical examination and diagnostic testings;

carry out regrouping of animals in agricultural organization under approval of specialists in the field of veterinary science of this agricultural organization;

provide carrying out disinfection, deratization and disinsection of rooms for the animal and adjacent territories;

provide accounting of cases of abortions, still birth and case of animals and to direct pathological material to veterinary laboratory for carrying out laboratory researches (testing).

Chapter 3. Diagnosis of listeriosis of animals

5. The diagnosis on listeriosis is established based on clinical and epizootological data, and also laboratory researches (testing). The diagnosis on listeriosis is considered established in case of allocation of culture of listeriya.

Serological methods - reaction of binding of complement (further - RSK) are applied to clarification of epizootic situation in herds in which the diagnosis on listeriosis is established earlier. The diagnosis on listeriosis is considered RSK established in case of receipt of positive result.

6. For laboratory researches (testing) for listeriosis send the whole corpse of animal or the head, tubular bone, liver, spleen, kidney, lymph nodes, lungs, heart, abortirovanny fruit or its cover, the expirations from sexual organs of abortirovavshy uterus to veterinary laboratory, milk from udder shares, blood and serum from animals, sick and suspicious on disease.

Chapter 4. Actions for liquidation of listeriosis of animals

7. In case of establishment of the diagnosis it is forbidden:

conclusion from agricultural organization (farm) of animals, except for evacuation of animals for slaughter;

corpses of animals, abortirovanny fruits are liable to immediate destruction according to the procedure, determined by the Veterinary health regulations of burial and destruction of corpses of animals, the animal products which are not conforming to requirements of veterinary health regulations approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 29, 2013 No. 758 "About additional measures for liquidation and non-admission of distribution of the African swine fever and other dangerous diseases of animals" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 10.09. 2013, 5/37741);

carry out regrouping of animals in agricultural organization without approval of specialists in the field of veterinary science of this agricultural organization;


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