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of July 10, 2018 No. 28

About approval of Rules of professional ethics of the registrar

Based on the paragraph of the nineteenth of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 22, 2002 "About state registration of real estate, the rights to it and transactions with it", subitem 5.1 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 29, 2006 No. 958 "Questions of the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus", the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of professional ethics of the registrar.

2. This resolution becomes effective since July 22, 2018.


A. A. Gayev

Approved by the Resolution of the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus of July 10, 2018 No. 28

Rules of professional ethics of the registrar

Chapter 1. Basic provisions

1. These rules are based on the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and traditions in the sphere of state registration of real estate, the rights to it and transactions with it, the commonly accepted regulations of ethics and morals and contain the general regulations of professional ethics following from specifics of profession of the registrar.

2. These rules represent set of the provisions determining requirements imposed to registrars in case of accomplishment of professional obligations by them including in relations with citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons, the organizations (further - applicants), colleagues, state bodies.

3. These rules promote public trust to honesty, openness and professionalism of registrars and are directed to improvement of quality of the services rendered by them.

4. In the office activities the registrar shall:

be guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, other acts of the legislation, these rules, and also the commonly accepted regulations of ethics and morals;

show respect for applicants, representatives of state bodies;

be punctual, correct, responsible;

fulfill the duties fairly, honesty, competently and timely;

it is effective to solve the objectives connected with execution of official functions without allowing formalism and bureaucracy.

5. Each registrar which is criticized concerning abuse of regulations and also in case of receipt of the claim to its actions (failure to act) has the participation right in consideration of the departures allowed by it from the regulations provided by these rules.

6. In cases when questions of professional ethics of the registrar are not settled by these rules, the registrar shall observe the developed professional customs and traditions.

Chapter 2. Ethics of professional activity of the registrar

7. Professional competence of the registrar is based on general and professional higher education, passing the testing certification confirmed by diplomas (certificates, certificates, certificates) and also on experience of practical work on rendering professional services and continuity of increase in the competence.

8. In professional activity the registrar shall:

8.1. competently and timely to make the registration and other actions entering competence of the registrar according to the legislation (further - registration and other actions, unless otherwise specified);

8.2. perform self-checking behind correctness of making of registration and other actions;

8.3. to constantly improve the professional qualification, including by self-education, to study the legislation, to analyze practice of making of registration and other actions, to participate in actions for training and experience exchange;

8.4. observe requirements of the anti-corruption legislation, not allow use of the held official position in the personal mercenary purposes, and also for the benefit of close relatives or cousins-in-laws. In case of origin in the course of productive activity of prerequisites which can lead to the corruption offenses or offenses creating conditions for corruption, to take measures for their non-admission;

8.5. without delay to report to the direct or higher head, and also in law enforcement agencies about the preparing crime which became known in connection with execution of service duties;

8.6. not take part in activities which are capable to discredit him or the organization in which it works;

8.7. not influence or try to exert impact on process of execution of service duties by other registrars, and also in the course of the activities not to take action in private interests of other persons or make impression that it is possible;

8.8. not make registration actions on the name and on its own behalf, addressed to and on behalf of the spouse (spouse), his and relatives (parents, children, grandsons, the grandfather, the grandma, brothers and sisters);

8.9. not be engaged in business activity personally or through intermediaries, and also not be the attorney at the third parties on the questions connected with state registration of real estate, the rights to it and transactions with it;

8.10. not render the professional services which are going beyond it competences, and also not its corresponding qualifications;

8.11. provide high criteria and requirements of culture of communication with applicants, representatives of state bodies in the activities, showing patience, politeness, tactfulness, in any situation to aim to keep endurance and personal advantage;

8.12. not assume that personal, family, public or other relations negatively influenced his behavior at work and on quality of professional activity;

8.13. observe official style of clothes.

Chapter 3. Relations of the registrar with applicants

9. In the relations with applicants the registrar:

9.1. shows to them respect;

9.2. patiently, politely, tactfully, kindly and well explains their rights and obligations, regulations of the current legislation;

9.3. does not allow the facts of conventional attitude to them;

9.4. uses only legal means, methods and methods of implementation of registration and other actions;

9.5. undertakes necessary measures to the notification of applicants in the terms established by the legislation on the circumstances interfering or excluding possibility of making of registration and other actions;

9.6. prepares documents with respect for official style of the literary language and terms of law;

9.7. explains them procedure and terms of appeal of the made decisions.

10. The registrar has no right:

it is unreasonable to refuse to the applicant making of registration and other actions;

make registration and other actions which results are of valuable or other private interest to it;

advise the applicant to take any actions connected with violation of the current legislation;

allow the rough and tactless attitude towards applicants;


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