of October 25, 2019 No. PP-4499
About measures for expansion of mechanisms of stimulation of implementation of water saving technologies in agricultural industry
In the country consecutive measures for cardinal reforming of mechanisms of use of water resources, ensuring their rational and effective use, support and stimulation of implementation of water saving technologies in economy industries, and also to improvement of meliorative condition of irrigated lands are taken.
The taken measures, and also mechanisms of the state support only in 2019 allowed to provide implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation in addition on one thousand 33,2 hectares that constituted 44 percent from total area of lands on which similar technologies are applied.
However total area of use of water saving technologies of irrigation constitutes only 75 thousand hectares, or percent 1,7 from total area of irrigated lands that causes need of further activation of the measures directed to expansion of use of water saving technologies in agricultural industry and ensuring efficiency of use of water resources.
For the purpose of further expansion of mechanisms of stimulation of implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation and increase in efficiency of use of water resources in agricultural industry, and also improvements of fertility of farmlands:
1. Take into consideration that according to:
a) No. UP-5742 "About Measures for Effective Use of Land and Water Resources in Agricultural Industry" are approved by the presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 17, 2019 forecast indicators of implementation of water saving technologies on 253 381 hectares of cultivated area during 2019 - 2022;
b) resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
of December 27, 2018 No. PP-4087 "About urgent measures for creating favorable conditions for wide use of technology of drop irrigation in case of production of seed cotton" to producers of seed cotton are provided to subsidy for implementation of technologies of drop irrigation in the amount of 8 million sum for one hectare of cultivated area of seed cotton;
of February 5, 2019 No. PP-4161 "About the organization of activities of the Agency on development of wine growing and winemaking under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan" for creation of new plantations of grapes are provided to subsidy for implementation of technology of drop irrigation in the amount of 8 million sum for one hectare of cultivated area of grapes;
of March 20, 2019 No. PP-4246 "About measures for further development of gardening and greenhouse facility in the Republic of Uzbekistan" for creation of new gardens and greenhouse facilities are provided to subsidy for implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation in the amount of no more than 6 million sum for one hectare of cultivated area.
To provide to the ministry of water economy, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Council of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots of Uzbekistan, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas effective fulfillment of the approved forecast indicators on implementation in 2020 of water saving technologies of irrigation on 43 825 hectares, including on acreage:
cotton - on 24 859 hectares;
fruit crops - on 11 498 hectares;
vineyards - on 4 987 hectares;
other cultures - on 2 481 hectares.
2. Establish the following procedure for the state support of implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation since January 1, 2020:
requirements for conducting obligatory examination and registration of the import contracts signed by receivers of budgetary funds do not extend to the import contracts signed by agricultural producers within works on implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation.
3. Assign to the working groups on assistance to implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation created according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 27, 2018 No. PP-4087 "About urgent measures for creating favorable conditions for wide use of technology of drop irrigation in case of production of seed cotton", additional tasks on implementation of activities in the field of implementation of all types of water saving technologies of irrigation in case of production of crops.
a) for ensuring implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation acreage on which water supply is performed by means of pumping points and pumping aggregates, including from irrigating wells and wells of pump drainage are priority;
b) since January 1, 2020 the procedure for rendering at the expense of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan of financial support to the agricultural enterprises which are growing up raw cotton for the state needs on low-yielding lands is cancelled;
c) since January 1, 2022:
the procedure for covering at the expense of subsidies from the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the cost of electricity consumed by pumping aggregates and irrigating wells for production of seed cotton and grain grains extends only to the agricultural producers who implemented water saving technologies of irrigation;
use by agricultural producers of irrigating wells and wells of pump drainage of the organizations of water economy for irrigation of crops is allowed on condition of use of water saving technologies of irrigation.
d) the measures of the state support of producers of agricultural products implemented based on this resolution extend in full also to forestry and lessees of lands of forest fund.
5. To provide to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan till November 20, 2019 development and approval of the address program of implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation for 2020 by types of crops and water saving irrigation systems with indication of regions and acreage.
6. To the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of water economy and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in ten-day time to develop and bring in the Cabinet of Ministers procedure for compensation of part of costs of agricultural producers for implementation of water saving technologies of irrigation according to this resolution.
7. To the Ministry of Economy and Industry together with the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzeltekhsanoat Association and other interested ministries and departments in two-month time:
study the available potential on expansion of mutual cooperation between industries in the field of production of component parts and spare parts of water saving irrigation systems;
create the specific list of component parts and spare parts of the water saving irrigation systems which are subject to localization taking into account the available raw material resources;
introduce in the Cabinet of Ministers the program of measures for localization and expansion of capacities of production of water saving irrigation systems and their component parts for 2020 - 2022.
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