of August 22, 2019 No. 560
About approval of specific requirements
Based on Item 2 of general requirements of flammability control to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the insulated spaces and other objects belonging to subjects of managing, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve specific requirements for ensuring flammability control in courts of inland water transport (are applied).
2. Grant to the Ministry of Emergency Situations the right to explain questions of application of specific requirements for ensuring flammability control in the courts of inland water transport approved by this resolution.
3. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
S. Rumas
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 22, 2019 No. 560
1. These specific requirements establish requirements for ensuring flammability control in courts of inland water transport (further - vessels) during their operation, preparation for repair, repair and sediment.
These specific requirements are developed according to Item 2 of general requirements of flammability control to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the insulated spaces and other objects belonging to subjects of managing and are obligatory for observance by legal entities (heads, service employees and workers) and individual entrepreneurs.
2. The responsibility for violation and (or) failure to carry out of these specific requirements is established according to the legislation.
3. For the purposes of these specific requirements terms and their determinations in the values established by general requirements of flammability control to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the insulated spaces and other objects belonging to subjects of managing, the Code of inland water transport of the Republic of Belarus are applied.
4. Responsibility for ensuring flammability control of courts is born:
the head of the organization performing operation of courts (shipowner);
the ship master (the commander, the skipper) - on each separate vessel during its operation;
the head of the organization on which objects repair and sediment of courts are performed, - during their repair and sediment.
5. Ensuring flammability control of the courts taken out of service and which are on repair or sediment is assigned to the service employees responsible for repair and sediment of courts.
6. Control of fire-proof condition of courts is exercised by the shipowner.
7. The head of the organization performing operation of courts (shipowner) shall:
set fire prevention regime for courts (to equip smoking areas, to determine procedure for carrying out hot and repair work, survey and closing of rooms after completion of works, cleaning of combustible waste, use of electric heaters and another);
provide servicing and timely repair of means of fire protection and fire extinguishing, vent and heating systems, lightning protection and grounding devices, communicating device, notifications, other systems and devices;
organize development of instruction sheets on flammability control for passengers and the all-object instruction on flammability control proceeding from features of fire risk of certain rooms, sites and processes.
8. The captain (the commander, the skipper) of the vessel shall:
control serviceable condition of the production, electrotechnical and transport equipment, heater systems and ventilation, lightning protection, grounding devices of protection of electric motors and other equipment, to take measures for immediate elimination of the available defects;
control observance by all crew members (passengers) of the set fire prevention regime;
determine operations procedure of each crew member in case of the fire;
provide development and representation on approval to the shipowner of the all-object instruction on flammability control (further - the all-object instruction), the plan of evacuation of people in case of the fire, to hold in every half-year practical trainings on its working off;
not allow to work of persons which did not undergo fire-proof instructing;
not allow work on the vessel third parties without taking measures to ensuring flammability control.
9. Persons responsible for fire-proof condition of rooms (sites) of the vessel shall:
provide observance in entrusted rooms (sites) of the set fire prevention regime;
know fire risk of the substances and materials used in rooms (sites) and to provide their application and storage according to these specific requirements, requirements technical normative legal and regulatory legal acts;
know instructions for use the available means of fire protection and fire extinguishing, communicating device and notifications, and also to provide their operability and working capacity, about the found violations of requirements of flammability control and defects of the specified means to immediately report the captain (the commander, the skipper) and to take measures for their elimination.
10. The boat team shall carry out actions for ensuring flammability control of the vessel under all conditions of its operation.
11. Each crew member shall:
nobility and observe requirements of flammability control, provision of the fire prevention regime set for the vessel and the all-object instruction;
be able to apply the means of fire protection and fire extinguishing which are available on the vessel.
12. In the presence of violations of these specific requirements, normative technical requirements legal and regulatory legal acts release of the vessel in run is not allowed.
13. The captain (the commander, the skipper) together with the first officer (the commander, the skipper) and the mechanic shall at least once a month perform fire-proof condition of the vessel, operability of means of fire protection and fire extinguishing and the breathing isolating apparatuss.
14. Results of the check specified in Item of 13 presents of specific requirements register in the ship log of the vessel with indication of persons responsible for elimination of the found shortcomings.
15. On the vessel access to crew members to all closed rooms shall be provided at any time. For each lock on the vessel there shall be two sets of keys, one of which shall be stored at the log chief.
16. The all-object instruction and the operating documentation developed for the vessel shall be based on these specific requirements, normative technical requirements legal and regulatory legal acts. The all-object instruction and the specified documents shall be in the respective rooms (sites) of the vessel.
17. The all-object instruction shall be reviewed periodically taking into account change of fire-proof condition of the vessel and the corresponding orders of higher bodies of management at least once in three years.
18. The shipowner and the captain (the commander, the skipper) is not allowed to see off on the re-planning vessel, to change functional purpose of rooms without development of the project documentation.
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