Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 13, 2019

About the basic organization of public health and informatization of health care of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Economic council of the Commonwealth of Independent States


1. Give to federal state budgetary institution "Central Research and Development Institute of the Organization and Informatization of Health Care" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation the status of the basic organization of public health and informatization of health care of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

2. Approve Regulations on the basic organization of public health and informatization of health care of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States it (is applied).

From the Azerbaijan Republic

Deputy Prime Minister M. Akimov

From the Russian Federation


From the Republic of Armenia

Vice-Prime Minister M. Grigoryan

From the Republic of Tajikistan

First Deputy Prime Minister D. Said

From the Republic of Belarus

Deputy prime minister I. Petrishenko

From Turkmenistan


From the Republic of Kazakhstan

Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Commission on economic problems in case of CIS Economic Council E.Zhanayev

From the Republic of Uzbekistan

Adviser to the Prime Minister N. Otazhonov

From the Kyrgyz Republic

Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Commission on economic problems in case of CIS Economic Council Z.Asankozhoyeva

From Ukraine

From the Republic of Moldova




Approved by the Decision of CIS Economic Council on the Regulations on the basic organization of public health and informatization of health care of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of September 13, 2019

Regulations on the basic organization of public health and informatization of health care of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States

I. General provisions

1.1. The basic organization of public health and informatization of health care of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States (further - the Basic organization) is created for the purpose of ensuring effective interaction of bodies of public health care at the interstate level, information exchange concerning health care of the State Parties of the CIS, and also methodical and organizational technical supply of interstate network of institutes of public health and informatization of health care.

1.2. The status of the Basic organization is given to federal state budgetary institution "Central Research and Development Institute of the Organization and Informatization of Health Care" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In case of change of the name of the Basic organization the Russian Federation notifies on the corresponding adjustments by note Executive committee of the CIS within 30 days after change of the name of organization.

1.3. In the activities the Basic organization is guided by the Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States (further - the CIS), decisions of Council of heads of states, Council of Heads of Government, Council of Foreign Ministers, CIS Economic Council, Council for cooperation in the field of health care of the CIS, the international treaties in the field of health care signed within the CIS, this Provision and the legislation of the state of stay of the Basic organization.

1.4. The basic organization is accountable to Council for cooperation in the field of health care of the CIS and performs the activities in interaction with Executive committee of the CIS, the Interstate commission of the State Parties of the CIS on interaction with the World Health Organization, institutes of public health and informatization of health care recommended by the Ministries of Health of the State Parties of the CIS.

II. Main activities

The main activities of the Basic organization are:

development of scientific and practical bonds between structures of health care and other interested organizations of the State Parties of the CIS;

development of interstate network of institutes of public health and informatization of health care;

cooperation with the Interstate commission of the State Parties of the CIS on interaction with the World Health Organization and other commissions and bodies created within Council for cooperation in the field of health care of the CIS;

assistance in the organization of the international conferences and other actions in the field of health protection.

III. Main functions

The main functions of the Basic organization are:

methodical, information and organizational technical supply of functioning of interstate network of institutes of public health and informatization of health care;

information and analytical and organizational and technical assistance of activities of the Interstate commission of the State Parties of the CIS on interaction with the World Health Organization;

participation in preparation and implementation of offers on interstate programs (projects), the corresponding priority directions and tasks of interstate cooperation, including their information and analytical providing;

creation of the corresponding databases and ensuring open and equal access to them;

participation in the organization and holding joint international scientific and practical conferences and other actions.

IV. Rights of the Basic organization

The basic organization within the competence has the right:

introduce in Council for cooperation in the field of health care of the CIS the offers and draft documents which are within the competence of the Basic organization;

take part in work of bodies of industry cooperation of the CIS by consideration of the questions which are within the competence of the Basic organization;

request through bodies of industry cooperation of the CIS the materials and information necessary for implementation of the activities provided by this Provision;

create advisory bodies, working groups. Regulations on advisory bodies and working groups, regulations of their work affirm the head of the Basic organization.


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