of April 17, 1995 №2198
About state registration of legal entities and accounting registration of branches and representations
State registration of legal entities includes check of compliance of the documents submitted on state registration, to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issue to them of the certificate of state registration with assignment of business and identification number, entering of information about legal entities to the National register of business and identification numbers.
Accounting registration of branches and representations includes check of compliance of the documents submitted on accounting registration, to legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issue to them of the certificate of accounting registration with assignment of business and identification number, entering of data on branches and representations to the National register of business and identification numbers.
1. State registration of legal entities and accounting registration of branches and representations are performed for realization of the following main objectives:
certificates of the fact of creation, re-registration, registration of the made changes and additions in constituent documents, reorganization and the terminations of activities of the legal entity, and also creation, accounting re-registration, registration of the made changes and additions in documents and the terminations of activities of branches and representations;
accounting of the legal entities created, re-registered, reorganized and stopped the activities and also created who passed accounting re-registration and stopped the activities of branches and representations in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
maintaining the national register of business and identification numbers;
implementation of public information on legal entities, their branches and representations (except for information which is official or trade secret) according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. The main objective of this Law is implementation of state registration of legal entities, being commercial and non-profit organizations, and accounting registration of their branches and representations.
3. The basic principles of this Law are:
1) legality;
2) equality of all before the law;
3) publicity.
All legal entities created in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan irrespective of the purposes of their creation, sort and nature of their activities, the list of participants (members) are subject to state registration.
Branches and representations of legal entities located in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are subject to accounting registration without acquisition of right of the right of the legal entity by them.
State registration of legal entities, being non-profit organizations, and accounting registration of their branches and representations is performed by judicial authorities.
State registration of legal entities, being the commercial organizations, and accounting registration of their branches and representations is performed by The Government for Citizens State corporation (registering bodies).
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan performs:
state registration of legal entities, being non-profit organizations, and accounting registration of their branches and representations according to this Law;
maintaining the National register of business and identification numbers;
methodical management of activities for state registration of legal entities and accounting registration of branches and representations;
control of observance of the Ministry of Justice of requirements of this Law by territorial authorities;
consideration of claims to actions of its territorial authorities concerning state registration of legal entities and accounting registration of branches and representations;
submission of information to the state bodies equipped with control and supervising functions on their request in the cases provided by legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
other powers provided by this Law, other laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Government for Citizens state corporation performs:
state registration (re-registration) of legal entities, being the commercial organizations, state registration of the termination of their activities, accounting registration (re-registration) and removal from accounting registration of their branches and representations according to this Law;
maintaining the National register of business and identification numbers;
control of observance by branches of The Government for Citizens State corporation of requirements of this Law;
consideration of the claims to actions (failure to act) of officials of The Government for Citizens State corporation concerning state registration (re-registration) of legal entities which are the commercial organizations, state registration of the termination of their activities, accounting registration (re-registration) and removal from accounting registration of their branches and representations;
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