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of September 13, 2019 No. 770

About measures for the organization of activities of Donge News agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

For the purpose of creation of complex system of carrying out abroad information and explanatory work, saturation of the international media space as the high-quality information and analytical materials providing unbiased interpretation of significant events in life of society and state, and also informing the world community on large-scale transformations in Uzbekistan and international initiatives of the Country leaders directed to promotion of positive image of the republic, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Take into consideration that according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 5, 2018 No. UP-5400 "About Measures for Radical Enhancement of System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Strengthening of Its Responsibility for Realization of the Priority Directions of Foreign Policy and External Economic Detail" based on Zhakhon News agency in structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan are formed Dunyo News agency and the Media center as structural division of Dunyo News agency.

2. Determine the main objectives and activities of Dunyo News agency:

assistance in strengthening of the international authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan as reliable and responsible partner by preparation and distribution of high-quality information, analytical and survey printed materials, videos and telecasts, and also reportings from places of events in Uzbekistan and foreign states with use of modern technologies;

participation in system work on informing the world community, including foreign political and expert circles, about the main directions of domestic and foreign policy, international initiatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its export, investment and tourist potential, the reforms undertaken in various spheres, and also the course of implementation of state programs;

development of partner communications with the domestic and foreign centers of information, media structures and other profile organizations for the purpose of timely bringing to world community of essence and value of the dynamic transformations which are carried out in the country, and also adjustment of the mechanism of exchange of official information with foreign mass media;

extended and operational coverage of visits of delegations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad and the foreign delegations to the republic reached following the results agreements, and also official position of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the current and topical international issues;

timely informing the foreign and domestic public on the work which is carried out by foreign organizations of the republic on development of cooperation with foreign partners, implementation of the reached agreements, investment attraction and tourists from abroad, to protection of the rights and legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also interaction with compatriots in foreign states;

provision based on the Media center of Dunyo News agency of the working platform for domestic mass media and foreign correspondents (journalists) accredited in Uzbekistan on the permanent and temporary basis allowing to provide collection and distribution of the objective information about the republic.

production of photo and media products, the edition and distribution abroad newsletters, reference books, catalogs, booklets, newspapers, magazines, other printed, computer materials opening modern development and capacity of the Republic of Uzbekistan in various spheres.

3. Approve:

structure of Dunyo News agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 1;

The charter of Dunyo News agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.

4. Determine that:

The Dunyo news agency is legal successor of Zhakhon News agency by the rights, obligations and agreements, including international;

the director of Dunyo News agency is appointed to position and dismissed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

the payment terms of work and material stimulation established for the corresponding positions of central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied to managerial personnel of Dunyo News agency;

The Dunyo news agency performs the activities in close interaction with Management for public relations and mass media and other divisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also foreign organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5. Determine sources of financing of activities of Dunyo News agency of means of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the extrabudgetary funds which are created for acquisition account from the main activities (provision on paid basis of information, analytical and survey printed materials, videos, the edition of printed materials, advertizing activities, etc.), and also other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.

6. Grant to the director of Dunyo News agency the right if necessary to involve on contractual basis of specialists in Dunyo News agency, taking into account the actual environment in the labor market, by extrabudgetary funds.

7. To the ministries, departments and other state organizations, executive bodies on places to render practical assistance to Dunyo News agency in realization of its main objectives, including by timely provision of high-quality, authentic data, documents, materials and other information products.

8. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan to develop and approve package of measures for forming and strengthening of material and technical resources of Dunyo News agency with use of advanced technologies in a month, and also the organizations of activities of the Media center of Dunyo News agency, with assignment of the following tasks on it:

the organization of press conferences, briefings and information meetings in the country and abroad;

the organization and holding interview with representatives of diplomatic representations, consular establishments, the trade missions of foreign states, representative offices of the international organizations in the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the subsequent distribution of the corresponding materials in national and foreign mass media;

preparation and distribution of videos and analytical transfers about history and culture, export, investment and tourist potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan, foreign policy of the country, activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign organizations of the republic;

the organization of teleconferences and videoconferences, including with participation of heads of the ministries and departments, khokimiyats of areas, with foreign organizations of the republic.


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