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of August 21, 2019 No. 770

About approval of procedures for transfer of the periods of service in insurance years of service the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the commanding and ordinary structure and submission of the data on cash cover and payment of insurance premiums which are absent in the State register of obligatory national social insurance concerning the military personnel (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), faces of the commanding and ordinary structure, police officers

According to paragraphs to the sixteenth, seventeenth the subitem 27 of Item 19 of the Section I and to the paragraph to the fourth the subitem 3 of Item 9 of the Section II "Final and transitional provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "About modification of some legal acts of Ukraine concerning increase in pensions" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve such which are applied:

Procedure for offsetting of the periods of service in insurance years of service the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the commanding and ordinary structure from January 1, 2004 till December 31, 2006;

Procedure for submission of the personified data on cash cover and payment of insurance premiums which are absent in the State register of obligatory national social insurance from July 1, 2000 till December 31, 2016, pensions to the military personnel, necessary for appointment (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the commanding and ordinary structure, police officers.

2. To the Ministry of Finance to provide in the bill on the Government budget of Ukraine for the corresponding year as a part of expenses according to the KPKVK 2506080 program "Financial provision of pension payment, the allowances and increases to pensions appointed according to pension plans and deficit of means of the Pension fund" funds for payment of the insurance premiums necessary for fulfillment of requirements of the Procedure for transfer of the periods of service in insurance years of service the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the commanding and ordinary structure from the January 1, 2004 till December 31, 2006 approved by this resolution.

3. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 8, 2004 No. 1185 "About realization of some provisions of the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2004, No. 36, the Art. 2407);

the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 8, 2007 No. 1298 "About introduction of amendments to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 8, 2004 No. 1185" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2007, No. 86, the Art. 3152).

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 21, 2019 , No. 770

Procedure for offsetting of the periods of service in insurance years of service the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the commanding and ordinary structure from January 1, 2004 till December 31, 2006.

1. This Procedure regulates question of transfer in insurance years of service of the periods of service from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2006 by the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service), to faces of the commanding and ordinary structure (further - insured persons) which addressed for award of pension and:

did not acquire pension entitlement for long service according to the Law of Ukraine "About provision of pensions of persons discharged from military service and some other persons" (further - the Law) at the time of achievement of retirement age, the stipulated in Clause 26 Laws of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance";

have no pension entitlement for long service according to the Law as a result of deprivation of military or special ranks, dismissal from service in connection with condemnation for the deliberate criminal offense made with use of the official capacity, or administrative prosecution for making of the offense connected with corruption;

acquired the right to pension according to the Law, but showed willingness to receive pension according to the procedure and on the conditions provided by the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance".

2. During the address to destination of pension (to transfer to pension according to the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance") person who belongs to one of the categories specified in Item of 1 this Procedure the territorial authority of the Pension fund of Ukraine checks the individual information about insured person from January 1, 2004 till December 31, 2006 containing in the register of insured persons of the State register of obligatory national social insurance (further - the register of insured persons).

The territorial authority of the Pension fund of Ukraine carries the corresponding periods of service in insurance years of service based on the register of insured persons if in it there are data of rather cash cover and payment of insurance premiums, necessary for calculation of insurance years of service.

In case of absence in the register of insured persons of data of rather cash cover the insurance years of service are set off based on the certificate of the added amounts of cash allowance and the paid insurance premiums, the issued military unit or body which pays (paid) cash cover.

In case of transfer of cases to archival organizations of the certificate of the added amounts of cash allowance and the paid insurance premiums go military unit or body which paid cash allowance, based on information from archival organizations.

In case of liquidation (the activities termination) of military unit or body which pays (paid) cash cover, certificates of the added amounts of cash allowance and the paid insurance premiums are issued by legal successors or the bodies authorized by decisions of heads of state bodies.

Forms of certificates of the added amounts of cash allowance and the paid insurance premiums affirm board of the Pension fund of Ukraine in coordination with Minsotspolitiki.


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