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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On October 3, 2019 No. 56117


of September 11, 2019 No. 3381

About approval of standard form of the service provision agreement on provision of codes of marking to subjects of drug circulation

(as amended on 12-10-2023)

According to item 4 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 8, 2019 No. 577 "About approval of the amount of payment for rendering services in provision of the codes of marking necessary for forming of means of identification and ensuring monitoring of movement of the goods which are subject to obligatory marking by means of identification and also about procedure for its collection" (The Russian Federation Code, 2019, 20, of the Art. 2447) I order to No.:

Approve the enclosed standard form of the service provision agreement on provision of codes of marking to subjects of drug circulation.



Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2019 No. 3381

Standard form of the service provision agreement on provision of codes of marking to subjects of drug circulation




     Operator-TsRPT <1> limited liability company (further -

The operator), on behalf of which acts ____________________________________

           (position (in the presence), surname, name, middle name (in the presence)

on the basis _____________________________________________________________,

                           (title document (charter) or power of attorney

                                                              (their details)

on the one hand, and _______________________________________________________,

(full name of legal person / surname, name, middle name (in the presence)

the individual entrepreneur / for the foreign organizations operating

 on behalf of the representations in the territory of the Russian Federation: complete

          name of the foreign organization and its representation

                                in the territory of the Russian Federation)

of which acts _______________________________________________ on behalf

          (position (in the presence), surname, name, middle name (in the presence)

on the basis ______________________________________________________________

                     (for legal entities: title document (charter)

                or the power of attorney (their details) / for representatives individual

          entrepreneurs: the power of attorney (details) / for the foreign organizations,

                        acting on behalf of the representations in the territory

                                 Russian Federation: power of attorney (details)

(further  -  the Participant),  being  issuer  of means  of identification  -

the producer  of medicines registered according to

the legislation of the Russian Federation, in case of production of medicinal

medicine       in the territory of the Russian Federation, or holder or

owner  of the registration  certificate    of medicine,

registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,

in case of  production   of medicine out of the territory Russian

Federations, or representative office of the foreign organization in the territory

The Russian    Federation   which is   the holder   or   the owner

the registration certificate, - in case of medicine production

out of the territory of the Russian Federation,   according to the resolution

The governments of the Russian Federation of    December 14, 2018 No. 1556 "About

approval  of the Regulations  on   monitoring system of movement of medicinal

medicines  for  medical  application"  (Collection of the legislation

The Russian Federation, 2018, No. 53, the Art. 8641), from other party (further -

The parties), signed    the service provision agreement on provision of codes

markings to subjects  of drug circulation (further - the Agreement) about



I. Terms and reducings

1.1. For the purposes of the Agreement the following concepts are used:

a) The MDLP system - federal state information system of monitoring of movement of medicines for medical application from the producer to the final consumer with use in respect of medicines for medical application of means of identification;

b) Marking code - the unique sequence of symbols consisting of code of identification and code of check, created according to the Regulations on monitoring system of movement of medicines for medical application approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2018 No. 1556 "About approval of the Regulations on monitoring system of movement of medicines for medical application" (The Russian Federation Code, 2018, No. 53, the Art. 8641) (further - the Provision);


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