of August 26, 2019 No. 290, on August 27, 2019 No. 78
About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets in the field of power industry and heat-and-power engineeering
According to Items 5, 6th Articles 141, article 143 of the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan PRIKAZYVAYEM:
1. Approve:
1) criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the field of power industry according to appendix 1 to this joint order;
2) criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the field of heat-and-power engineeering according to appendix 2 to this joint order;
3) checking leaf in the field of power industry concerning the power transferring organizations according to appendix 3 to this joint order;
4) checking leaf in the field of power industry concerning the power supplying organizations according to appendix 4 to this joint order;
5) checking leaf in the field of power industry concerning physical persons and legal entities according to appendix 5 to this joint order;
6) checking leaf in the field of power industry concerning the expert organizations performing energy examination according to appendix 6 to this joint order;
7) checking leaf in the field of power industry concerning the power making organizations according to appendix 7 to this joint order;
8) checking leaf in the field of power industry concerning the power making organizations using renewable energy resources according to appendix 7-1 to this joint order;
9) checking leaf in the field of heat-and-power engineeering concerning the heatmaking subjects according to appendix 7-2 to this joint order;
10) checking leaf in the field of heat-and-power engineeering concerning the heattransporting subjects according to appendix 7-3 to this joint order
11) checking leaf in the field of heat-and-power engineeering concerning physical persons and legal entities according to appendix 7-4 to this joint order;
12) checking leaf in the field of heat-and-power engineeering concerning the expert organizations performing energy examination according to appendix 7-5 to this joint order.
2. Recognize invalid some orders of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 8 to this joint order.
3. To provide to committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this joint order the direction it in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this joint order on Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) within ten working days after state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.
4. To impose control of execution of this joint order on the supervising vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This joint order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
It is approved Committee on legal statistics and special accounting of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Appendix 1
to the joint Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 26, 2019 No. 290, on August 27, 2019 No. 78
1. These Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the field of power industry (further – Criteria) are developed according to Item 5 of article 141 of the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Code) and Rules of forming by the regulatory state agencies of system of assessment and risk management approved by the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 22, 2022 No. 48 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 28577), for selection of subjects (objects) of control in the field of power industry for the purpose of carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and (or) checks on compliance to requirements.
2. In Criteria the following concepts are used:
1) insignificant violations – violations of the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of power industry which do not create premises for emergence of technology violations, violation of the set modes of energy consumption, threat of life and to health of the population, the environment;
2) considerable violations – violations of the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of power industry which brought or can lead to damnification to legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, and also untimely provision of reports, data, operational messages on technology violations and information on indicators of reliability of electric utility service;
3) the power making organization using renewable energy resources – the legal entity performing production of electrical energy with use of renewable energy resources, except for net - consumers;
4) gross violations – violations of the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of power industry which brought or can lead to damnification of life and health of the person, the fire, environmental pollution, violation of the set energy consumption modes, and also non-presentation and provision of false information, reports, operational messages on technology violations and information on indicators of reliability of electric utility service;
5) risk – probability of damnification as a result of activities of the subject of control of life or to health of the person, the environment, legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, valuable interests of the state taking into account severity of its effects;
6) system of assessment and risk management – process of acceptance of the management decisions directed to decrease in probability of approach of adverse factors by distribution of subjects (objects) of control on risk degrees for the subsequent implementation of preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and (or) checks on compliance to requirements for the purpose of minimum possible extent of restriction of freedom of enterprise, providing at the same time admissible risk level in the corresponding fields of activity, and also directed to change of risk level for specific subject (object) of control and (or) release of such subject (object) of control from preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and (or) checks on compliance to requirements;
7) objective criteria for evaluation of risk degree (further – objective criteria) – the criteria for evaluation of risk degree used for selection of subjects (objects) of control depending on risk degree in the field of power industry and which are not depending directly on separate subject (object) of control;
8) subjective criteria for evaluation of risk degree (further – subjective criteria) – the criteria for evaluation of risk degree used for selection of subjects (objects) of control depending on results of activities of specific subject (object) of control;
9) technology violation – refusal or damage to machinery, power networks, including owing to ignition or explosions, variation from the set modes, unauthorized shutdown or restriction of operability of the equipment or its defect which led to violation of production process, transfer, consumption of electrical energy;
10) the checking sheet – the list of requirements imposed to activities of subjects (objects) of control which non-compliance involves threat of life and to health of the person, the environment, legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, the states;
11) the power transferring organization – the organization rendering service in transfer of electrical energy on the basis of agreements;
12) the power supplying organization - the organization performing sale to consumers of the purchased electrical energy;
13) the power making organization – the organization performing production of electrical energy for own needs and (or) realization, except for net - consumers;
14) electroinstallation – set of the machines, devices, lines and the service equipment (together with constructions and rooms, in which they are established) intended for production, transformation, transfer of electrical energy and its transformation to other type of energy;
15) power industry – the sphere of production, transfer, supply and consumption of electrical energy;
16) subjects (objects) of control in the field of power industry the organizations which - are power making, power transferring, power supplying, physical persons and legal entities, the expert organizations which are performing energy examination and power making the organizations using renewable energy resources.
3. Frequency rate of preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control is determined concerning subjects (objects) of control carried to high and average risk degrees is not more often than two times a year.
4. Preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control is carried out based on the semi-annual lists of preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control created according to item 4 of article 144-2 of the Code.
5. Criteria for preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control in the field of power industry are created by means of determination of objective and subjective criteria.
6. Determination of objective criteria is performed by means of risk identification.
Risk identification is performed taking into account one of the following criteria:
1) level of danger (complexity) of object;
2) scales of weight of possible negative effects, harm on the regulated sphere (area);
3) possibilities of approach of adverse incident for life or health of the person, environment, legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, states.
7. It is excluded according to the Joint Order of the deputy. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 22.01.2025 No. 33-n/k, 22.01.2025 No. 4
8. Treat subjects (objects) of control of high risk:
1) the power making, power transferring organizations and the power making organizations, using renewable energy resources;
Physical persons and legal entities which operate or have 2) on balance of the 0,4 electroinstallation of kV and above which shutdown can lead to technology violation, violation of work of critical infrastructure, environmental pollution, the fire, violation of the set energy consumption modes, and also to threat of life and health of the person, legitimate interests of physical, legal entities and the states, to social or economic effects, namely:
gas supply facilities, water supply, the sewerages and heat supplies providing life activity of the cities;
the objects of the aeronautical organization providing servicing of air traffic;
objects oil-extracting and oil processing organizations;
objects of the mining and mining and processing organizations;
objects of the metallurgical companies with continuous cycle of production process.
9. Large consumers of electrical energy with the total consumed electric power over 10 (ten) megawatts treat subjects (objects) of control of average risk degree (further - MW).
10. Treat subjects (objects) of control of low risk degree:
1) the power supplying organizations;
2) the expert organizations performing energy examination in the field of power industry;
3) subjects (objects) of control which are not carried to high and average risk degrees.
11. Subjective criteria for the purpose of carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control are applied to subjects (objects) of control carried by objective criteria to high and average risk degrees.
Concerning the subjects of control carried to low risk degree are carried out preventive control without visit of subjects (objects) of control and unscheduled inspections.
12. Determination of subjective criteria is performed using the following stages:
1) forming of the database and information collection;
2) information analysis and risk assessment.
13. Forming of the database and information collection are necessary for identification of subjects (objects) of control violating the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of power industry.
For assessment of degree of risks by subjective criteria for carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control the following sources of information are used:
1) results of the previous unscheduled inspections and preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of control;
2) results of preventive control without visit of subject (object) of control (the resulting documents issued following the results of preventive control without visit of subject (object) of control (the reference, the conclusion, recommendations);
For assessment of degree of risks by subjective criteria for conducting check on compliance to qualification requirements results of the previous checks concerning the expert organizations performing energy examination are used.
Proceeding from priority of the applied sources of information and the importance of indicators of subjective criteria, according to risk exponent procedure of payments by subjective criteria, the risk exponent by subjective criteria on scale from 0 to 100 points is calculated.
14. Based on the available information sources extent of violations of requirements in the field of power industry are subdivided into three extents of violation: rough, considerable, insignificant.
Extents of violation of requirements in the field of power industry are applied in the relation:
the power making organizations according to appendix 1 to these Criteria;
the power transferring organizations according to appendix 2 to these Criteria;
the power supplying organizations according to appendix 3 to these Criteria;
physical persons and legal entities according to appendix 4 to these Criteria;
the power making organizations using renewable energy resources according to appendix 5 to these Criteria;
the expert organizations performing energy examination according to appendix 6 to these Criteria;
The list of subjective criteria for determination of risk degree by subjective criteria in the field of power industry according to article 138 of the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning the power making, power transferring, power supplying organizations, physical persons and legal entities, the expert organizations which are performing energy examination and the power making organizations using renewable energy resources is given in appendix 7 to these Criteria.
15. The following procedure of payments of exponent of risk is applied to reference of subject (object) of control to risk degree.
16. In case of identification of one gross violation, to subject (object) of control the exponent of risk 100 is equated and concerning it preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and (or) check on compliance to requirements is carried out.
17. In case of not identification of gross violations of measure definition of risk degree is calculated total indicator on violations of considerable and insignificant degree.
18. In case of measure definition of considerable violations the coefficient of 0,7 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:
SRZ = (SP2 x 100/SP1) x 0,7,
SRZ – indicator of considerable violations;
SP1 – the required number of considerable violations;
SP2 – the number of the revealed considerable violations.
19. In case of measure definition of insignificant violations the coefficient of 0,3 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:
SRN = (SP2 x 100/SP1) x 0,3,
SRN – indicator of insignificant violations;
SP1 – the required number of insignificant violations;
SP2 – the number of the revealed insignificant violations.
20. The general exponent of risk (SP) is calculated on scale from 0 to 100 and is determined by summing of indicators of considerable and insignificant violations by the following formula:
SP – general exponent of risk;
SRZ – indicator of considerable violations;
SRN – indicator of insignificant violations.
21. On risk exponents the subject (object) of control belongs:
1) to high risk – in case of exponent of risk from 71 to 100 inclusive;
2) to average risk degree – in case of exponent of risk from 31 to 70 inclusive;
3) to low risk degree – in case of exponent of risk from 0 to 30 inclusive.
22. In the analysis and assessment the data of subjective criteria which are earlier considered and used concerning specific subject (object) of control or data according to which the term of limitation period according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan expired are not applied.
Concerning the subjects of control which eliminated in full the issued violations following the results of the carried-out previous preventive control with visit and (or) check on compliance to requirements their inclusion when forming lists for the next period of the state control is not allowed.
23. Subjects (objects) of control are transferred using information system from high risk in average risk degree or from average risk degree in low risk degree in the corresponding fields of activity of subjects of control in cases:
1) if such subjects signed insurance contracts of civil responsibility to the third parties in the cases and procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) if in the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and criteria for evaluation of risk degree of regulatory state agencies cases of release from preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control or conducting checks on compliance to requirements are determined;
3) if subjects are members of the self-regulatory organization based on voluntary membership (participation) according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About self-regulation" with which the agreement on recognition of results of activities of self-regulatory organization is signed.
24. In the absence of information system of assessment and risk management minimum admissible threshold of amount of subjects (objects) of control concerning which are performed preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and (or) check on compliance to requirements shall not exceed five percent from total quantity of such subjects of control in certain sphere of the state control.
25. Measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria (R) is perfromed in the automated mode by summing of exponent of risk on violations by results of the previous checks and preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of control (SP) and exponent of risk by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 13 these Criteria (SC), with the subsequent normalization of values this in the range from 0 to 100 points.
Rprom = SP + SC,
Rprom – intermediate exponent of risk by subjective criteria,
SP – risk exponent on violations,
SC – risk exponent by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 13 these Criteria.
26. Measure calculation of risk degree by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 13 these Criteria is made on scale from 0 to 100 points and performed on the following formula:
xi – indicator of subjective criterion,
wi – specific weight of indicator of subjective criterion of xi,
n – quantity of indicators.
The received risk degree measure value by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 13 these Criteria joins in measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria.
27. The values calculated by subjects (objects) by indicator are normalized by R in the range from 0 to 100 points. Normalization of data is performed on each sample (selection) with use of the following formula:
R – risk exponent (final) by subjective criteria of separate subject (object) of control,
Rmax – the greatest possible value on risk degree scale by subjective criteria on subjects (objects) entering one sample (selection) (the upper bound of scale)
Rmin – minimum possible value on risk degree scale by subjective criteria on subjects (objects) entering one sample (selection) (the lower bound of scale)
Rprom – the intermediate exponent of risk by subjective criteria calculated according to Item of 25 these Criteria.
to Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the field of power industry
Extent of violations of requirements in the field of power industry for the power making organizations
№ |
Criteria |
Extent of violation |
1 |
Availability in the energy company of the summary reporting on technology violations for form, sent to state body on the state energy supervision and control or local executive body (on competence), monthly, to the seventh following reporting. |
Considerable |
2 |
Availability of the operational message by phone with duplication by means of mobile programs for instant messaging about the happened technology violations and accidents in Single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided by the power company within 1 (one) hour from the moment of emergence of technology violation. |
Considerable |
3 |
Availability of the written message of the power company sent to the relevant Territorial department of body for the state energy supervision and control on areas and the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and local executive body and to the system operator, in time no later than 12 (twelve) hours from the moment of emergence of technology violation. |
Considerable |
4 |
Availability of operational and written messages, the containing following data: 1) name of the energy company, date and time of emergence of technology violation, accident; 2) alleged causes of technology violation, accident; 3) the list of the fulfilled protection, automatic equipment and blocking; 4) the list of the failed equipment and which remained in work; 5) effects of technology violation: amount of the damaged equipment, nedootpusk, the number of the disconnected consumers, time of liquidation of technology violation; 6) surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability) and position transferred information. |
Considerable |
5 |
Availability of the description of all origins, development of accidents for studying and estimation in case of investigation of technology violations: 1) compliance of objects and organizations of their operation to requirements for safety, technical condition and operation; 2) quality and terms of carrying out repairs, routine inspections and testing, control of condition of the equipment; 3) respect for technology discipline in case of production of repair work; 4) timeliness of taking measures to elimination of the emergency centers and defects of the equipment. |
Rough |
6 |
Availability of the description of all origins, development of refusals of I and II degrees on objects of the power making organization for studying and estimation in case of investigation of technology violations in case of refusal: 1) compliance of objects and organizations of their operation to requirements for safety, technical condition and operation; 2) quality and terms of carrying out repairs, routine inspections and testing, control of condition of the equipment; 3) respect for technology discipline in case of production of repair work; 4) timeliness of taking measures to elimination of the emergency centers and defects of the equipment. |
Considerable |
7 |
Availability of classification sign of the technical reasons of technology violations: 1) violation of structure of material of installation, its detail or node; 2) violation of welding, soldering; 3) violation of mechanical connection; 4) mechanical depreciation; 5) zolovy depreciation; 6) corrosion depreciation; 7) erosive depreciation; 8) hermeticity violation; 9) exceeding of normative value of vibration; 10) explosion; 11) thermal damage, overheat, burned through; 12) arc damage; 13) violation of electric isolation; 14) violation of electric contact; 15) mechanical destruction (damage); 16) fire or fire; 17) violation of stability of power network; 18) violation of antiemergency automatic equipment; 19) not classified reasons (exhaustion of resource, slagging and another); 20) violations in work of systems of dispatching and technology production management. |
Rough |
8 |
Availability of classification signs of the organizational reasons of technology violations: 1) wrong actions of operation personnel; 2) wrong actions of not operation personnel; 3) shortcomings of work of managing personnel of the power company and (or) its structural divisions; 4) unsatisfactory organization of maintenance and repair of the equipment; 5) other shortcomings of operation; 6) defects of the project; 7) defects of design; 8) defects of production; 9) defects of installation; 10) defects of repair; 11) defects of construction; 12) impact of the spontaneous phenomena; 13) impact of strangers and organizations; 14) not classified reasons (depreciation of the equipment which is in operation over normative useful life, impact of birds, rodents). |
Considerable |
9 |
Availability of the refusals of the II degree connected with: damage because of factory defects of the equipment which did not develop service life; complete dumping of loading by power plant; damage of power networks of 110-1150 kilovolts (further – kV), and also the capital equipment of substations of 110 kV and above. |
Considerable |
10 |
The adherence to deadlines of conducting investigation of technology violations which begins no later than 3 (three) working days estimated from next working day since the moment of emergence of technology violation, and does not exceed 30 calendar days. |
Considerable |
11 |
Adherence to deadlines of the investigation extended for term no more than 30 calendar days in cases of impossibility of completion of investigation of technology violation. |
Considerable |
12 |
Availability of the list of the heads who are subject to qualification examination of rules of technical operation and safety regulations at heads, specialists of the organizations performing production, transfer of electrical energy, for control of technical condition and safety of operation of electroinstallations the next calendar year sent by the organizations to the service provider annually, till 1 on the (first) of December. |
Considerable |
13 |
Availability of the commission on assessment of readiness of uslugopoluchatel for work during the autumn and winter period, the created Uslugopoluchatelyami and beginner work for preparation of the act of readiness annually with 1 on the (first) of August. |
Considerable |
14 |
Availability of readiness of Uslugopoluchatel for work during the autumn and winter period determined by the Commission of uslugopoluchatel during the period with 1 on the (first) of August on the (thirtieth) of September 30 inclusive. |
Considerable |
15 |
Adherence to deadline of receipt of the Passport of readiness of Uslugopoluchatelyami – annually to 19 on the (nineteenth) of October inclusive. |
Rough |
16 |
Availability: 1) individual testing of the equipment and functional testing of separate systems, come to the end with trial launch of the capital and service equipment; 2) complex approbation of the equipment, carried out before acceptance for operation of power facility (start-up complex). |
Rough |
17 |
Availability of the operational message of the power companies provided within 1 (one) hour from the moment of emergence of technology violation by phone with duplication by means of mobile programs for instant messaging. |
Considerable |
18 |
Availability of the directed written message the power companies in the relevant Territorial department of body for the state energy supervision and control for areas and the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and local executive body and to the system operator in time no later than 12 (twelve) hours from the moment of emergence of technology violation. |
Considerable |
19 |
Availability of the specifications issued by the power making organizations on connection of again entered or reconstructed electroinstallations after receipt of the request from the consumer in the following terms: 1) capacity to 200 kilowatts (further – kW) - within 5 working days; 2) capacity from 200 to 1000 kW - within 10 working days; 3) capacity over 1000 kW - within 15 working days. |
Considerable |
20 |
Availability of the specifications approved with the system operator in case of connection of the user of power network with the declared capacity over 10 megawatts (further – MW) to power network of the power making organization. |
Considerable |
21 |
Availability of the timely, reliable and complete information, provided by the power making organization, required and necessary for implementation of powers of state control body and supervision in the field of power industry. |
Rough |
22 |
Availability of the written warning of the termination (restriction) of delivery of electrical energy by the direction of the notification by the methods specified in the acceptance of the agreement (e-mail, the fax, the mailing, the short text message, the multimedia message existing with messengers) in terms at least for 5 (five) in the afternoon before the termination of delivery of electrical energy to the Consumer (The consumer using electrical energy for domestic needs at least in 30 (thirty) calendar days). |
Rough |
23 |
Observance of requirements of the termination completely giving to the consumer of electrical energy power transferring or the power making organizations without prior notice in cases: 1) unauthorized connection of receivers of electrical energy to power network of the power transferring (power making) organization; 2) connections of receivers of electrical energy in addition to (without taking into account) devices of commercial accounting of electrical energy; 3) decrease in indicators of quality of electrical energy because of the consumer to the values breaking functioning of electroinstallations of the power transferring (power making) organization and other consumers; 4) non-admissions of representatives power transferring (power making) the organizations and body of energy supervision and control to devices of commercial accounting of electrical energy and electroinstallations of the consumer to working hours (as sent); 5) emergency. |
Rough |
24 |
Availability of the drawn-up statement in any form to the consumer of electricity about violation and carrying out recalculation in case of the following violations: 1) unauthorized connection to networks of the power making organization; 2) connection of receivers of the electric power in addition to the device of commercial accounting of electrical energy (further – PKU); 3) change of the scheme of inclusion of PKU, transformers of current and tension; 4) artificial braking of disk PKU; 5) installation of the devices distorting indications of PKU. |
Rough |
25 |
Availability of automated control systems of the tasks of production and technology, operational and dispatching and organizational and economic management of power production providing the decision, namely: 1) industrial control systems; 2) the automated systems of dispatching management; 3) automated control systems for production. |
Considerable |
26 |
Adherence to deadlines of passing of periodic (another) qualification examination by heads and specialists of security services and labor protection of the power making organization at least once in three years. |
Rough |
27 |
Adherence to deadlines of passing of periodic (another) qualification examination by electrotechnical and electrotechnology personnel, including heads and specialists of the operational negotiations and switchings having the right of maintaining, except for administrative technicians of the power making organization at least once a year. |
Rough |
28 |
Provision adherence to deadlines in Committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan annually, till December 1, the list of the heads who are subject to qualification examination the next calendar year. |
Considerable |
29 |
Adherence to deadlines of provision of information in Committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on employment or dismissal of the head of the power making organization within 15 calendar days from the date of acceptance (dismissal) of the head. |
Considerable |
30 |
Availability of the order of the head of the power making organization on creation of the commission for conducting qualification check |
Considerable |
31 |
Availability of the list of the specialists who are subject to qualification examination the next calendar year, constituted by the power making organization, annually till December 25. |
Considerable |
32 |
Availability of the drawn-up protocol of qualification examination following the results of holding qualification examination. |
Considerable |
33 |
Observance of forms of carrying out work with operational and operational maintenance force, with the operational heads exercising control of power stations: the preparation on new position including: training; training on workplace; primary qualification examination; duplication; periodic qualification examinations; control antiemergency and fire-proof trainings; instructing; advanced training. |
Considerable |
34 |
Observance of forms of carrying out work with maintenance force: the preparation on new position including: training in safe production methods of works; training on workplace; primary qualification examination; periodic qualification examinations; control antiemergency and fire-proof trainings; instructing; advanced training. |
Considerable |
35 |
Availability of the annual plan of work with personnel developed and approved by the head of the power making organization. |
Considerable |
36 |
Availability of actions in the work plan with personnel in the following directions: training of personnel (heads, specialists and workers), including training on first aid; qualification examinations in the field of power industry; instructing; control antiemergency trainings; advanced training; organization of work of technical libraries, technical offices, offices for safe engineering, polygons, centers and Items of training preparation; check of workplaces; competitions in professional skill and other collective forms of work with personnel; performing periodic medical examinations of personnel. |
Considerable |
37 |
Availability of standard programs for training of the workers for new position developed for each position and each workplace and approved as the chief technical lead of the power making organization. |
Considerable |
38 |
Observance of holding primary qualification examination after completion of training and training in time no later than one month after position assignment or in time, specified in the standard or individual program of the preparation approved by the technical lead. |
Rough |
39 |
Observance of requirements for discharge from accomplishment of labor obligations of the worker in case of refusal from passing of qualification examination, and also not confirmation of group on electrical safety at qualification examination, according to the job description. |
Rough |
40 |
Observance of requirements of non-admission of person to accomplishment of job responsibilities on post during the period, from the moment of purpose of extraordinary qualification examination before date of confirmation of qualification. |
Rough |
41 |
Observance of functional requirements by the chairman of the central commission of person which underwent examination in state body on the state energy supervision and control. |
Considerable |
42 |
Availability of the central commission on qualification checks of the power making organization, as a part of at least three people having electrical safety group not below the fourth. |
Considerable |
43 |
Availability of the administrative document on the organization or structural division on the admission of the worker to independent work. |
Insignificant |
44 |
Availability of the annual list of subjects of repeated instructing for all positions and specialties approved by the technical lead in each structural division. |
Considerable |
45 |
Observance of issue of specifications on connection of users of network with the declared electric power of 5 MW and more to power network based on "The scheme of issue of the power of the power plant" developed by the specialized project organizations having the license for occupation project activities. |
Considerable |
46 |
Observance of procedure for disconnection of power networks from the generating installations by the power transferring organization for specifying of the system operator under the following circumstances: 1) the prevention of the approaching threat for health and safety of people or the equipment of electroinstallations; 2) accident at power plant or the connecting equipment; 3) failure to carry out by operation personnel of the power making organization of dispatching orders of the power transferring organization or the system operator; 4) liquidation of emergencies and prevention of its development; 5) force majeure circumstances. |
Considerable |
to Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the field of power industry
Extent of violations of requirements in the field of power industry for the power transferring organizations
№ of payment order |
Criteria |
Extent of violation |
1 |
Availability of information on the arisen technology violations in the summary reporting on technology violations, the directed power transferring organization to the seventh following reporting. |
Considerable |
2 |
Availability of the operational message the provided telling organization by phone within 1 (one) hour from the moment of emergence of technology violation with duplication by means of mobile programs for instant messaging. |
Considerable |
3 |
Availability of the written message the power transferring organization in time no later than 12 (twelve) hours from the moment of emergence of technology violation in the relevant territorial department of body for the state energy supervision and control on areas and the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and local executive body and to the system operator. |
Considerable |
4 |
Availability of the following data in the operational and written message on the happened technology violation and accident provided by the power transferring organization: 1) name of the energy company, date and time of emergence of technology violation, accident; 2) alleged causes of technology violation, accident; 3) the list of the fulfilled protection, automatic equipment and blocking; 4) the list of the failed equipment and which remained in work; 5) effects of technology violation: amount of the damaged equipment, nedootpusk, the number of the disconnected consumers, time of liquidation of technology violation; 6) surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability) and position transferred information. |
Considerable |
5 |
Observance of classification of technology violations by accident: damage which led to forced idle time, lasting 25 days and more, power lines of 220 kilovolts (further – kV) and above; work of Single electric utility system (further – EEC) and its isolated part (power node) with frequency below 49 Hertz (further – Hz) more than 30 minutes or work with frequency more than 51 Hz more than three minutes; violation of integrity of EEC with its separation into separate parts or the violation of work of power plant and (or) power network which caused nedootpusk electrical energy to consumers in the amount of 250000 kilowatt hours (kWh.) and more. |
Considerable |
6 |
Observance of classification of technology violations by refusal of the I degree: damage which led to forced idle time, lasting from 10 up to 25 days of the turbine capacity of 50 MW, the generator capacity of 60 MW and above, the transformer capacity 75 MBA and above, the reactor, the switch, power line of 220 kV and above; violation of integrity of EEC with its separation into separate parts or the violation of work of power plant and (or) power network which caused nedootpusk electrical energy to consumers in the amount of 100000 to 250000 kWh.; work of EEC or its isolated part (power node) with frequency below 49,0 of Hz lasting up to 30 minutes or with frequency of 51 Hz less than three minutes; damage of the bearing elements of buildings and constructions, the forced shutdown or restriction of operability of the capital equipment (irrespective of capacity) power plants and (or) substations, power lines which caused nedootpusk electrical energy to consumers from 100000 to 250000 kWh. |
Rough |
7 |
Observance of classification of technology violations by refusal of the II degree: violations of the modes of energy consumption in national and regional power networks of EEC of Kazakhstan of 220 kV who caused operation of devices of protection in networks and above, except cases of work with the successful automatic repeated inclusion (ARI); violation of operability of means of conference circuit and systems of telemechanics for the term of more than one days; the wrong actions of protection and (or) automatic equipment, except cases of operation of these devices on signal; shutdown of consumers operation of automatic equipment of restriction of overflow of capacity in networks of 220 kV and above. |
Considerable |
8 |
The adherence to deadlines of conducting investigation of technology violations which begins no later than 3 (three) working days estimated from next working day since the moment of emergence of technology violation, and does not exceed 30 calendar days. |
Considerable |
9 |
Adherence to deadlines of prolongation of investigation of technology violation for the term of no more than 30 calendar days. |
Considerable |
10 |
Adherence to deadlines submission to Committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan till December 1, the annual list of the heads who are subject to qualification examination the next calendar year. |
Considerable |
11 |
Disconnection of consumers from electric utility service lasting more than 24 (twenty four) watch. |
Rough |
12 |
Availability of specifications on connection of again entered or reconstructed electroinstallations within 5 (five) working days, together with the drawn-up and signed statement of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of power networks and operational responsibility of the parties with the scheme of connection of the consumer after receipt of the statement in any form from the consumer. |
Rough |
13 |
Section availability on own Internet resource, to the devoted process of the connection to electric utility power grid and issue of specifications including: development of the Section devoted to technology connection to electric utility power grids; placement of information on loading of substations with frequency at least 3 months. |
Insignificant |
14 |
Availability of specifications on connection of users of power network with the declared capacity of 1-5 MW to power network of the power transferring organization sent for data to the System operator. |
Considerable |
15 |
Timely, reliable and complete provision by the power transferring organizations of the required information necessary for implementation of powers of state control body and supervision in the area to power industry. |
Rough |
16 |
Availability of the written warning of the termination (restriction) of delivery of electrical energy by the direction of the notification by the methods specified in the acceptance of the agreement (e-mail, the fax, the mailing, the short text message, the multimedia message existing with messengers) in terms at least for 5 (five) in the afternoon before the termination of delivery of electrical energy to the consumer (The consumer using electrical energy for domestic needs at least in 30 (thirty) calendar days). |
Rough |
17 |
Observance of the requirement for interruption in supply of electrical energy completely without prior notice the consumer in case of unauthorized connection of receivers of electrical energy to power network of the power transferring (power making) organization. |
Rough |
18 |
Observance of the requirement for interruption in supply of electrical energy completely without prior notice the consumer in case of connection of receivers of electrical energy in addition to (without taking into account) devices of commercial accounting of electrical energy. |
Rough |
19 |
Observance of the requirement for interruption in supply of electrical energy completely without prior notice the consumer in case of decrease in indicators of quality of electrical energy because of the consumer to the values breaking functioning of electroinstallations of the power transferring (power making) organization and other consumers. |
Rough |
20 |
Observance of the requirement for interruption in supply of electrical energy completely without prior notice the consumer in case of non-admission of representatives of the power transferring (power making) organization and body of energy supervision and control to devices of commercial accounting of electrical energy and electroinstallations of the consumer in working hours (as sent). |
Rough |
21 |
Observance of the requirement for interruption in supply of electrical energy completely without prior notice the consumer in case of emergency. |
22 |
Availability of the warning to the power transferring organization of the consumer of interruption in supply of electrical energy for carrying out planned works on repair of the equipment and to connection of new consumers in the absence of reserve food not later than three calendar days before shutdown. |
Rough |
23 |
Availability the termination letter of giving to the consumer who is power giving the organizations of electrical energy, for acceptance of urgent measures for the prevention or accident elimination which will entail danger to life of people, significant economic damage, violation of functioning of especially important elements of municipal services and utility power systems. |
Rough |
24 |
Availability of the approval of the power transferring organization of specifications issued by the consumer to the subconsumer which will be connected to power networks of consumers. |
Rough |
25 |
Availability of the approval of the consumer of specifications issued to the subconsumer who is power betraying organiztion which will be connected to power networks of consumers. |
Rough |
26 |
Availability of the statement which is drawn up in any form to the consumer of electricity about violation and carrying out recalculation in case of unauthorized connections to networks of the power transferring organization. |
Rough |
27 |
Availability of the statement which is drawn up in any form to the consumer of electricity about violation and carrying out recalculation in case of podklyucheniipriyemnik of the electric power in addition to the device of commercial accounting of electrical energy (further – PKU). |
Rough |
28 |
Availability of the statement which is drawn up in any form to the consumer of electricity about violation and carrying out recalculation in case of change of the scheme of inclusion of PKU, transformers of current and tension. |
Rough |
29 |
Availability of the statement which is drawn up in any form to the consumer of electricity about violation and carrying out recalculation in case of artificial braking of disk PKU. |
Rough |
30 |
Availability of the statement which is drawn up in any form to the consumer of electricity about violation and carrying out recalculation in case of installation of adaptation, PKU distorting indications. |
Rough |
31 |
Availability of periodic (another) qualification examination heads and specialists of security services and labor protections of the power transferring organization at least once in three years. |
Rough |
32 |
Availability of periodic (another) qualification examination electrotechnical and electrotechnology personnel, including heads and specialists of the operational negotiations and switchings having the right of maintaining, except for administrative technicians of the power transferring organization at least once a year. |
Rough |
33 |
Adherence to deadlines the direction in Committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan information on employment or dismissal of the head of the power making organization within 15 calendar days from the date of acceptance (dismissal) of the head. |
Considerable |
34 |
Availability of qualification examination of specialists of the power transferring organization by the commission on the qualification examination created by the order of the head. |
Considerable |
35 |
Adherence to deadlines creation by the power transferring organization annually, till December 25, the list of the specialists who are subject to qualification examination the next calendar year. |
Considerable |
36 |
Availability of the protocol of qualification examination following the results of holding qualification examination. |
Considerable |
37 |
Observance the requirement for work with operational and operational maintenance force, the operational heads exercising control of power stations in the following forms: 1) the preparation on new position including: training; training on workplace; primary qualification examination; duplication; 2) periodic qualification examinations; 3) control antiemergency and fire-proof trainings; 4) instructing; 5) advanced training. |
Considerable |
38 |
Carrying out work with maintenance force in the following forms: 1) the preparation on new position including: training in safe production methods of works; training on workplace; primary qualification examination; 2) periodic qualification examinations; 3) control antiemergency and fire-proof trainings; 4) instructing; 5) advanced training. |
Considerable |
39 |
Availability of the annual plan of work with personnel developed and approved by the head of the power transferring organization. |
Considerable |
40 |
Availability in the work plan with personnel of actions for the following directions: training of personnel (heads, specialists and workers), including training on first aid; qualification examinations in the field of power industry; instructing; control antiemergency trainings; advanced training; organization of work of technical libraries, technical offices, offices for safe engineering, polygons, centers and Items of training preparation; check of workplaces; competitions in professional skill and other collective forms of work with personnel; performing periodic medical examinations of personnel. |
Considerable |
41 |
Availability of training of the workers on new position according to standard programs developed for each position and each workplace and approved as the chief technical lead of the power transferring organization. |
Considerable |
42 |
Availability of primary qualification examination after completion of training and training in time no later than one month after position assignment or in time, specified in the standard or individual program of the preparation approved by the technical lead of the power transferring organization. |
Rough |
43 |
Observance of requirements for discharge of the worker from accomplishment of labor obligations in case of refusal from passing of qualification examination, and also not confirmation of group on electrical safety at qualification examination, according to the job description. |
Rough |
44 |
Observance of requirements for non-admission of person to accomplishment of job responsibilities on post during the period, from the moment of purpose of extraordinary qualification examination before date of confirmation of qualification. |
Rough |
45 |
Availability of the chairman of the central commission on qualification checks, person which underwent examination in state body on the state energy supervision and control. |
Considerable |
46 |
Availability as a part of the central commission on qualification proverkea at least three people having electrical safety group not below the fourth. |
Considerable |
47 |
Availability of the administrative document on the organization or structural division on the admission of the worker to independent work. |
Insignificant |
48 |
Availability of the annual list of subjects of repeated instructing for all positions and specialties approved by the technical lead. |
Considerable |
49 |
Issue of specifications on connection of users of network with the declared electric power of 5 MW and more to power network based on "The scheme of issue of power of the power plant", developed by the specialized project organizations having the license for occupation project activities. |
Rough |
50 |
Observance of requirements for the termination by the power transferring organization fully or partially giving of electrical energy in the presence of the request of the power supplying organization for the termination (restriction) of electrical energy. |
Rough |
51 |
Observance of requirements for connection of the consumer who is disconnected for electric utility service breach of agreement, within 1 (one) working day, after the address of the consumer with application of documents, confirming elimination of violation and payment of service for connection. |
Rough |
52 |
Availability of the inspection note of commercial accounting of any form, with fixing in it of availability or lack of seal (brand) or the sealing device about primary or periodic checking of the organization having to it the right, integrity of glass and the body of the device of commercial accounting, availability or lack of the sealing structure of the power transferring organization in the places which are earlier established by the power transferring organization in case of visual survey of 1 (one) times a half-year in case of removal of instrument readings of commercial accounting. |
Rough |
53 |
Recalculation availability, proceeding from the actual connected loading taking into account hours of use 24 hours a day, but is no more than permitted capacity according to specifications, at the same time the period of recalculation is determined during all the time from the date of the last replacement of the device of commercial accounting or the last tool verification of the scheme of its inclusion, but no more than one year. |
Rough |
54 |
Availability of the act and recalculation of amount of the used energy on actually connected loading from the moment of acquisition of property rights, but no more than one year in case of detection of unauthorized connection to power networks of the power transferring organization. |
Rough |
55 |
Observance of requirements for non-admission of electroinstallation in operation in case of detection in electroinstallations of consumers of shortcomings of installation, departures from the issued specifications, the project documentation and requirements of normative and technical documents. |
Rough |
56 |
Observance the requirement for the direction within 2 (two) working days from the date of issue of the act of sealing of system of commercial accounting of electrical energy in the power supplying organization chosen as the consumer, the documents necessary for the conclusion of the agreement of electric utility service with consumers whose objects of electric utility service are not in structure of condominiums: 1) the copy of the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of power networks and operational responsibility of the parties with the scheme of connection of the consumer to power networks; 2) the copy of the acceptance act of system of the commercial accounting of electrical energy which is drawn up the power transferring (power making) organization; 3) the copy of the certificate of state registration (for legal entities), the statement from the state electronic register of permissions and notifications (for individual entrepreneurs) or the copy of the identity document (for physical persons); 4) the copy of the certificate of the registered rights to real estate or the title document; 5) the copy of the document (the order, the power of attorney, the document confirming powers of the person) on person authorized on the conclusion of the agreement of electric utility service with appendix of the identity document, except for the first head of the organization (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs); 6) copy of specifications; 7) bank details (the bank name, No. of the current account) – are provided only by legal entities. |
Rough |
57 |
Observance of requirements for the direction within 2 (two) working days from the date of issue of the act of sealing of system of commercial accounting of electrical energy in the power supplying organization chosen as the consumer, the documents necessary for the conclusion of the agreement of electric utility service with consumers whose objects of electric utility service are in structure of condominiums: 1) the copy of the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory of power networks and operational responsibility of the parties for the consumers who are in structure of condominium; 2) the copy of the acceptance act of system of the commercial accounting of electrical energy which is drawn up by body which is managing object of condominium or the power transferring organization; 3) the copy of the certificate of state registration (for legal entities), the statement from the state electronic register of permissions and notifications (for individual entrepreneurs), the copy of the identity document (for physical persons); 4) the copy of the document (the order, the power of attorney, the document confirming powers of the person) on person authorized on the conclusion of the agreement of electric utility service with appendix of the identity document, except for the first head of the organization (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs); 5) bank details (the bank name, No. of the current account), are provided only by legal entities; 6) the copy of the certificate of the registered rights to real estate or the title document. |
Rough |
58 |
Observance of requirements about calculation of consumption for average daily expense of the previous or subsequent settlement period in which means and the scheme of accounting of electrical energy were operational (at the same time the period of calculation shall constitute from the date of detection of violation about day of recovery of commercial accounting, but no more than thirty calendar days) in case of detection of violation of commercial accounting not because of the consumer (in case of integrity and compliance of seals, specified in the previous act of installation or tool check of the metering device). |
Rough |
59 |
Observance of requirements for issue of the act of the revealed shortcomings within 2 (two) working days from the date of survey of external connection in case of identification of shortcomings of external connection and discrepancy of the performed works to the issued specifications. |
Rough |
60 |
Observance of requirements for accomplishment of survey of external connection within 1 (one) working day from the date of receipt of the repeated statement from the construction organization (contractor) or the consumer and to the notification in writing, that not elimination of notes after repeated survey, the following survey will be made on the expiration of 1 (one) month. |
Considerable |
to Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the field of power industry
Extent of violations of requirements in the field of power industry for the power supplying organizations
№ of payment order |
Criteria |
Extent of violation |
1 |
Availability of the service agreement on transfer of electrical energy with the power transferring organizations. |
Rough |
2 |
Observance of the requirement for implementation of electric utility service of consumers in the wholesale market of electrical energy based on purchase and sale agreements of electrical energy and transactions. |
Rough |
3 |
Observance of the requirement for implementation of electric utility service of consumers in the retail market of sale of electrical energy by the power supplying organization is performed under the agreement on electric utility service. At the same time the power supplying organization signs the service agreement on transfer of electrical energy with the power transferring organizations. |
Rough |
4 |
Availability of the following list of the documents provided in the power supplying organization by the power transferring (power making) organization, necessary for the conclusion of the agreement of electric utility service with consumers whose objects of electric utility service are not in structure of condominiums: |
Rough |
5 |
Observance of the requirement for production of delivery of electrical energy to consumers is continuous according to annual, quarter, monthly plans and daily schedules of supply of electricity according to the signed agreements on electric utility service. |
Rough |
6 |
Observance of the requirement for the termination fully or partially giving by the power transferring organization of electrical energy in the following cases: |
Considerable |
7 |
Observance of the requirement for the termination fully or partially giving by the power making organization of electrical energy in the following cases: |
Considerable |
8 |
Availability of the request for the termination (restriction) of delivery of electrical energy directed by the power supplying organization in the power transferring (power making) organization, having in writing warned the Consumer by the direction of the notification by the methods specified in the acceptance of the agreement (e-mail, the fax, the mailing, the short text message, the multimedia message existing with messengers) in terms at least for 5 (five) in the afternoon before the delivery termination to the electric Consumer of energies (The consumer using electrical energy for domestic needs at least in 30 (thirty) calendar days). |
Considerable |
9 |
Observance of the requirement of the termination completely giving to the consumer of electrical energy without prior notice in cases: |
Considerable |
10 |
Observance of the requirement for accomplishment of the prevention of the consumer about interruption in supply of electrical energy for carrying out planned works on repair of the equipment and to connection of new consumers in the absence of reserve food not later than three calendar days before shutdown. |
Rough |
11 |
Availability of the service provision agreement on scheduling with the corresponding dispatch center or Item of the regional electric grid company. |
Considerable |
12 |
Observance of the requirement of the timely prevention of the partners for purchase and sale agreements of electrical energy, system operator and (or) the regional power grid organization about change of conditions of purchase and sale agreements of electrical energy. |
Rough |
13 |
Observance of the requirement about execution of operational orders of the power transferring organization for maintaining the modes of delivery consumption, according to conditions of the signed agreement. |
Rough |
14 |
Availability of the provided power transferring organization of daily schedules of delivery consumption of electrical energy for the signed agreements to purchase and sale of electrical energy and rendering services in transfer of electrical energy. |
Rough |
15 |
Notification availability in case of electric utility service agreement cancelation, the sent by the power supplying organization previously, at least for two calendar months to the consumers and power transferring organizations and the guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy about termination of the relevant agreements of electric utility service in writing (if the agreement was signed in writing) or through mass media with placement of the relevant information on invoices for payment of energy services, and also antimonopoly authority (if the power supplying organization is included in the State register of the subjects of the market holding the dominating or monopoly position). |
Considerable |
16 |
Availability of the following list of documents necessary for the conclusion of the agreement of electric utility service with consumers whose objects of electric utility service are in structure of condominiums: |
Considerable |
17 |
Availability of the statement of emergency armor of power supply which is drawn up together with the consumer who is power transferring (power making) and power supplying with the organization in case of compliance of the scheme of electric utility service of the consumer to requirements of 1 (first) and 2 (second) categories of reliability. |
Considerable |
18 |
Availability of the drawn-up disagreement by the parties in case of their origin under the act of emergency armor of power supply with the further appeal to the expert organization for the dispute resolution. |
Insignificant |
19 |
Observance of the requirement of providing with the power supplying and (or) power transferring (power making) organization of continuous electric utility service of the objects carried to objects of continuous power supply. |
Rough |
20 |
Availability of approval technical possibility of continuous electric utility service of objects of the consumers carried to objects of continuous power supply with regional dispatch center which mode influences regional power lines, or with national dispatch center of the system operator which mode influences interregional and interstate power lines. |
Considerable |
to Criteria for evaluation of risk degree in the field of power industry
Extent of violations of requirements in the field of power industry for physical persons and legal entities
№ of payment order |
Criteria |
Extent of violation |
1 |
Availability of the Statement of emergency armor of power supply which is drawn up together with the consumer who is power transferring (power making) and power supplying with the organization in case of compliance of the scheme of electric utility service of the consumer to requirements of 1 and 2 categories of reliability. |
Considerable |
2 |
Availability in case of the construction, installation, earth, handling and search works connected with the device of wells and holes, arrangement of platforms, parking of road transport, placement of the markets, structures, constructions, warehousing of materials, construction of barriers and fences, dumping and discharge of caustic corrosion substances and fuels and lubricants within conservation zones of power networks, approval of the organization under which authority these networks are. |
Rough |
3 |
Observance of minimum admissible distance from power networks to: |
Rough |
4 |
Observance of the conservation zone of power networks: |
Rough |
5 |
Observance of the requirement about non-admission of damage of power networks up to 1000 V (air-lines of electricity transmission, underground and underwater cable lines, transformer and converting substations, distributing devices and the switching Items). |
Considerable |
6 |
Observance of the requirement about non-admission of damage of power networks over 1000 V (air-lines of electricity transmission, underground and underwater cable lines, transformer and converting substations, distributing devices and the switching Items). |
Rough |
7 |
Observance of the requirement about non-admission of damage of air-lines of electricity transmission to 1000 V, causing break in providing consumers with electrical energy and caused damage. |
Considerable |
8 |
Observance of the requirement about non-admission of damage of air-lines of electricity transmission over 1000 V causing break in providing consumers with electrical energy and caused damage. |
Rough |
9 |
Observance of the requirement about production of excavation of cable routes or earthwork near them with the written permission of the operating cable line of the organization with appendix of the plan (scheme) with indication of placement and depth of cable power line. |
Rough |
10 |
Observance of the requirement about production before excavation of shurfleniye (control opening) of cable power line under the supervision of electrotechnical personnel of the consumer operating the cable line for refining of arrangement of cables and depth of their bedding. |
Rough |
11 |
Observance of the requirement about non-admission of production of excavation by digging machines at distance is closer than 1 m from cable and use of jackhammers, lom and picks when loosening soil over cables on depth of more 0,4 of m, with normal depth of laying of cables, and also use of shock and vibrosubmersible mechanisms at distance less than 5 meters from cables. |
Rough |
12 |
Availability on support of air-lines of electricity transmission in places of crossing or their rapprochement with underground cables of communication or electrocables of precautionary signs in the form of arrows in the direction of cable with indication of distance to it. |
Considerable |
13 |
Availability of the written notice the land user not later than 3 (three) calendar days prior to field agricultural works (plowing, cleaning, hay export, lemon watering) in conservation zones of air-lines of electricity transmission, the organization under which authority these lines are. |
Rough |
14 |
Availability of written consent of the organization to production of explosive works in conservation zones of power networks under which authority is power networks. |
Rough |
15 |
Availability of the specifications approved with the system operator in case of connection to power network of the power transferring (power making) organization with the declared capacity over 10 MW. |
Rough |
16 |
Availability of project and technical acceptance documentation for all again connected and reconstructed electroinstallations of consumers. |
Rough |
17 |
Observance of the requirement about implementation of the admission of electroinstallations in operation in the presence at the consumer of electrotechnical personnel of the corresponding qualification and person responsible for reliable, safe work of electroinstallations, or the service agreement of electroinstallation with the organization, the having personnel with the admission to work in the operating electroinstallations, except for residential customers. |
Rough |
18 |
Agreement availability on electric utility service with the power supplying organization. |
Considerable |
19 |
Observance of the requirement about implementation of connection and leave of electrical energy to the consumer only in the presence of the acceptance act of system of commercial accounting of electrical energy. |
Rough |
20 |
Availability of the act of engineering certification (any form) of electroinstallations of the consumer by the expert organization when giving tension on electroinstallations with seasonal nature of electric power consumption. |
Rough |
21 |
Availability of the counter of commercial accounting of active and reactive energy with long-term memory of data storage of the consumed electric power, capacity and the hourly schedule of loadings at the consumer with the fixed delivery of electrical energy, the power consumption having contractual capacity more than 100 kilowatts (further – kW). |
Considerable |
22 |
Availability of the counter of active and reactive energy with long-term memory of data storage of the consumed electric power and the maximum capacity at consumers of free delivery of electrical energy with contractual capacity of power consumption of 40-100 kW. |
Considerable |
23 |
Availability of the counter of active energy at the consumer of free delivery of electrical energy with contractual capacity of power consumption to 40 kW. |
Considerable |
24 |
Availability of seal of the power transferring (power making) organization having the checking right, on fixture of casing of the device of commercial accounting of electrical energy, and on cover of block of clips of the electric meter, doors of compartment of transformers of current and tension, on current and napryazhenchesky test blocks and boxes of seal of the power transferring organization. |
Rough |
25 |
Availability of the notice in writing of the power transferring (power making) organization and on availability of their permission on carrying out the work connected with change of the scheme of accounting of electrical energy or violation of integrity of seal (brand). |
Rough |
26 |
Observance of the requirement about connection to power network after elimination of violations in the scheme and devices of commercial accounting of electrical energy, payment of the amount of recalculation and payment of the amount for connections. |
Rough |
27 |
Observance of the requirement about non-admission of connection of receivers of the electric power without device of commercial accounting of electrical energy. |
Rough |
28 |
Availability of the power service staffed by the electrotechnical personnel corresponding on qualification or agreements with the specialized organization performing activities for operation of electroinstallations. |
Rough |
29 |
Availability responsible for operation of electroinstallations and his deputy, appointed the relevant document of the head of the legal entity, for direct accomplishment of obligations on the organization of operation of electroinstallations, and physical persons - owners of electroinstallations have availability over 1000 V of the service agreement of electroinstallations signed with the specialized organizations on whom responsibility for safe operation is conferred. |
Considerable |
30 |
Availability of the job description responsible for electroinstallations, with indication of its rights and responsibility. |
Considerable |
31 |
Observance of the requirement about appointment responsible for electroinstallations and his deputy after the examination and assignment of the corresponding group on electrical safety: |
Rough |
32 |
Availability, prior to installation or reconstruction of electroinstallations: |
Rough |
33 |
Observance of the requirement about vi in case of complex approbation of the equipment of check of operability of the equipment and technology schemes, safety of their operation, implementation of check and setup of all control and management systems, devices of protection and blocking, devices of the alarm system and instrumentations and carrying out complex approbation by the consumer or the specialized organization. |
Rough |
34 |
Availability before approbation and the admission of electroinstallations of the consumer to operation: |
Rough |
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