Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 31, 2019 No. 24/33

About approval of Rules on labor protection in case of accomplishment of construction works

Based on the paragraph of the fifth of part two of article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 23, 2008 No. 356-Z "About labor protection", subitem 7.1.5 of Item 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1589, and subitem 6.9 of Item 6 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2006 No. 973, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus POSTANOVLYAYUT:

1. Approve Rules on labor protection in case of accomplishment of construction works (are applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus

I. A. Kostevich

Minister of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus


It is approved

Brest regional executive committee



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Gomel regional executive committee


Grodno regional executive committee


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Mogilev regional executive committee


Minsk city executive committee



Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Belarus of May 31, 2019 No. 24/33

Rules on labor protection in case of accomplishment of construction works

Chapter 1. General requirements

1. These rules on labor protection in case of accomplishment of construction works (further - Rules) establish requirements for labor protection in case of accomplishment of construction works and the related works on construction objects (further if other is not determined, - construction works).

2. The requirements for labor protection containing in Rules are aimed at providing the healthy and safe work environment working, occupied with accomplishment of construction works (further - working), and extend to employers irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership performing construction activities (further - employers).

3. For the purposes of these rules terms and their determinations in the values established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 23, 2008 No. 356-Z "About labor protection" and the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 5, 2004 No. 300-Z "About architectural, town-planning and construction activities in the Republic of Belarus" and also the following terms and their determinations are used:

the prime contractor - the contractor attracting under agreements to accomplishment of separate liabilities of other persons;

catch - the site of the building, construction intended for line accomplishment of building and construction works with repeating on this and subsequent to it sites structure and amount of works;

safety signs - the signs intended for the warning of the working, other persons of possible danger, prohibition or the instruction of certain actions, and also to information on arrangement of objects which use is connected with exception or decrease in effects of impact of dangerous and (or) harmful production factors;

the woods - the multilevel design intended for the organization of workplaces on the different horizons;

line managers of works are the engineering employees (chiefs of sites, operators, masters, mechanics and other workers) who are direct heads of construction, repair and construction, special works and other types of construction works;

the danger area - zone of possible impact on working, in case of its stay in it, harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the exposure hazard or exposure of which, can exceed maximum permissible values;

finishing work - complex of the processes which are carried out during construction of the building (construction) after its termination or under production conditions (in the course of production of designs) for the purpose of giving to surfaces of structures of buildings or constructions of protective and decorative properties;

the conservation zone - zone in which the special mode of protection of the placed objects is set;

scaffolding - the single-tier design intended for performance of works, the workplaces requiring movement on scope of work;

the project of the organization of construction (further - POS) - the constituent part of organizational and technological documentation determining the general duration and intermediate terms of construction, distribution of capital investments and amounts of building and construction works, material, manpower and sources of their covering, the main methods of accomplishment of building and construction works;

the project of works (further - the Party of Pensioners of Russia) - the project determining technology, terms of accomplishment and graphics of ensuring building and construction works with resources;

works at height - works during which working there are at distance less than 2 m from not protected differences on height of 1,3 of m and more;

the working area - space up to 2 m high over floor height or platforms on which there are places of permanent or temporary stay of working;

working site - the hinged design intended for formation of workplace it is direct in works zone;

repair construction works - the construction works on recovery of operational functions of buildings, constructions including partial or complete replacement of designs, the plumbing system and finishing work;

special works - the works including strengthening of soil, isolation, mounting of processing equipment, pipelines, control facilities and automatic equipment, the electric installation, sanitary and other work necessary for commissioning of the facility;

means of podmashchivaniye - the devices intended for the organization of workplaces in case of production of building and construction works at height or depth of more 1,3 of m from the level of the earth or overlapping;

remedy (working) - the means intended for prevention of risk or reduction of its impact on working to tolerance level;

building and construction works - the works performed on construction site (object) in case of construction, reconstruction and major repair of buildings, constructions and in case of installation of equipment;

bricklayer's scaffold - the multilevel design intended for the organization of workplaces on the different horizons;

construction works - result of construction production as complex of the working activities and processes performed in case of construction, reconstruction, general and running repair of buildings, constructions and demolition of construction objects;

the process chart - the document establishing rational and technologically stable production technique of often repeating type of building and construction works and used instead of the Party of Pensioners of Russia or in addition to it;

safety requirements of work (safety requirement) - the requirements established by legal acts, regulatory legal acts, technical regulatory legal acts, organizational and technological documentation, local legal acts which accomplishment provides safe work environment and are regulated by behavior of working;

electric unit - set of the machines, devices, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with constructions and rooms, in which they are established) intended for production, transformation, transformation, transfer, distribution of electrical energy and its transformation to other type of energy.

4. Under the organization and accomplishment of construction works requirements of these rules, other regulatory legal acts regulating requirements in the field of protection and work environment, including the technical regulatory legal acts containing requirements for labor protection, and also technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance, in the field of technical regulation and standardization concerning construction, industrial and fire safety, local legal acts shall be observed (further if other is not determined, - technical regulatory legal acts).

5. In case of accomplishment of construction works on construction object (further - object) several employers based on the signed construction contracts, each of them shall provide safe work environment for attracted by them the these rules working according to requirements.

6. Employers for creation of the safe work environment working provide:

development and adoption of instructions for labor protection according to the procedure, established by the legislation;

briefing on labor protection, training, examinations concerning labor protection working according to the procedure, established by the legislation;

passing working, occupied at works with harmful and (or) dangerous work environment or at works where according to the legislation there is need for professional selection, obligatory preliminary medical examinations (in case of revenues to work) and periodic medical examinations, and also extraordinary medical examinations in case of the deterioration in the state of health according to the procedure established by the legislation;

passing working, occupied at works with the increased danger, prereplaceable (before work, change) medical examination or survey regarding stay in the condition of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication according to the procedure established by the legislation;

issue to workers of individual protection equipment according to the procedure, established by the legislation, and control of their application. Working under civil agreements are provided with individual protection equipment according to these agreements.

7. The employer shall require the documents confirming passing working under the civil agreement of medical examination if it is necessary for accomplishment of the corresponding construction works.

8. In case of accomplishment of construction works on the following harmful and (or) dangerous production factors working perhaps impact:

moving vehicles and other machines and mechanisms, mobile parts of processing equipment, the moving procurements and construction materials;

the falling objects and materials, spontaneously collapsing structures of buildings and constructions, the equipment, rocks and soil;

the arrangement of workplaces near difference on height of 1,3 of m and more at distance is closer than 2 m from difference border on height in the conditions of lack of safety barriers, and also in case of accomplishment of construction works at height of more 1,3 of m in case of stay is direct on constructive parts or the equipment;

the raised gas contamination and dust content of air of the working area;

the increased or lowered air temperature of the working area;

the increased noise levels and vibrations on workplaces;

the increased air humidity;

the increased levels of static electricity;

the increased tension in electric chain which short circuit can happen through body of the person;

the toxic and irritating chemicals getting into human body through respiratory organs, digestive tract, integuments and mucous membranes;

physical overworks;

psychological overloads.

9. In case of absence in these rules of requirements for labor protection employers take the necessary measures providing preserving life, the health and working capacity working, occupied with accomplishment of construction works.

Chapter 2. Requirements under the organization of accomplishment of construction works

10. The organization and construction of facilities shall be performed according to organizational and technological documentation on construction of facilities (POS, the Party of Pensioners of Russia, process charts and other documents) on structure and content, conforming to mandatory requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization concerning construction.

Organizational and technological documentation shall provide the list of actions and decisions by determination of technical means and methods of the works providing fulfillment of requirements of labor safety of working.

11. Before accomplishment of building and construction works in the territory of the organization the employers who are the customer in construction activities (further - the customer), the builder in construction activities (further - the builder) and (or) the contractor in construction activities (further - the contractor) shall draw up the act admission for production of building and construction works in the territory of the organization for form according to appendix 1.

12. The contractor or the lessor of the equipment used on object shall in case of accomplishment of construction works on construction sites with involvement of subcontractors or lessees:

develop together with them the actions providing the safe working conditions obligatory for all organizations and working, participating in construction of facilities;

provide accomplishment of the planned actions and coordination of actions of subcontractors and lessees regarding accomplishment of actions for labor safety on the sites of works assigned to them.

13. Before accomplishment of construction works in the conditions of industrial hazard it is necessary to allocate zones, dangerous to people, within which the dangerous production factors connected or not connected with nature of the performed works are effective or can constantly be effective.

14. Treat zones of permanent dangerous production factors:

the places which are near uninsulated current carrying parts of electric units;

not protected differences on height of 1,3 of m and more;

places where exceeding of maximum permissible levels of harmful production factors is possible (noise, vibration, electromagnetic, ultra-violet, laser, radioactive radiation).

It is necessary to carry to zones of potentially operating dangerous production factors:

sites of the territory near the building (construction) under construction;

floors (tiers) of buildings and constructions in one catch over which there is mounting (dismantle) of designs or the equipment;

zones of movement of machines, equipment, their parts, operating parts;

places over which there is cargo transfer by hoisting cranes.

Borders of danger areas (the action area of dangerous production factors) are established according to appendix 2.

15. On borders of zones of permanent dangerous production factors safety barriers, and on borders of zones of potentially dangerous production factors - alarm barriers and signs of safety according to mandatory requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization shall be established.

The alarm colors, alarm marking and signs of safety applied to drawing attention working, being on objects and in other places, for caution for the purpose of exception of danger, the message on possible outcome in case of neglect can be established by danger according to the state standard specification 12.4.026-2015 Interstate standard "Occupational safety standards system. Colors are alarm, signs of safety and marking alarm. Assignment and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods".

16. Before construction works in action areas of dangerous production factors the work permit on works with the increased danger in form (further - the work permit) according to appendix 3 shall be issued to the line manager of works.

In case of accomplishment of construction works in zone of potentially dangerous objects (power lines, explosion-fire-hazardous objects and other objects), other forms of work permits developed according to technical regulatory legal acts are applied.


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