Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 1, 1999 No. 85

About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About power"

(as amended on 13-07-2021)

Due to the entry into force of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About power" and for the purpose of ensuring application of this Law I decide:

1. Charge to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic within two months:

prepare and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on reduction of the existing legal acts to compliance with the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About power";

provide reduction of regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers and the relevant central executive bodies in compliance with this Law and report on it on the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

within the powers to resolve other issues arising from the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About power".

2. Determine that:

powers of the relevant organ of the executive authority provided in the name, the first and second (in the first case) offers of Article 7-1, the tenth paragraph of part 3 and part 5 of Article 9, parts 1 of article 10 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About power", are performed by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

the powers of "relevant organ of the executive authority" provided by Items 1 and 3 of Article 4, the fourth paragraph of Item 3 of Article 8, Item 7 (except the powers specified in the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of this Item) Articles 10, Items 6, of the 7th Article 27 and Item 3 of article 28 of the specified Law, are performed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic.

the stipulated in Article 7 powers of "relevant organs of the executive authority" specified the Law concerning the second and third paragraphs perform within the powers the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Department of Energy of the Azerbaijan Republic; concerning the fourth paragraph of this Article performs the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Azerbaijan Republic; concerning the fifth paragraph of this Article - allocation according to the legislation of land and aquatic areas for energy activities performs the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, allocation of subsoil plots - the Department of Energy of the Azerbaijan Republic;

stipulated in Item 2 articles 30 of the specified Law of power of "relevant organs of the executive authority" perform the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Department of Energy of the Azerbaijan Republic within the powers;

provided in the second offer of Article 7-1 (in the second case), Item 2 of Article 8, Item 3 of Article 9, Items 3 and 7 (except for the power specified in the second paragraph of this Item) Articles 10, Item 5 of Article 11, Items 1 and 3 of Article 13, Items 1 and 3 of Article 14, the third, fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs of Item 1 of Article 15, the fifth paragraph of Item 1 of Article 16, Item 3 of Article 17, Item 1 of Article 19, Items 2 and 3 of Article 20, Items 1 and 3 of Article 21, the first and third paragraphs of Item 2 of Article 24, the second paragraph of Item 2 of Article 25, Item 2 of Article 26, Items 3 and 5 of article 27 of the specified Law of power of "relevant organ of the executive authority" are performed by the Department of Energy of the Azerbaijan Republic;

stipulated in Item 2 Articles 8, Items 1, of the 3 and 7 Article 10 (except the powers specified in the second paragraph of this Item), Item 3 of Article 13, Item 3 of Article 17, Item 1 of Article 19, Item 3 of Article 20, Item 1 of article 23 of this Law are performed by the Department of Energy of the Azerbaijan Republic;

stipulated in Item 2 Articles 10 and Item 2 of article 12 of the specified Law of power of "relevant organ of the executive authority" are performed within the powers by the Department of Energy of the Azerbaijan Republic and the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic;


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