of September 24, 2019 No. 357
About renewable energy resources
For the purpose of enhancement of state policy in the field of use of renewable energy resources:
1. Determine that:
1.1. creation * installations on use of renewable energy resources (further - RES) is performed within quotas ** on creation of such installations.
The procedure for establishment, distribution, release and withdrawal of quotas is determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
Within the quotas distributed after November 1, 2019, creation of installations on use of RES (further - installations) it is performed with use of the equipment which was earlier not in operation;
* Creation is understood as creation new, and also upgrade and reconstruction of the operating installations.
** The quota is understood as the total active electric power of the installations created in the Republic of Belarus which is established by types of RES for a certain period of time.
1.2. the installations created within the quotas distributed after November 1, 2019 with an established electric power of 1 MW are also more attracted to participate since January 1, 2021 in regulation of the daily schedule of covering of electric loading of the Belarusian power system;
1.3. the sizes of the coefficients applied in case of establishment of rates for the electrical energy made by installations:
are differentiated depending on type of RES, electric power, the actual service life of the equipment of installations for date of their input in operation, and also other parameters of installations;
can be reduced for certain applicants - the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs having intentions to perform creation of installations in limits of quotas, at the initiative of the specified applicants;
1.4. the electrical energy made by installations which creation is performed it (is performed) within the quotas distributed till November 1, 2019 it is acquired using the raising coefficients, and within the quotas distributed after this date - using the coefficients stimulating use of RES.
Acquisition of electrical energy is performed using the coefficients specified in part one of this subitem at the level of the sizes declared by applicants in case of distribution of quotas within 10 years from the date of input of installations in operation (further - 10 years).
In case of exceeding of the terms of input of installations declared by applicants in operation acquisition of electrical energy is performed at the level of the smallest operating values for date of input of installations in operation, but not above the sizes declared by applicants within 10 years less the period of exceeding of terms of input of installations in operation;
1.5. in case of operation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of the installations created out of quotas acquisition of the electrical energy made over the amounts necessary for the specified purposes is exclusive for the purpose of energy ensuring the economic activity it is performed using the coefficients stimulating use of RES;
1.6. legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in property (economic maintaining, operational management) of which are installations, have the right to perform transfer of electrical energy through networks of the power supplying organizations which are part of GPO "Belenergo", according to the procedure, determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, with fee on transfer and distribution of electrical energy;
1.7. the electrical energy made by installations which are put into operation till May 20, 2015 or creation of which is performed based on the investment agreements signed and registered before the specified date with the Republic of Belarus (further - investment agreements), acquired within 10 years using the raising coefficients operating till May 20, 2015.
In case of exceeding of terms of input of the installations in operation provided by investment agreements for date of their conclusion, except for the installations put into operation till November 1, 2019, the electrical energy is acquired using the raising coefficients operating till May 20, 2015 within 10 years less the period of exceeding of terms of input of installations in operation.
2. Action of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this Decree does not extend on:
legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have intentions to perform (perform) production of electrical energy with use of installations only for the purpose of energy ensuring the economic activity;
the creation of installations performed based on investment agreements without total increase in the established electric power of these installations provided in these agreements till May 20, 2015.
3. Declare invalid the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 18, 2015 No. 209 "About use of renewable energy resources".
4. To provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this Decree and to take other measures for its realization.
5. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on the State Control Committee.
6. This Decree becomes effective in the following procedure:
item 4 and this Item - from the date of official publication of this Decree;
other provisions of this Decree - since November 1, 2019.
President of the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko
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