of September 16, 2019 No. PP-4453
About measures for further development of light industry and production incentive of finished goods
In recent years in the republic the package of measures for development of textile, sewing and knitted, tanning and shoe and fur and fur industries of light industry, extension of the nomenclature and assortment to the made finished goods, and also full support of investing and export activities of the companies of industry is implemented.
The taken measures allowed to create capacities on conversion more than 80 percent of cotton fiber and more than 45 percent of the yarn made in the republic and also to finish in 2018 export volume of finished goods to 1, of 6 billion US dollars.
Provided for development and growth of the export potential of tanning and shoe and fur and fur industries of privilege and preference promoted growth in volumes of production of domestic ready skin for 6 percent and tanning crust - for 44 percent.
At the same time strengthening of the competition in the world markets, development of technologies and decrease from foreign producers of costs for production require development of additional measures for development of these industries.
For the purpose of ensuring dynamic and sustainable development of light industry, diversification and expansion of production competitive, first of all in the foreign markets, finished textile, sewing and knitted, tanning and shoe and fur and fur goods with high value added by deep conversion of local raw materials, and also involvement of potential foreign investors:
1. Approve:
target parameters of production and export of textile and sewing and knitted products with high value added based on profound conversion of raw materials proceeding from market demand for 2020 - 2025 according to appendix No. 1;
"Road map" on support and the accelerated development of textile, sewing and knitted, tanning and shoe and fur and fur industries of light industry for 2019-2020 according to appendix No. 3.To the ministry of investments and foreign trade together with the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uztekstilprom and Uzcharmsanoat associations to approve lists of the investment projects aimed at providing unconditional accomplishment of the target parameters approved by this resolution in a month.
a) when exporting tanning semifinished product (the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity code 4104) through customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan since January 1, 2021 is levied collection from the cost of the exported products in the amount of 10 percent;
At the same time when exporting tanning semifinished product by the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity code 4104 since July 1, 2024 collection in the amount of 10 percent, but at least 300 US dollars for one ton, since January 1, 2026 - 20 percent, but at least 600 US dollars for one ton, since January 1, 2028 - 30 percent, but at least 900 US dollars for one ton is levied;
b) ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 27.12.2024 No. UP-229
ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 27.12.2024 No. UP-2293. Establish since January 1, 2020 procedure according to which:
the companies having share of export of finished sewing and knitted goods in the total amount of revenue in the amount of at least 60 percent following the results of the accounting period are exempted from the tax discharge on property for up to January 1, 2023;
the organizations having the modern automated complexes on slaughter of the cattle and again putting them into operation and also the companies for conversion of skin and production of finished goods from skin are exempted from payment of the land tax till January 1, 2023.
4. Determine that the realization of JSC Uzpakhtasanoat of cotton fiber of harvests of 2018 - 2020 to the domestic textile enterprises at the exchange biddings for national currency is enabled on the basis of 35 percent advance payment with carrying out final settlements within 90 days from the date of shipment of goods.
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