Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 6, 2019 No. 184

About some questions of the organization of candidate screen in anti-corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Anti-corruption service) and its territorial authorities

According to Items 1, 2, 3 Articles 7, Item 3 of Article 29, Item 1-1 of article 33 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 6, 2011 "About law-enforcement service", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) Qualification requirements to categories of positions of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service) and its territorial authorities, according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) Rules of carrying out tender and training in anti-corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Anti-corruption service) and its territorial authorities, according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the List of positions of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service) and its territorial authorities replaced on competitive basis according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) Rules of out-of-competition holding the posts of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service) and its territorial authorities, according to appendix 4 to this order;

5) Rules of selection and preliminary studying of the candidates accepted in anti-corruption service according to appendix 5 to this order;

6) Rules and methods of determination of professional competences, key indicators and measure calculation of competitiveness in anti-corruption service, according to appendix 6 to this order;

7) the List of the executive positions of anti-corruption service replaced on competitive basis according to appendix 7 to this order;

8) Rules of carrying out tender on higher executive positions of anti-corruption service according to appendix 8 to this order.

2. Recognize invalid some orders of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for public service and to anti-corruption, according to appendix 9 to this order.

3. To provide to department of personnel work of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service) in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order the direction its in electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service).

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the First Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service).

5. This order becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.

The chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service)

A. Shpekbayev

It is approved

The agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for public service


Appendix 1

to the Order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service) of August 6, 2019 No. 184

Qualification requirements to categories of positions of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service) and its territorial authorities


Name of position

Requirements to education

Requirements to years of service

Requirements to knowledge to abilities to skills

Anti-corruption agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Anti-corruption service) (further – the Agency)


Chief of staff of the Agency

The highest professional, corresponding to the functional directions of specific position

At least ten years of service length in law enforcement agencies, including at least one year on positions not below categories C-GP-1, C-OGP-1, C-AGP-1, B-PK-2, B-PKO-1, C-SV-2, C-SVO-1, C-SVU-1, C-GD-2, C-GDO-1;
at least ten years of service length in special state bodies, including at least four years on executive positions;
at least eleven years of length of service in public service, including at least one year on political positions or positions of the case "A" or positions not below categories A-1, B-1, C-1, C-O-1, D-1, D-O-1;
at least twelve years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category including at least six years on executive positions

Availability of obligatory knowledge, skills, necessary for execution of functional obligations on specific position


The head of department of the Agency, the officer according to special orders

At least eight years of service length in law enforcement agencies, including at least one year on the positions of the following subordinate category provided by the staff list of specific structural division;
at least eight years of service length in special state bodies, including at least two years on executive positions;
at least ten years of length of service in public service, including at least one year on political positions or positions of the case "A" or positions not below categories A-2, B-2, C-2, C-O-2, D-2, D-O-2, E-1;
at least eleven years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category including at least five years on executive positions


Deputy manager of department of the Agency, head of independent management of the Agency,
assistant to the Chairman of the Agency

At least seven years of length of service of service in law enforcement agencies, including at least one year on the positions of the following subordinate category provided by the staff list of specific structural division;
at least seven years of length of service of service in special state bodies, including at least one year on executive positions
at least nine years of years of service in public service, including at least one year on political positions or positions of the case "A" or positions not below categories A-3, B-3, C-3, C-O-3, C-R-1, D-3, D-O-3, E-2, E-R-1;
at least ten years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category including at least four years on executive positions


Chief of the department of department of the Agency, deputy manager of independent management of the Agency

At least six years of service length in law enforcement agencies, including at least one year on the positions of the following subordinate category provided by the staff list of specific structural division;
at least six years of service length in special state bodies;
at least seven years of length of service in public service, including at least one year on political positions or positions of the case "A" or positions not below categories A-4, B-5, C-4, C-O-5, C-R-2, D-4, D-O-4, E-3, E-R-2, E-G-1;
at least eight years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category including at least three years on executive positions


Deputy manager of management of department of the Agency

At least five years of service length in law enforcement agencies, including at least one year on the positions of the following subordinate category provided by the staff list of specific structural division;
at least five years of service length in special state bodies;
at least six years of length of service in public service;
at least seven years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category


The investigator (officer) on especially important issues of the Agency

At least four years of service length in law enforcement agencies, including at least one year on the positions of the following subordinate category provided by the staff list of specific structural division;
at least four years of service length in special state bodies;
at least five years of length of service in public service;
at least six years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category


Senior investigator (officer) of the Agency

At least three years of service length in law enforcement or special state bodies;
at least four years of length of service in public service;
at least five years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category


Investigator (officer) of the Agency

At least one year of service length in law enforcement or special state bodies;
at least three years of length of service in public service;
at least four years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category

Territorial authorities of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption (Anti-corruption service)


Head of territorial authority

The highest professional, corresponding to the functional directions of specific position

At least eight years of service length in law enforcement agencies, including at least one year on the positions of the following subordinate category provided by the staff list of specific structural division;
at least eight years of service length in special state bodies, including at least two years of length of service on executive positions,
at least ten years of length of service in public service, including at least one year on political positions or positions of the case "A" or positions not below categories A-2, B-2, C-2, C-O-2, D-2, D-O-2, E-1;
at least eleven years of length of service in the spheres corresponding to the functional directions of specific position of this category including at least five years on executive positions

Availability of obligatory knowledge, skills, necessary for execution of functional obligations on specific position


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