of September 16, 2019 No. 775
About further enhancement of single scale of charges on compensation
In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 21, 2019 the No. UP-5723 "About Enhancement of Procedure for Determination of the Amount of Compensation, Pensions and Other Payments" Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Assume as a basis the Single scale of charges on compensation the minimum wage and approve the Single scale of charges on compensation according to appendix No. 1.
2. To provide to the organizations using the Single scale of charges on compensation as basis of the organization of compensation of workers timely recalculation of the applied tariff coefficients proceeding from the minimum wage.
3. To the ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide in the draft of the concept of radical reforming of wages system of state bodies, state-financed and state organizations developed according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 13, 2018 No. UP-5553 "About Increase in the Sizes of the Salary, Pensions, Grants and Benefits":
single methodical approach to determination of the amount of compensation and other types of material stimulation of employees of bodies of the public and economic board;
abolition of the differentiation existing now in compensation between the ministries and departments, including their territorial subdivisions, owing to establishment to the separate ministries and departments of the raising coefficients to the tariff charges, and also groups on compensation of public authorities on places;
establishment of direct dependence of the amount of material stimulation on key performance indicators of activities of the worker, its professional competences, degrees of complexity and responsibility of the carried-out labor functions.
4. Make changes and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.
5. Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 3.
6. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the Minister of Finance D. A. Kuchkarov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 16, 2019 No. 775
Categories of compensation |
Tariff coefficients |
1 |
1,000 |
2 |
1,053 |
3 |
1,106 |
4 |
1,158 |
5 |
1,269 |
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