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of September 11, 2019 No. 609

About questions in the field of heat supply

(as amended on 21-02-2024)

Based on the paragraph of the fifth of article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2008 "About Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" and for the purpose of enhancement of state regulation in the field of heat supply of consumers the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 424-Z

1. Approve Rules of heat supply (are applied).

2. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 16, 1998 No. 1753 "About procedure for development and approval of instructions for use heat energy, the natural and liquefied gas, oil processing products";

subitem 1.3 of Item 1 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 28, 2007 No. 253 "About modification and amendments in some resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus";

Item 2 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2011 No. 1394 "About approval of Rules of electric utility service".

3. To republican state bodies, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom in three-months time to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution and to take other measures for its realization.

4. To make to Department of Energy and the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities explanations on application of the Rules of heat supply approved by this resolution.

5. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication, except for Item 3, of this resolution which is becoming effective from the date of official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Rumas

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 11, 2019 No. 609

Rules of heat supply

Section I. General provisions

Chapter 1. General questions

1. The these rules developed according to the Civil code of the Republic of Belarus, other acts of the legislation determine procedure:

relations of consumers of heat energy with the power supplying organizations for the conclusion, execution, change, prolongation and the termination of agreements of heat supply;

accessions of systems of heatconsumption to thermal networks;

creation and applications of schedules of restriction and emergency shutdown of consumers of heat energy and capacity;

organizations of accounting of heat energy and heat carrier, and also calculations for heat energy and heat carrier.

These rules do not extend much rendering housing and communal services on heat supply and hot water supply.

2. Need of approval of these rules is caused by specifics of supply with heat energy and its consumption, at the same time are considered:

condition that heat energy is goods;

continuity of technology communication of production, transfer, distribution, sale and consumption of heat energy;

state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of energy saving;

potential danger of heatinstallations, heattechnical equipment and constructions.

3. In these rules the following main terms and their determinations are used:

the subscriber – the consumer whose systems of heatconsumption are directly attached to thermal networks of the power supplying organization or the organization performing transfer of heat energy (further if other is not determined, – the heatsupplying organization), the agreement of heat supply having border of balance sheet accessory with these organizations and signed with the power supplying organization, in the apartment apartment house – the authorized person on management of common property, the organization performing operation of housing stock and (or) providing housing and communal services, partnership of owners or the organization of builders;

emergency armor of heat supply – the minimum consumed thermal power or amount of heat energy providing condition of heatinstallations of the consumer, safe for personnel and the environment, with completely stopped engineering procedure;

the inspection report (admission) of heatinstallation and (or) thermal network (further – the inspection report (admission) – the document constituted by body of the state energy and gas supervision (further – body of gosenergogaznadzor) in the form determined by the Department of Energy;

the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory and operational responsibility of the parties – the document constituted by the power supplying organization together with the subscriber, the wholesale consumer reseller or the organization performing transfer of heat energy, or the subscriber with the subsubscriber, or the organization performing transfer of heat energy, with the subscriber in the form established by the Department of Energy and the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, determining limits of the property Section of thermal networks (heatinstallations), and also the Section of thermal networks (heatinstallations) by responsibility for their technical condition and servicing, in text and graphical parts of which are reflected elements of thermal networks (heatinstallations) of the power supplying organization and the subscriber;

balance sheet accessory – reflected in balance (documents on structure and property value) the organization or the individual entrepreneur property accessory on the property right, economic maintaining or operational management or property accessory by the right of management of common property, granted according to the legislation and (or) the signed agreement of management of common property;

non-accounting consumption of heat energy – consumption of out-of-pocket heat energy of settlement accounting of heat energy, and also with violation established by the agreement of heat supply and (or) the legislation of requirements to the organization of settlement accounting of heat energy from the subscriber expressed in intervention in work of means of settlement accounting of heat energy, non-compliance with the terms of the state checking established by the legislation or failure to provide of safety of means of settlement accounting of heat energy, obligation on observance or providing which it is assigned to the subscriber, and in other actions of the subscriber which led to misstatement of data on the actual amount of consumption of heat energy;

ventilation – the natural or artificial regulated air exchange in rooms (the closed spaces) providing admissible parameters of microclimate and purity of air according to the requirements established by technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance;

external heat supply – part of system of heat supply from thermal networks (the thermal camera), the central heat distribution station of the power supplying organization, being in operation at the time of preparation and issue of specifications on accession (connection) of heatinstallations of consumers to thermal networks of the power supplying organization, to the central heat distribution station, individual thermal Item or before input to the building of the consumer (in case of lack of individual thermal Item);

water system of heat supply – system of heat supply in which the heat carrier is the network chemically purified water prepared according to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance;

hot water supply – providing with hot water by means of use of system, complex of the devices intended for heating of tap water of drinking quality for the purpose of satisfaction of sanitary and hygienic and economic requirements;

border of balance sheet accessory – the line of the property Section of thermal networks (heatinstallations) between the power supplying organization and the subscriber, the wholesale consumer reseller or the organization performing transfer of heat energy, or the subscriber and the subsubscriber, or the organization performing transfer of heat energy, and the subscriber designated on the scheme of thermal networks and fixed by the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory and operational responsibility of the parties;

limit of operational responsibility of the parties – the line of the Section of thermal networks (heatinstallations) on responsibility for their technical condition and servicing designated on the scheme of thermal networks and fixed by the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory and operational responsibility of the parties;

the agreement of heat supply – the agreement of power supply under which the power supplying organization shall give to the subscriber through the attached network heat energy and the heat carrier and the subscriber shall pay the accepted heat energy, the heat carrier, to observe the mode of its consumption provided by the agreement, to ensure safety of operation of the thermal networks (heatinstallations) which are in its property, economic maintaining, operational management or belonging to it by the right of management of common property and operability of the metering devices of heat energy and other equipment connected with consumption of heat energy used by it;

individual thermal Item (further – ITP) – thermal Item for accession of systems of heating, heat supply, installations of systems of ventilation, hot water supply and technology heatinstallations of one building or its part to thermal networks;

quality of heat energy – set of heatphysical parameters of vapor (temperature, pressure, humidity), waters (temperature and pressure in the giving and return pipelines), air and other gases (temperature, pressure) ensuring functioning of systems of heat supply and heatconsumption according to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance;

quality of the heat carrier – set of the physical and chemical indicators of the heat carrier causing degree of its suitability for normal work of systems of heatconsumption according to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance;

condensate – product of condensation of the vaporous heat carrier after its use by heatinstallations of the consumer;

the high-level thermal network – thermal network from heatsource to branch to the central heat distribution station or to distribution thermal network (quarter) or to branch to consumers (in the absence of the central heat distribution station);

condensate non-return – amount of the not returned condensate or returned, but on quality which is not meeting the standards established by technical regulatory legal acts, the agreement of heat supply, obligatory for observance;

unproductive (above-standard) leakage of the heat carrier – loss of the heat carrier from thermal networks and (or) systems of heatconsumption in case of rushes, fistulas, discharges, water analyses, non-accounting, unauthorized consumption of the heat carrier and another;

unproductive losses of heat energy – the losses caused by unsatisfactory technical condition of the heatusing equipment, systems of regulation and thermal networks or the unsatisfactory organization of their operation;

normative leakage of the heat carrier – hour losses of the heat carrier which amount does not exceed the value regulated by requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance;

the normalized losses of heat energy – the amount of the normalized losses of heat energy through pipelines insulation and with productive leakage of the heat carrier from thermal networks and heatinstallations;

object – capital structure (the building, construction) which system of heatconsumption is attached (or is subject to accession) to thermal networks of the power supplying organization or the organization performing transfer of heat energy;

final settlement – calculation of payment amount for the heat energy which is actually consumed by the subscriber in settlement period, the heat carrier which is made by the power supplying organization after settlement period based on these metering devices of heat energy, in case of their absence – settlement way in accordance with the established procedure;

the wholesale consumer reseller – the legal entity having thermal networks in property, economic maintaining or operational management, conducting based on the agreement of heat supply wholesale purchase of heat energy at the power supplying organization, its transfer, distribution and sale to the subscribers on contractual basis;

the organization performing transfer of heat energy – the organization having thermal networks in property, economic maintaining or operational management, which signed with the power supplying organization the agreement on transfer of heat energy through the networks for subscribers of the power supplying organization;

open system of heat supply (hot water supply) – technology connected complex of engineering constructions intended for heat supply and hot water supply by selection of hot water from thermal networks;

heating – artificial heating of placements for the purpose of compensation to them thermal losses and maintenance at the set level of temperature determined by requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance, for the people who are in the room or requirements of the engineering procedure happening in it;

the conservation zone of thermal network – the territory with special conditions of land use which borders are established along thermal network according to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance, of other acts of the legislation in the field of power and exceptions of possibility of their damage and damnification of life are necessary for ensuring safe operation of thermal networks, for health of citizens, property of legal entities and physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs;

the payer – the subscriber paying the accepted heat energy, the heat carrier, or the third party to whom the subscriber entrusted in coordination with the power supplying organization constantly or temporarily to perform for it payment of the consumed (consumed) heat energy, the heat carrier;

the consumer – the legal entity, the individual entrepreneur, the citizen using heat energy whose system of heatconsumption is attached to the thermal networks which are in property, economic maintaining, operational management of the power supplying organization or the organization performing transfer of heat energy;

the metering device of heat energy (means of settlement accounting) – the device or complex of devices (measuring instruments) intended for determination of amount of heat, having functions of measurement (registration) of amount (weight) and parameters of the heat carrier, which underwent the state checking according to the legislation in the field of ensuring unity of measurements and accepted by the power supplying organization as the commercial metering device of heat energy in accordance with the established procedure;

productive leakage of the heat carrier – loss of the heat carrier from thermal networks and systems of heatconsumption during repair, pressure testing, testing, washing and filling of systems of heatconsumption, and also loss, work-related processing equipment of heatsources and thermal networks;

distribution thermal network (quarter) – the thermal network which is branch from the high-level thermal network to the central heat distribution station, thermal network from the central heat distribution station to ITP or before input to the building (in case of absence of ITP);

settlement period – the period of time established by the agreement of heat supply for which shall be considered and paid by the subscriber the consumed heat energy and the heat carrier;

the heatconsumption mode – process of consumption of heat energy and the heat carrier with observance by the subscriber of obligatory characteristics of this process according to regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts, and terms of the contract of heat supply, obligatory for observance;


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