of December 8, 1993 No. 2572-XII
About the administrative-territorial device of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The administrative-territorial device of the Republic of Kazakhstan are a part of the system administrative and territorial units: the village, the settlement, the rural district, the area in the city, the city, the area, the area.
1. For implementation of public administration on the basis of optimum combination of republican and local interests the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is subdivided into two main categories - regions and settlements.
2. The region is the part of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan including several settlements, formed and managed for the benefit of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Regions are the area, the area and the rural district as the main links of the republican administrative-territorial device.
The area consists of the cities of regional value and areas.
The area consists of the cities of district value, villages, settlements, rural districts with the total number of populations no more than 300 thousand people.
The rural district consists of two and more rural settlements with the total number of population at least 500 people.
3. The settlement is the part of compactly populated territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan which developed as a result of economic and other public work of citizens, with population at least 50 people, considered and registered in the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and managed by local representative and executive bodies.
Country and other settlements with population less than 50 people are included the next settlement.
4. The settlements which are in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are subdivided on city and rural:
1) the cities of republican, regional and district value, and also the settlements which are in the territory of their administrative subordination belong to city settlements;
2) all other settlements irrespective of their administrative subordination belong to rural settlements.
5. Settlements have components.
Components of settlements are residential districts, areas in the city, the square, avenues, boulevards, streets, lanes, parks, squares, bridges and other parts.
The area in the city is the area in the city of regional value, the city of republican value, the capital. The area in the city of regional value, the city of republican value, the capital is created in case of population in them over 400 thousand people. Population of the area in the city shall make at least 200 thousand people.
Settlements are subdivided on:
1) the cities of republican value to which the settlements having special state value or population more than one million people belong;
2) the cities of regional value to which the settlements which are the large economic and cultural centers, having the developed production and social infrastructure and population more than 50 thousand people belong;
3) the cities of district value to which settlements in the territory of which there are industrial enterprises, municipal services, the state housing stock, the developed network of the organizations of education and health care, cultural and educational and shopping facilities, with population at least 10 thousand people belong;
4) settlements to which settlements with population at least 3 thousand people belong.
The settlements located in the area having medical value with population at least 2 thousand people from whom the number of visitors annually for treatment and rest constitutes at least a half are also equated to settlements. Also housing estates which are places of summer holiday of citizens in which at least 25 percent of adult population constantly go in for agricultural industry concern to them;
5) villages - settlements with population at least 50 people.
1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the administrative-territorial device is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. If the international treaty ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes other rules, than those which are provided by this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.
The president and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local representative and executive bodies within the powers make decisions on education and abolition of administrative and territorial units, establishment and change of their borders, their name and renaming.
The central and local executive bodies within the powers make the decision on assignment of names, renaming, refining and change of transcription of their names and assignment of own names of persons to the state legal entities, legal entities with participation of the state based on the conclusion of the Republican onomastichesky commission.
The expenses connected with the name and renaming of areas, areas, cities are made at the expense of budgetary funds.
The Onomastichesky commissions are created for the purpose of streamlining of work on the name and renaming of administrative and territorial units, components of settlements, the airports, ports, railway stations, railway stations, stations of the subway, bus stations, bus stations, physiographic and other objects of state-owned property in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to refining and change of transcription of their names and assignment of own names of persons to the state legal entities, legal entities with participation of the state, and also to recovery, preserving historical names as component of historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Under authorized body the Republican onomastichesky commission is formed, under local executive bodies of areas, cities of republican value, the capitals are formed respectively the onomastichesky commissions of areas, cities of republican value, the capital.
Settlements which number of resident population more than fifty people and which are considered as independent settlements are subject to accounting and registration.
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