It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On October 4, 2002 No. 1178
of September 10, 2002 No. 433
About approval of Rules of the organization of work with personnel at the companies of energy production
According to the Provision "About the State Supervision Agency in Power Industry (Uzgosenergonadzor)", the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the resolution of 24.02.2001 to No. 94 and taking into account the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 25.04.2002 No. 141 "About modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan", I order:
1. Approve the enclosed "Rules of the organization of work with personnel at the companies of energy production".
2. Enact this order after ten days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. From the date of entry into force of this order to declare invalid the regulating document (RD RUZ 34-415-96 Ministries of Energy of RUZ) "Rules of the organization of work with personnel at the companies of energy production" approved by the Department of Energy and electrification of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 01.01.97.
4. To impose control of execution of this order on the First Deputy CEO Ya. N. Hozhiyev.
B. M. Teshabayev
Approved by the Order of the Uzgosenergonadzor agency of September 10, 2002 No. 433
These rules based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About labor protection", resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 1, 2004 No. 96 "About transformation of the State agency on supervision in power industry in the State inspectorate for supervision in power industry" install single system of the organization of work on labor protection at the companies of energy production.
It is excluded according to the Order registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 05.01.2018 No. 1178-3
1. According to article 5 of the Law the Republic of Uzbekistan "About labor protection" the main directions of state policy in the field of labor protection are:
providing priority of life and health of the worker;
development and implementation of state programs in the field of labor protection;
coordination of activities of bodies of the public and economic board, public authorities on places in the field of labor protection;
establishment of requirements in the field of labor protection for all organizations;
implementation of the state supervision and control of observance of requirements of labor protection;
social protection of workers, victims of labor accidents or got occupational diseases.
1-1. These rules extend to personnel of the companies irrespective of their form of business performing designing, operation, the organization and control of operation of the equipment, the buildings and constructions which are part of electrical power production, and also performing construction, commissioning and repair works at the companies of energy production.
Requirements of these rules shall be considered in instructions and provisions, and also the organizational and administrative documents existing at the companies of energy production.
2. Working conditions at the company, on each workplace shall conform to requirements of standards, rules and regulations for labor protection.
3. The company shall allocate for labor protection necessary funds in the amount of, determined by the collective agreement and if it is not concluded, - under the agreement between the employer and trade-union committee, or other representative body of workers.
4. The companies can create fund for labor protection by profit (income) from their business and other activity, and also other sources which are not forbidden by the legislation.
According to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About labor protection" functions of security service of work can be performed by professional participants of the market of services in the field of labor protection on contractual basis.
5. All employees of the companies, including heads, shall be trained, instructing, examination and recertification in the terms established for their professions and work types by the state bodies exercising public administration of labor protection with participation of labor union and (or) other representative bodies of workers.
6. Work with personnel at the company is one of fundamental obligations of all heads and specialists of this company.
Responsibility for work with personnel is conferred on the director.
Forms of work with personnel depending on employee category are established according to the table in the appendix N1 to these rules.
7. Leading employees and specialists of higher bodies of management shall take part in work with personnel of jurisdictional enterprises.
8. The company sending personnel on objects for performance of works bears responsibility for compliance of qualification of the sent personnel to the performed work, knowledge and observance by these personnel of requirements of Rules of technical operation of power plants and networks of the Republic of Uzbekistan (reg. No. 1405 of September 10, 2004) (further - Rules of technical operation), Safety regulations in case of operation of electroinstallations (reg. No. 1614 of August 18, 2006) (further - Safety regulations), Fire safety regulations for the energy companies (reg. No. 1341 of April 22, 2004) (further - Fire safety regulations), production instructions and other leading and administrative documents in the amount established for workers of these objects.
9. Work with persons combining professions (position) shall be carried out in full both on the main, and by the combined profession (position).
10. The work with personnel established by Rules shall be carried out in working (with separation of workers from accomplishment of the main functions) time.
11. The workers occupied on the hard work connected with harmful or dangerous working conditions undergo, obligatory preliminary (in case of revenues to work) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations for determination of their suitability to the charged work and preventions of occupational diseases.
The list of harmful production factors and works in case of which accomplishment preliminary and periodic medical examinations are performed and procedure for their carrying out is established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
12. Heads shall in cases, stipulated by the legislation, organize performing preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers.
13. According to article 24 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About labor protection" in case of evasion of workers from passing of medical examinations or failure to carry out of the recommendations issued by the medical commissions on results of the conducted examinations by them, the director has the right not to allow them to work.
14. Work with personnel will be organized and carried out according to the annual plans approved by the chief engineer of the company.
15. Plans shall contain works on the following directions:
training of new workers;
retraining and training of workers in the second and adjacent professions;
advanced training;
organization of work of technical libraries, technical offices, offices for safe engineering and fire safety, centers and Items of training preparation;
accomplishment of actions for equipment of educational material resources;
executive training preceding an examination and specialists;
special preparation;
holding control fire-proof and antiemergency trainings;
briefings on safe engineering and fire safety;
holding actions for safe engineering and fire safety;
competitions in professional skill;
conducting checks of workplaces;
accomplishment of sanitary and hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and rehabilitation actions;
periodic performing medical examination;
collective forms of work with personnel.
16. The management of process of preparation and advanced training of workers, leading employees and specialists is assigned to the chief engineer of the company.
17. Planning, the organization and control of works on training of new workers, to retraining and advanced training of workers, leading employees and specialists shall be performed by personnel department with involvement of specialists (groups of specialists, sectors, departments) of training or employees of other services to whom these functions are assigned.
18. Planning and the organization of work with heads of structural divisions and persons who are directly subordinated to the director shall be performed by the chief engineer of the company.
19. At the company specialized industrial practice Items (permanent rates, the centers of training and computer preparation, etc.) the technical library, technical office, office of safe engineering and fire safety intended for ensuring production adaptation and acquisition of qualification skills of personnel shall function.
Industrial practice rates for training of personnel shall have grounds, educational classes, shall be equipped with technical means of training and training, to have opportunity to involve in teaching highly qualified specialists of the companies and other organizations.
19-1. According to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About labor protection" in each company, performing productive activity numbering fifty and more workers, the security service of work is created or the position of the labor protection specialist having the corresponding preparation is entered. In the company, numbering fifty and more vehicles, the service on traffic safety is also created or the position of the security specialist of traffic is entered.
In the company numbering less than fifty workers the decision on creation of security service of work or introduction of position of the labor protection specialist is accepted by the director taking into account specifics of activities of this company.
The security service of work and service on traffic safety are independent structural divisions of the company and submit directly to his head.
Security service specialists of work have the right to control observance by all workers of requirements of rules and regulations on labor protection, to issue to heads of structural divisions instructions, obligatory for execution, about elimination of the revealed violations, and also to bring representation to the director about accountability of persons violating requirements of regulating documents in the field of regulatory legal acts concerning labor protection.
20. Persons having professional education shall be allowed to preparation on new position.
21. The persons who do not have the corresponding education or work experience, both again accepted, and transferred to new position shall be trained according to these rules.
22. For the under construction or reconstructed power station the advancing preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel shall be provided.
Aggregate term of the advancing retraining of personnel shall join terms:
the theoretical preparation necessary for work in the conditions of use of the new equipment and technology, more committed labor organization;
the practical preparation including training on operating plants (including foreign);
participation in commissioning in specific conditions of the enacted equipment of the company.
Duration of preparation is chosen depending on complexity and capacity of the entered equipment, novelty and complexity of engineering procedures.
23. Training of personnel on new position is carried out according to the plans and programs approved by the chief engineer of the company for each position, each workplace.
Depending on employee category the training, examination, duplication, control trainings, short-run job on workplace shall be provided in the program.
24. Training of operational heads is carried out according to the individual programs approved by the chief engineer of the company.
The program of training of operational heads shall provide the following forms of preparation according to the table the appendix N2 to these rules: training, examination, duplication and short-run job on the main workplaces of operation personnel which direct heads they will be, and also training on workplaces with the equipment which will be under their operational authority.
Need of each stage of training of operational heads is established depending on compliance of education, level of technical knowledge, years of service of practical work on adjacent positions, post before preparation on new position, taking into account technical complexity of object.
25. Workers of the companies construction, building industry, mechanical engineering, and also adjustment, repair and auxiliary productions, again accepted to the state and earlier not trained in safe production methods of works, within one month from the date of transfer shall be trained in safe production methods of works on the program approved by the chief engineer of the company. Before training and examination such workers (without observation from experienced workers) are not allowed to independent performance of works.
26. All again accepted workers shall be trained (within one month from the date of transfer) in acceptances of first-aid treatment by the victim on adopted agenda by specialists (instructors reanimators).
27. In case of assumption of office the operation, operational and repair, maintenance, adjustment personnel and workers of the companies construction, building industry, mechanical engineering and auxiliary productions shall pass training on workplace. The training is held under the leadership of the responsible training person.
28. The admission to training is drawn up by the administrative document (the order, the order) of the director of division. In the document calendar terms of training and surname of the responsible training persons are specified.
29. Training duration on each workplace is established individually taking into account profession (position), readiness of the trainee and shall constitute from 2 to 20 changes.
30. Training of trainees shall be carried out by the experienced specialists having the sufficient level of practical and theoretical knowledge.
31. In the course of the training the prepared worker shall:
acquire practical application on workplace of Rules of technical operation of power plants and networks, Fire safety regulations, Safety regulations and instructions for labor protection;
study schemes, production and job descriptions which knowledge is obligatory for work in this position.
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