Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 9, 2019 No. 329

About national and sports national teams of the Republic of Belarus

For the purpose of support of the leading Belarusian athletes and trainers, creation of additional terms for their preparation and participation in sporting events:

1. Determine that the Ministry of Sport and tourism concerning national and sports national teams of the Republic of Belarus (further, unless otherwise specified, - national and sports national teams) and RGOO "Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Fleet of the Republic of Belarus" (further - DOSAAF) concerning national teams on technical and aviation sports:

determine sports on which form national and sports national teams, national teams on technical and aviation sports, provide their sports preparation;

perform annual forming of national and national teams on sports, national teams on technical and aviation sports within the established number, assignment from these teams according to the procedure, determined by the Ministry of Sport and tourism in coordination with DOSAAF;

determine procedure for forming of models of training of national and national teams on sports, national teams by technical and aviation sports and individual plans of sports training of athletes of these teams;

establish forms of models of training of national and national teams on sports, national teams on technical and aviation sports and individual plans of sports training of athletes of these teams.

2. For implementation of preparation and participation in the Olympic Games, the World Cups, Europe and other sporting events within fulfillment of duties on positions of athletes-instructors, trainers, other specialists for a period of up to one year can be enlisted:

in national teams on sports - the military personnel including undergoing military service (further, unless otherwise specified, - the military personnel), faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of the Investigative Committee, the State committee of judicial examinations, law-enforcement bodies, financial investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and divisions on emergency situations (further - faces of the commanding and ordinary structure);

in national teams on technical and aviation sports - the military personnel undergoing military service.

The number of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure, the enlisted in national teams on sports or national teams on technical and aviation sports (further, unless otherwise specified, - national teams), are included into the number of staff of these teams.

3. Transfer of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure is performed in coordination with the serviceman, person of the commanding and ordinary structure and the head of relevant organ of service:

in national teams on sports - according to the decision of the Minister of sport and tourism;

in national teams on technical and aviation sports - according to the decision of the chairman of central office of DOSAAF.

4. In case of transfer in national teams military personnel, persons of the commanding and ordinary structure are exempted from execution of job (office) responsibilities in bodies of service with preserving positions in bodies of service on which were accepted.

5. Bodies of service have the right to involve the military personnel, persons of the commanding and ordinary structure enlisted in national teams, to accomplishment of the tasks according to the procedure, determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

6. For the military personnel, persons of the commanding and ordinary structure enlisted in national teams the rights, guarantees, compensations, conditions and procedure for providing with cash allowance, food and ware property, stipulated by the legislation for this category of persons remain.

7. Upon termination of the stay term in national teams determined in the decision of the Minister of sport and tourism or the chairman of central office of DOSAAF, military personnel, persons of the commanding and ordinary structure can be enlisted in national teams according to the procedure, established in Items 3 and 4 of this Decree, for a period of up to one year taking into account the sports results achieved by them.

8. In case of dismissal of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure enlisted in national teams from bodies of service they are subject to assignment from national teams.

9. The Ministry of Sport and tourism or DOSAAF concerning the military personnel, the faces of the commanding and ordinary structure enlisted in national teams, respectively:

provides sports preparation according to the procedure and on the conditions established for athletes-instructors and coaches of national teams according to models of training of national teams;

sends to bodies of service the republican schedule of holding sporting events or the schedule of holding sporting events on technical, aviation, military and applied and office and applied sports;

provides the direction on the sporting events included in the republican schedule of holding sporting events or the schedule of holding sporting events on technical, aviation, military and applied and office and applied sports;

petitions before bodies of service for encouragement or attraction to disciplinary responsibility;

performs issue of prizes in cash or natural form and payment of remunerations;

provides payment of scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus in the field of physical culture and sport;

makes the decision on assignment for failure to carry out of the established standard rates and (or) systematic violation of the obligations from national teams with the notification of the head of relevant organ of service.

10. The Ministry of Sport and tourism has the right to delegate to the centers of the Olympic preparation subordinated to it (further - the centers) powers on ensuring sports training of national and national teams on sports, including the military personnel, persons of the commanding and ordinary structure enlisted in national teams on sports.

In these cases centers:

bring in the Ministry of Sport and tourism of the offer on inclusion of athletes, trainers and other specialists in structures of national and national teams on sports and exception of them on the bases, stipulated by the legislation;

perform sports training of national and national teams on sports;

perform other functions provided in Item 11 of this Decree and also other acts of the legislation.

11. The Ministry of Sport and tourism, the centers in case of delegation of powers by it according to Item 10 of this Decree or DOSAAF respectively:

11.1. conclude (prolong) or stop employment contracts (contracts) with the athletes, trainers and other specialists entering the number of staff of national teams, except for the military personnel, persons of the commanding and ordinary structure enlisted in national teams;

11.2. conclude (prolong) or stop civil agreements:

with the athletes of national teams who are not entering the number of staff of these teams;

with athletes of national teams of the Republic of Belarus on sports;


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