Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 9, 2019 No. 607

About approval of specific requirements

Based on Item 2 of general requirements of fire safety to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve specific requirements for ensuring fire safety when implementing exploration works (are applied).

2. Grant to the Ministry of Emergency Situations the right to explain questions of application of specific requirements for ensuring fire safety when implementing the exploration works approved by this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Rumas

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of September 9, 2019 No. 607

Specific requirements for ensuring fire safety when implementing exploration works

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These specific requirements establish requirements for ensuring fire safety when implementing exploration works.

These specific requirements are developed according to Item 2 of general requirements of fire safety to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing and are obligatory for observance by legal entities (heads (officials), workers) and the individual entrepreneurs who are carrying out exploration works (further - the organizations).

2. The responsibility for violation and (or) failure to carry out of these specific requirements is established according to the legislation.

3. For the purposes of these specific requirements terms and their determinations in the values determined by general requirements of fire safety to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing are applied.

Chapter 2. Obligations of heads (officials) on ensuring fire safety

4. The head of the organization shall:

set in the organization fire prevention regime (the equipment of smoking areas, determination of procedure for carrying out hot work, survey and closing of rooms after completion of work, cleaning of combustible waste, use of electric heaters and other actions), to constantly control observance of requirements of fire safety by all employees of the organization;

provide carrying out at least two times in year of trainings on working off of practical actions of workers for ensuring safe evacuation of people in case of the fire according to the all-object instruction on fire safety with creation of the act of any form in which shall be specified date of action, the fulfilled actions according to the all-object instruction on fire safety, the officials giving the training classes, number of people which were taking part in them.

5. Persons responsible for fire safety of certain buildings (constructions), rooms and other sites shall:

ensure fire safety and fire prevention regime on the fixed sites;

know fire risk of engineering procedure, and also the substances and materials applied and stored on the fixed site (in the workshop, the room), to fulfill requirements of joint storage of substances and materials;

develop and submit for approval to the head of the organization of the instruction on fire safety and plans of evacuation of people in case of the fire;

exercise control of execution by subordinate workers of requirements of fire safety;

know instructions for use the available means of fire protection and fire extinguishing, means of communication and to provide their operability and working capacity. About all found violations of requirements of fire safety and defects of means of fire protection and fire extinguishing, means of communication without delay to report the head of the organization (structural division) and to take measures for their elimination;

provide upon termination of the working day (change) carrying out cleaning of workplaces and rooms, electricity outage, except for emergency lighting and electroinstallations which under the terms of engineering procedure of production shall work round the clock.

6. Heads of engineering services of the organization shall:

organize control of condition of processing equipment, means of fire protection and fire extinguishing, ensuring fire safety when carrying out hot work and to take corrective measures;

give help to engineering employees of divisions concerning ensuring fire safety;

provide fulfillment of requirements of fire safety when carrying out reconstruction, repair and other work types.

Chapter 3. Requirements of fire safety in case of the operation of processing equipment, pipelines and pumps repumping flammable and combustible liquids

7. In production schedules shall be provided and reflected in production instructions:

requirements of fire safety in case of the cleaning of internal surfaces of processing equipment and pipelines repumping flammable and combustible liquids (further - pipelines), from combustible deposits;

security measures when cleaning internal surfaces of processing equipment and pipelines of the igniting spontaneously deposits.

8. In order to avoid dangerous dynamic loads and temperature impacts on processing equipment and pipelines it is not allowed:

it is sharp to change pressure or temperature in case of their start-up, work and (or) stop;

change project (passport) intensity of increase or decrease in process parameters in time;

allow the increased vibration of machines and pipelines;

operate processing equipment and pipelines with defective temperature compensators.

9. In case of operation of processing equipment, pipelines and pumps it is not allowed:

apply flexible hoses (rubber, plastic and similar) as stationary pipelines. Application of flexible hoses for accomplishment of transactions of discharge (filling) in special reservoirs and other non-standard equipment, and also for accomplishment of auxillary operations is allowed;

make cleaning of the combustible and igniting spontaneously deposits with iskroobrazuyushchy devices and materials.

10. Latches and other locking devices on pipelines shall reside in good repair and provide possibility of the reliable termination of receipt of product to certain sites of pipelines. Application for opening (closing) of latches of the tool from materials which can cause sparking is not allowed. Access to latches shall be free.

11. The temperature compensators excluding free temperature lengthening of the pipelines transporting hot products shall be in good repair.


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