of April 28, 2000 No. 167
About standard rates of remaining balance of finished goods in warehouses of industrial enterprises
For the purpose of enhancement of the mechanism of determination of above-standard remaining balance of finished goods in warehouses of industrial enterprises taking into account seasonal accumulating and industry specifics of production, ensuring reliability of statistical information the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Accept Minmakroekonomstat's proposal of the Republic of Uzbekistan about establishment of standard rates of remaining balance of finished goods according to appendix No. 1.
2. Approve the list of seasonal products and terms of its accumulating according to appendix No. 2.
3. Determine that in warehouses of industrial enterprises do not join in calculations of above-standard remaining balance of finished goods:
products which storage is established by mobilization tasks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
exchange, repair and reserve funds of the equipment, products made by orders of state-financed organizations according to the approved estimates of their expenses and timely not demanded by receivers.
4. Minmakroekonomstatu of the Republic of Uzbekistan to bring the corresponding amendments in the Method of calculation of above-standard remaining balance of finished goods and to bring them to the companies and the organizations.
5. To heads of the ministries, departments, corporations, concerns and associations:
in three-day time to bring the corresponding average standard rates of remaining balance of finished goods to the companies;
provide carrying out continuous work on decrease in remaining balance of finished goods at jurisdictional enterprises, to timely analyze the reasons of their education, make relevant proposals in Minmakroekonomstat of the Republic of Uzbekistan on reducing above-standard remaining balance.
6. Consider by N176 which voided resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 14, 1996 and of June 6, 1997 N284.
7. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the corresponding deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
U. Sultanov
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 28, 2000 No. 167
Name of the ministries and departments |
Regulations of remaining balance of products in days |
JSC Ugol |
20 |
Uzbekneftegaz company |
20 |
Uzselkhozmash-holding company |
30 |
Uzplodoovoshchvinprom-holding company |
30 |
Uzstroymaterialy company |
20 |
Uzkhimprom association |
20 |
Uzmashprom association |
30 |
Uzeltekhprom association |
40 |
Uzavtoprom association |
20 |
20 * |
Almalyk MMC |
11 |
RHO "Special alloy" |
20 |
APO "Uzmetkombinat" |
12 |
JSC Uzbek Plant on Procurement and Conversion of Scrap, Waste of Non-ferrous Metals |
30 |
Uzbeklegprom state association |
30 |
State combining "Uzbekmebel" |
30 |
Uzryba state corporation |
30 |
Pishcheprom association |
20 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources |
15 |
Uzselkhozsnabremont |
20 |
Uzmontazhspetsstroy association |
20 |
NAC Uzbekiston havo yullari |
15 * |
Minkomobsluzhivaniye |
20 |
Uzavtotrans state corporation |
20 |
Society of blind people |
24 |
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The document ceased to be valid since February 22, 2021 according to Item 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 22, 2021 No. 87