Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  July 25, 2022 according to the Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of April 29, 2022 No. 24


of June 18, 2019 No. 26

About approval of the Instruction about procedure for approval of customs authorities of decisions

(as amended on 16-09-2019)

Based on Item part eight 3, economic zones, No. approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of January 31, 2006 66, and subitem 10.7 of Item 10 of the Regulations on the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 21, 2008 No. 228, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: parts two of subitem 10.2 of Item 10 of the Regulations on the free customs zones created in the territories free (special, special)

1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for approval of customs authorities of decisions it (is applied).

2. Declare invalid the resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of February 27, 2014 No. 7 "About approval of the Instruction about procedure for approval of customs of decisions of administrations of free (special) economic zones on determination of limits of free customs zones and about abolition of free customs zones".

3. This resolution becomes effective in ten days after its official publication.



It is approved

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus


Public institution "Administration of the free economic zone Brest


Public institution "Administration of the free economic zone Vitebsk


Public institution "Administration of the free economic zone Gomel-Raton


Public institution "Administration of the free economic zone Grodnoinvest


Public institution "Administration of the free economic zone Minsk


Public institution "Administration of the free economic zone Mogilev


Public institution "Administration of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park "Great Stone"



Approved by the Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus of June 18, 2019 No. 26

The instruction about procedure for approval of customs authorities of decisions

1. This Instruction determines procedure for approval of customs authorities of decisions of administrations free (special, special) economic zones (further - SEZ) or other legal entity authorized according to legal acts to set limits of free customs zones (further - the authorized person), about determination of limits of free customs zones (further - the decision on determination of limits of STZ) and decisions of administrations of SEZ or the authorized person on abolition of free customs zones (further - the decision on abolition of STZ).

2. For review the administration of SEZ or the authorized person sends decisions on determination of limits of STZ by means of system of interdepartmental electronic document management of state bodies (further – SMDO) to customs in which region of activities there is person for whom limits of free customs zone are determined (further – STZ), the appeal of administration of SEZ or the authorized person about approval of the decision on determination of limits of STZ of appendix of the following documents:

2.1. decisions on determination of limits of STZ signed by the head of administration of SEZ or the head of the authorized person or them the authorized deputy;

2.2. the short description of the investment project signed by the head of administration of SEZ or the head of the authorized person or them the authorized deputy, containing information on person for whom STZ limits are determined (accounting number of the payer, the full and abbreviated name, the location, information on activities which are supposed to be performed within STZ data on the goods assumed to production (obtaining) according to the investment project and (or) the real estate objects planned to construction), – if limits of STZ are determined for resident of SEZ;

2.3. the copy of the certificate on state registration of the legal entity for whom STZ limits, and in case of determination of limits of STZ for resident of SEZ also of the registration certificate as resident of SEZ are determined;

2.4. the plans schemes approved by administration of SEZ or the authorized person, and also person for whom STZ limits are determined:

the general territory of SEZ with indication of its borders (vykopirovka from the general scheme of the territory) and the locations of person for which limits of STZ in which borders of the territory STZ limits are determined are determined;

floor and (or) other spaces of resident of SEZ with binding to the area with indication of the location of resident of SEZ and adjacent streets;

capital structures (buildings), complex of capital structures (buildings), the equipped territories (in case of their availability) which join in STZ limits, with designation of places of entrance and departure in STZ, specifying of total area of STZ, the areas of capital structures (buildings), complex of capital structures (buildings), the equipped territory (in case of its availability), their functional purpose – if limits of STZ join the whole capital structure (building), complex of capital structures (buildings);

parts of capital structures (buildings), rooms in capital structures (buildings) with indication of the floor, the equipped territories (in case of their availability) which join in STZ limits, with designation of places of entrance and departure in STZ, specifying of total area of STZ, the areas of each part of capital structures (buildings), each room in capital structures (buildings), the equipped territory (in case of its availability), their functional purpose – if limits of STZ join parts of capital structures (buildings), rooms in capital structures (buildings);

the equipped territory with designation of places of entrance and departure in STZ, specifying of total area of STZ – if in the equipped territory included in STZ limits there are no capital structures (buildings), their parts, rooms in capital structures (buildings);


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