from 4 March, 2000 No. 77
About measures for strengthening of the mechanism of use of the cocoons of silkworm made in the republic
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 28, 2000 and for the purpose of creation of steady source of raw materials for development of the silk industry of the republic, deeper conversion of silk raw materials and release of competitive export-oriented silk products the Cabinet of Ministers decides NUP-2553 "About Streamlining of Export of Silk Products":
1. Determine that export out of republic limits, including through the commodity and raw exchanges, threads and yarn silk, yarn from schappes and other silk products (codes according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity 5004 00 - 5005 00) by the companies and the organizations irrespective of patterns of ownership and departmental subordination it is performed only for freely convertible currency.
2. Specify to hokima Bukhara (Husenov), Samarkand (Ruziyev), Namangan (Dzhabbarov) and Tashkent (Mirzakulov) of areas inadmissibility of adoption of unauthorized decisions on realization of cocoons of silkworm of harvest of 1999 to third parties.
Warn hokim of areas that they bear the personal responsibility for intervention in economic activity of the organizations which are part of Uzbekipaksanoat Association and assumption of realization of cocoons in defiance of established procedure.
3. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 25.05.2017 No. 314
4. To the ministry of external commercial relations, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzoptbirzhetorgu, the Ministry of agricultural and water economy, Uzbekipaksanoat Association, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, other interested departments, the companies and the organizations:
ensure safety of the grown-up harvest, cocoons and strict observance of established procedure of export of silk products out of republic limits;
on each fact of violation of established procedure of export out of limits of the republic of silk products to bring perpetrators to strict liability according to the legislation.
5. Determine that the cocoons of silkworm confiscated by customs authorities and other silk products are transferred in the procedure established by the legislation for conversion on the organizations, being part of Uzbekipaksanoat Association.
To the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with Uzbek of Ipaga association and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in ten-day time to determine the mechanism of transfer of the confiscated cocoons of silkworm, raw silk and schappes for their further conversion at the companies of silk industry.
6. ceased to be valid
7. Recognize invalid:
paragraph one of Item 1 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 15, 1999, N246;
the paragraph three Items 3 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 3, 1998, N144.
8. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Usmanov of M.3.
Cabinet of Ministers I. Karimov
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