of August 7, 2019 No. 525
About approval of specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements
Based on paragraph two of subitem 2.1 of Item 2 of general sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of organizations of education (are applied).
2. Grant to the Ministry of Health the right to explain questions of application of specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of the organizations of education approved by this resolution.
3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
S. Rumas
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019 No. 525
1. Are established by these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements:
general requirements to placement of organizations of education and their territory, planning structure of buildings, sanitary improvement, lighting of rooms, the equipment and content of rooms, the organizations of educational process and to education, inservice training, practice, daily routine, medical support of students in organizations of education;
separate requirements to organizations of education taking into account type of organization of education (to the organizations of preschool education, organizations of education realizing educational programs of general secondary education (further – organizations of general secondary education), vocational education, to the organizations of education realizing educational programs of vocational training (further – organizations of vocational training), to the organizations of education realizing educational programs of secondary vocational education (further – organizations of secondary vocational education), to organizations of additional education of children and youth, social and pedagogical organizations and boarding schools for orphan children and children without parental support);
requirements to food of students (general requirements to catering services of students, requirements to placement and the device of objects of food, the equipment, stock and ware, personal employee hygiene, transportation and storage of food staples and foodstuff in food objects, to food allowances of children, technology of preparation of dishes in objects of food of children).
The requirements which are not established by these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements are determined in Chapters 1-4 and 5 (regarding requirements to the swimming pool) general sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing.
2. These specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements extend to organizations of education (further, unless otherwise specified, – organizations) regardless of patterns of ownership and departmental accessory, except for educational and improving organizations.
These specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements regarding requirements to conditions and the organization of educational process, the device and the equipment of educational buildings (rooms) extend also to other organizations and the organizations in which educational programs of preschool, general secondary, vocational education, additional education of children and youth, other educational programs are implemented (the sanatorium organizations for children, the educational and improving centers, the improving centers (complexes), houses boarding schools for handicapped children with features of psychophysical development, the organization of health care (hospitals, children's homes), other organizations and the organizations).
The organization of activities of separate organizations of general secondary education (Suvorov Military School, specialized lyceum), special teaching and educational, special medical and educational facilities, other organizations of education is provided along with these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements local legal acts provided that the requirements stated in them shall not worsen conditions and the organization of educational process and education of students.
3. These specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements are obligatory for execution by state bodies, other organizations, individual entrepreneurs whose activities are connected with designing, construction, reconstruction, activities of organizations, their reshaping.
4. For the purposes of these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements terms and their determinations in the values established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7 "About development of entrepreneurship", the Code of the Republic of Belarus about education, the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 8, 2014 No. 128-Z "About state regulation of trade and public catering in the Republic of Belarus" and also the following terms and their determinations are used:
food object – object of public catering in organization and other object of public catering on condition of catering services of students;
food object for children – object of public catering in organization for children and other object of public catering on condition of catering services of children, the kitchen-dining room in the children's village (town);
food object for adults – object of public catering in organization for adults and other object of public catering on condition of catering services of students;
Item of the correctional and pedagogical help (further – PKPP) – structural division of organization of preschool education, organization of general secondary education, the center of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation in which correctional and pedagogical help is given to students;
organizations for children – organizations of preschool education, organization of general secondary, vocational, professional, secondary vocational education, additional education of children and youth, additional education of exceptional children and youth, social and pedagogical organizations, special teaching and educational and special medical and educational facilities;
organizations for adults – institutions of higher education in case of implementation of educational programs of the higher education (further – institutions of higher education), organizations of additional education of adults;
organizations for orphan children – social and pedagogical organizations (orphanage, the children's village (town), the social and pedagogical center including children's social shelter) and boarding schools for orphan children and children without parental support;
electronic tutorials – the electronic devices of input-output of information intended for its visual display (tablets, e-books and other similar electronic products) (further – VDT), personal electronic computers (further – PEVM), including monoblocks and portable (netbooks, laptops and other similar electronic products);
the places of residence of students – the residential, sleeping and other rooms providing conditions for accommodation of students in boarding schools and hostels of organizations of general secondary, vocational education, special teaching and educational and special medical and educational facilities, in organizations of preschool education and special kindergartens with the 24-hour mode of activities, social and pedagogical organizations, hostels under organizations of professional, secondary vocational, higher, additional education of adults.
5. Separate employee categories of organizations shall have obligatory medical examinations in case of revenues to work and further periodic surveys according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Health in coordination with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
Hygienic training shall be undergone:
workers of objects of food - before revenues to work and further once a year;
heads, tutors and assistants to tutors of organizations of preschool education, room cleaners, workers of swimming pools (operators and nurses of the chlorination installations) and laundries (linen keepers, workers on washing and repair of overalls and others), supply managers, deputy managers on administrative work of organizations - before revenues to work and further every two years;
workers of water constructions and sewer economy (plumbers) - before revenues to work and further once in three years.
6. Acceptance (receipt) of the child in organization and after the postponed disease, documents acceptance at the children arriving in organization of professional, secondary vocational, higher education shall be performed after submission of the medical certificate about the state of health.
For acceptance of the child the statement from medical documents shall be represented to organization for orphan children in addition to the medical certificate.
7. The head of organization shall provide:
sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing in organization, including passing of the ministerial procedures in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing provided by legal acts;
implementation of measures concerning students and workers for prohibition on smoking (consumption) of tobacco products, use of electronic systems of smoking, systems for consumption of tobacco in the territory and in premises of organization.
8. The parcel of land of organization shall be outside sanitary protection zones, provide withdrawal of surface water, have sidings.
9. The parcel of land of organization for children shall be protected on external perimeter with strip of shrubby plantings, trees, to have in addition construction barrier from the adjoining streets and drives or on all perimeter (organizations for orphan children, organizations of vocational, preschool education, special teaching and educational and special medical and educational facilities).
10. In the territory of organization for children:
during the designing and construction buildings and constructions, the engineering communications which are not intended for servicing of organization shall not be provided;
the device of the through passage is forbidden;
the area of gardening of the territory (trees, bushes, flower beds, lawns) shall constitute at least 40 percent;
the growing trees and bushes shall not shade training rooms.
11. Functional zones shall be allocated for the territories:
in organization for children - rest (games), sports, economic;
in institution of higher education - sports, economic;
in organization of additional education of adults - economic.
In the center of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation (further - TSKROIR) the correctional zone is in addition allocated for the territories (touch garden, touch paths and another).
In cadet schools the front parade-ground is in addition allocated for the territories.
According to design assignment in organization it can be allocated in addition educational-experimental and (or) production zones (subsidiary farm), residential and other zones.
Placement of sports zone from windows of training rooms is not allowed.
Approaches to organization buildings, entrances and entrances on its territory, walking paths shall have hard equal surface.
In the rest area (games) in organizations of preschool education, organizations for orphan children places with shadow canopies, verandahs or terraces are allocated.
12. The economic zone in organization shall have separate entrance. In it buildings of economic appointment, the platform for collection of solid municipal and food wastes shall be placed.
The platform for collection of solid municipal and food wastes shall be protected on height above reservoirs for collection of waste, have hard surface, be at distance at least 20 m from windows of the building of organization, rest areas (games) and sports zone.
Dustbins shall be with the closed covers.
In the territory and in the building of organization conditions for collection of garbage shall be created.
13. The territory of organization shall be lit in the evening. Level of illumination of the Earth's surface shall be at least 20th luxury, and playgrounds and sports zone - at least 40th luxury.
14. In the territory of organization the gaming and sports equipment shall be operational and it is good to give in to cleaning.
Sand for filling of sandboxes in organizations for children shall be delivered from the places which are specially established for this purpose with supporting documents about not excess of hygienic standard rates of content in it natural radionuclides and salts of heavy metals. Sand shall be net, without foreign impurity.
Upon termination of the working day of sandbox shall be closed by covers.
Before game sand shall be moistened.
15. The territory of organization shall be kept clean: to be cleared of solid waste, in winter time of path and the platform shall be cleared of snow and ice timely.
In winter time in organizations for children of path shall fall down sand, in organizations for adults other deicing means can be used.
Playgrounds prior to use if necessary are humidified with water.
In the territory of organization there shall not be neglected animals.
16. During the designing, construction, reconstruction, reshaping of organizations continuous insolation by direct sunshine (in the period from March 22 to September 22) the main rooms for children - at least 3 hours a day, for adults - at least 2 hours a day shall be provided, and also to be carried out hygienic standard rates of natural lighting of rooms that is provided with orientation of rooms on sides of the horizon and their layout.
17. The planning structure of buildings of organization shall provide allocation of the primary functional groups of rooms. Functional and planning communication between groups of training, residential, group, sleeping rooms with rooms of general purpose shall be provided (food object, sports, dancing, musical and assembly halls, the swimming pool, library, administrative and other rooms).
Certain rooms with stay of children (educational, residential, sleeping, group with the rest area, game) shall be removed from the rooms which are sources of noise, vibration, smells.
In the presence of separate buildings without transitions in each of them there shall be clothes for storage of outerwear.
Hostels for students under projectible, organizations under construction can be located in the certain building at distance no more than 500 m from the main building of organization.
18. In organizations height of rooms from floor to ceiling shall be at least 3 m. In the operating organizations the equipment of false ceilings on condition of preserving height of rooms from floor up to ceiling of at least 2,75 of m is allowed.
In organizations for children:
place in basement and first floors of the building training rooms, including laboratories, premises, group cells, rooms of medical appointment, sleeping rooms it is not allowed;
in case of entrances to buildings double platforms with heat-shielding shall be provided.
19. Project capacity of organizations for children shall provide the organization of educational process in one change.
The fullness of groups, classes, educational groups, associations is determined by the Code of the Republic of Belarus about education by interests of organizations and shall conform to sanitary and epidemiologic requirements regarding conditions of placement and the mode of educational process, including space allowances of one student in all rooms with stay of students.
20. The area of training rooms of organizations is established according to appendix 1 at the rate on one student in one change.
21. In the places of residence of students, except for children's villages (towns), premises in case of any of planning solutions (residential cells or corridor placement of premises) are grouped in residential sections.
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